Good Samaritan
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Good Samaritan
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Good Samaritan from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Good Samaritan
Written by Luz Leigh - 27 July 2009
Yesterday morning our pastor brought a short sermon based on Luke 10:30 - 37 but focusing on the 37th verse "... Go, and do thou likewise." KJV "... now go and do the same" NLT, he challenged us to live by this verse this week, as we should every week of our lives.
About mid-afternoon today, I was offered an opportunity to give assistance to a person in need. A lady, whom I had never seen before, knocked on my door. She apologized for her appearance, which looked fine to me, considering she had been messing with her truck that had stalled on the street beside my home. She asked if I had any gasoline that she could put in her truck, even a gallon would do, she said. I hated to have to say no to the lady, but I keep no gasoline around; I have no lawnmower, gasoline weed eater, etc. My neighbors across the street, however, have a lawnmower and there, visible on the side porch of their home, was a red gasoline can. I suggested she ask them for help. I know the family well; they would have helped her. But she chose to walk the other direction up the street.
A little while later I walked in the back yard to pick some banana peppers from my little "garden" to use in a casserole dish I was preparing for supper. I saw the lady standing beside her truck, and there was the "good Samaritan" whom she had asked for help. My neighbor to the east is a good man to have around. Although Delton only has one arm, he doesn't let that hinder him. He can do almost anything other men can do. Delton had brought his 3-gallon gasoline container, poured some gasoline in the tank and helped her get her truck started. The lady drove away and Delton made his way back to his home.
Delton did not hear the pastor's sermon yesterday, but being the good person he is, he had come to the lady's aid. I am thankful he was there for that lady. I wish I had been able to help her.
This is Monday ... I have six more days to try and be a Good Samaritan to someone before next Sunday. I pray my eyes will be open to any opportunity the Lord presents. I hope the lady understands that I really couldn't help her; that I wasn't just turning away from her.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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