Gingerbread House
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:04 am
This was a gingerbread house that I created during a dorms activity program. It is made of graham crackers, canned icing, and little candies. It was hilarious watching college students buliding houses that kept falling. Here is a few tips if your going to build the house. Use LOTS of frosting. If you are building a box structure for the house, place a big graham cracker as the foundation and place a couple graham crackers in middle to help hold up the walls. If all else fails, you can do what I did and just stick several graham crackers together to create the house. and then took two graham crackers on top to make roof. Then, you just decorate with candy to hide the face you stuck all the graham crackers together. I can't get the picture to load . I will have to figure that out later.