Christmas Joy Continues
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Christmas Joy Continues
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Christmas Joy Continues from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Christmas Joy Continues
Written by Luz Leigh - 05 January 2008
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11
Not many people list January as their favorite month. The excitement and meaning of Christmas and the flurry of family and activity in December have given way to our more normal routine, bills, and winter weather.
Jesus knew that testing often followed times on the mountaintop. He experienced them, too. Yet His love for the Father sustained him, no matter the circumstances. A heart overflowing with joy has no room for misery.
Many have tried other paths to peace and contentment without success. The Book of Ecclesiastes chronicles the preacher's failed attempts to use power, wealth, and even wisdom to make his life meaningful.
Christmas is not a season that has ended; it's the reason for our year-round joy. Christ came to Earth to live among us and to die for us to give us the gift of eternal life. That's not just good news in December, that's the good news that gives us joy for eternity.
Father, thank You for Your amazing love for me and for your joy that fills my heart.
The above came from the Open Windows, a daily Bible reading booklet published by LifeWay, a division of Southern Baptist Convention.
Those words about the Christmas season not coming to an end is something we should all take to heart. What if we kept the spirit of giving alive all year long? Oh, I'm not talking about gifts that one buys at the store. I am referring to the giving of oneself. Opening our hearts to the needs of others; sharing the Word with those around us and within our families. Doing little things to bring happiness to our fellowman.
Let us remember that Jesus is the reason, but the season should not end with the New Year's Day celebrations.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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