In Memory of Mrs. Fern
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this inspirational writing titled In Memory of Mrs. Fern from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh collection. We hope these short stories bring you understanding and peace within.
In Memory of Mrs. Fern
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is In Memory of Mrs. Fern from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
In Memory of Mrs. Fern
Written by Luz Leigh - January 1995
During the five years she was our pastor's wife, I could never bring myself to refer to her as just Fern. To me she was such a lady she deserved to be addressed as Mrs. Clogston or Mrs. Fern. I heard others call her by her given name, even some who were much younger than I. But, to me she always will be "Mrs. Fern."
As we drove from our home to Houston to show our love and respect for this dear loved one, the rain came down in torrents. In my heart I like to think that Mrs. Fern was interceding on our behalf, asking the Lord to give us safe traveling grace. My children, Heather and David, and I saw evidence of numerous auto accidents, but our trip was a safe one. On our way to the memorial service, we spent a lot of time recalling things Mrs. Fern had shared with us. My children had been blessed with her as their adult Sunday school teacher during the last year or so she served at our church. They learned much about the Bible and more about living what the Word teaches.
Last July when we learned the Clogstons were leaving our little church to return to the mission field, we cried and begged them not to go. We could not see the vision they had, nor could we at the time see the work the Lord had planned for them. Selfishly we wanted them all to ourselves. But, the Lord had need of them somewhere else. And, by the great faith both Bro. Bob and Mrs. Fern always exhibited, they followed the call and just as Isaiah replied, "Here am I; send me, Lord," they responded gladly. Each time that I would implore them, first not to leave us, then later to ask them to return as our pastor, they assured me it was not the Lord's will for them to return to our little church. Their work there was finished. The white fields of harvest beckoned them and they responded.
At the age when many people are thinking of retirement, resting, relaxing, these two wonderful people began a brand new adventure in their life. Traveling halfway across the United States, pulling their travel trailer, they made their way to West Virginia, the state in which Bro. Bob was born. Using her talents, Mrs. Fern continued as a helpmate to Bro. Bob. She told of playing the turquoise colored piano, practicing each week so she could better serve. She played; he led the singing and preached. For over four months they lived in the cramped trailer, but not once did we hear a complaint from her. It was always with joy that she spoke or wrote of their life in the beautiful mountains. I am so grateful to God that He allowed her and Bro. Bob to be in the mountains during the fall of the year when the colors of the countryside are so magnificent.
My children have commented so many times during the past few days that her smile, quick wit and gentleness are qualities they will always remember. Over and over today they would recount different happy experiences they had with Mrs. Fern. We all agreed that she was the ideal wife, always there for her husband, never pushy, but gently guiding Bro. Bob. I recently heard the following definition of the word "gentleness" - strength under control. This describes that gentle woman.
As I sat in the chapel today and viewed the beautiful floral arrangements, the ones that contained fern and the ones that had flowers of various shades of violet, I was reminded of a conversation I had with Mrs. Fern early in our acquaintance. I was having trouble remembering whether her name was "Fern" or "Vern." She told me a little story about how when they were young her twin sister, Violet, would tease her by saying, "My name is Violet, but you are just an old fern" (loose translation). From then on, I could remember how to spell her name and although I never met her twin, there is no way that lady could have been prettier than our Mrs. Fern.
As the remaining members of the trio sang today, I could almost hear Mrs. Fern's sweet voice joining in with them. The two songs, "I Was Born to Serve the Lord" and "The Longer I Serve Him, the Sweeter He Grows," were excellent choices for they described her life and her commitment to her Lord. We will never, on this earth, know just how many lives were changed by her witness, but as we gather at her "mansion" in heaven to say thank you, the crowd will be great. Her service here is completed, her rest in the Lord has begun and she awaits us to join her there.
When her beloved Bob entered the chapel today without his faithful Fern by his side, it was almost more than I could bear. For over fifty years this wonderful, gentle, sweet lady has stood by him. She was there in the hard times and the happy times; she was the mother of his children and the one to whom he could turn when he needed a shoulder to lean on. Although married for over half a century, they were still sweethearts. Oh, for the young people of today to follow the example set by this wonderful couple. One can see that we cannot speak of Mrs. Fern without including Bro. Bob because they are a couple, a set, as it were.
Our love for Mrs. Fern will continue as we cherish sweet memories of her. She will forever be a part of our lives. Her smile will flash before us to bring encouragement and the sound of that melodious voice will bring joy as we recall the many specials we were privileged to hear her sing. The memory of her voice reading God's Word or lifting a prayer to our Father will give us hope. Her prayers always began with a thanksgiving to the Lord for His many blessings, especially for Jesus and His love for us, and an expression of her love for Him. So unlike most of our prayers that only ask for something.
As the rain began today, I told my family that maybe the raindrops were really angel tears. Tears of joy for the homecoming of one who deserved a rest and tears of sympathy for those of us she left behind. We cried today and our tears were selfish. We do not want to give her up. The pain of separation is still too fresh. Time will pass and the pain will ease. There will always be an empty place in our hearts but it will be overshadowed by the joy she left with us.
My prayer tonight is one of thanksgiving; thanks to the Lord for allowing me to know and love Mrs. Fern. Thanks for the joy she brought to us, the love she bestowed on us; the knowledge of the Lord she shared with us and the guidance she gave to my children. We now understand what she was trying to tell us about angels unaware (Hebrews 13:2). She was our angel.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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