Blue Eyes Crying
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this inspirational writing titled Blue Eyes Crying from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh collection. We hope these short stories bring you understanding and peace within.
Blue Eyes Crying
Welcome to Christianity Oasis. This is Blue Eyes Crying from our Sojourn With Luz Leigh Collection. We hope you enjoy this enlightening reading and it helps you on your own be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
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Sojourn With Luz Leigh
Blue Eyes Crying
Written by Luz Leigh - 04 June 2009
The radio is playing Willie Nelson's "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain." That song brings back both sad and happy memories. It was a favorite of my sweet husband and me when Willie first recorded it. Yes, I will admit to it ... I was a big fan of Willie's music, though not his lifestyle. I never saw him in person, but my husband did. However, Jack was not there as a fan, but rather as a member of the law enforcement brigade, tying to "keep the peace" at one of Willie's pasture parties. But I have begun to rabbit-trail again.
Although neither my husband nor I had blue eyes, for some reason the song became a favorite. Had I known how to dance well, we would probably have danced to it each time we heard those sad words. I will admit that as the song was playing this morning, I clutched Jack's favorite pillow to my breast, closed my eyes and waltzed across the bedroom as though he were guiding me around the dance floor.
My mind began to think about how this season of the year was always such a busy time for us. Commercial farm work seems to all need to be done at the same time; each farmer or rancher is ready for his fields to be plowed, silage cut, hay cut and baled; whatever the need might be.
It was about this time of year that we bought our first tractor; 'twas a Massey-Ferguson, red in color. I have not a clue as to the engine size, but it was the beginning of our little business. We used the inheritance I received from my daddy when he died the previous year to purchase the tractor. I know Daddy would have approved of the way I spent the money because he would have seen the potential for WORK. He believed in that four-letter word. So did my sweet husband. Let me stop here for a minute; I refer to Jack as "sweet" many times, and he was, most of the time. But there were times when he got on my nerves, made me mad and generally upset me. Not that I want to admit it, but I'm sure he felt the same about me.
The first big job we had with the Massey-Ferguson (MF) was on a dairy. It was time to cut and store the silage for the milk cows. (Yeah, I know it should be "milch" but folks would wonder what a milch cow is.) Jack and the MF would go early in the morning to get a head start on the man who owned the dairy. The silage would be blown into big wagons that Mr. Engle would use to move the fresh cut silage to the tall silos. Now, someone will probably correct me on this, it may not have been silage until it was stored, but for the sake of this story I shall refer to the fresh cut grass as silage. It was long, hot work, but Jack was always a hard worker.
"Blues Eyes" speaks of meeting in the hereafter where there will be no more tears. I know that Jack is there waiting for me. I try not to cry when I think of him, but he was so much a part of my life for those forty years. We had become "one" so a part of me is missing.
The little MF? Well, it was traded in years later when we purchased more and bigger tractors. But just like favorite songs, MF holds a special place in my heart ... it was the beginning of a business that Jack never gave up. The day he died he was on his way to a hay field to work. And the radio in his red truck was tuned to a station that played country/western music. Old Willie still followed him around.
The list of collected writings by Luz Leigh:
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