Prayers That Avail Much
Christian Testimonial Page
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Prayers That Avail Much - Christian Testimonial Page. We'll look into all aspects of the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace within.
Prayers That Avail Much - Christian Testimonial Page
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That Avail Much
Christian Testimonial Page
I was a mess when I met Jesus. Were you? I ran from Him for years, I was 40 when I finally ran TO Him. I was mean, hateful, and had a real sarcastic mouth on me. As a result, I was also lonely, depressed, and of course, angry. What made Him want me was a mystery to me- until I got to know Him.
I got to know Him through a love of God's Word. At first, the bible seemed like the most boring book in print. Dry, dusty, and I just didn't get it. But I learned from Jesus Himself ... if you want to receive, you gotta ask. So I asked for a desire for the Word of God. Well, God musta been holding His breath, cause it wasn't any time, and it seemed all I wanted to do was read the Word. Boy, did I find out some things.
I first learned that though he loved me unconditionally, that didn't go for the things I said and did. I saw that I needed to change my words if I wanted to change my life. Believe me, I wanted to change my life! Two abusive marriages, four angry step-kids, an emotional breakdown- you know the drill. Chances are, you have lived some of it.
So I prayed again, and asked Him to show me how to start. When I opened my bible, it was to Psalm 19:14- "Let the words of my mouth, and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer."
I learned a lot from this. I recited it to myself several times a day. I kept finding scripture that guided me into God's way of doing and being. I printed them on file cards. I posted them in my house where I would see them. I confessed them. I worked it like a job.
I also started considering the things I listened to, and looked at. If God was always with me, if he never left or forsook me- He was listening and seeing too. I changed my world-rock to God-rock. I considered the movies and TV I watched. 'Friends' who did not like my new styles fell away. I was OK with that. My life was changing. I had a new attitude. I had hope. I was glad to see each day come. I had new opportunities. And, I had new friends- who built me up, and encouraged me.
You say- "How extreme do I have to be?" I'm just telling you what God dealt with me about- when I said what I wanted, He showed me what to do. You are someone different, He has a plan for your life too. But I know that I know- the Word works. If applied to your life with faith and in His will- it will work for you too. The spoken Word of God is a creative force that is powerful and mighty. It turns away the devil (just ask Jesus- Matt 4), and causes mountains to move (again, see Jesus, Mark 11:23). It even makes dead men rise (you guessed it, Jesus- John 11). It will do the same in your life- it will run off oppression, move mountains of problems, and revive dead relationships. Just to name a few. Or whatever you need. Just call on Jesus, and open your Word.
Today, (5 years later), My faith remains strong and my love for God is deeper. I have been through a lot in these past years with my health, but in every instance God has supplied what I needed. I do not doubt for a moment that he will keep on moving on my behalf.
I am tempted to fear like anyone else. It comes into my thoughts every time I face something unpleasant. I do what I know to do, I speak out what God says about it, I worship His miracle ability and leave it with Him. I praise Jesus. I live a good, happy life.
I continue to cook, bake bread and sew. I read the Word of God daily
and go to the morning devotional program Rise and Shine on Oasis. I
lead a prayer group at my church and share bible studies in my home
... both of which are exciting and fun.
Don't EVER think God
can't use you. You have special gifts and talents he gave you when He
created you, and He's just waiting to bring them to life. It doesn't
matter what you think is wrong with you---God knows how to deal with
it. You don't have to 'fix' yourself up for Him.
Need proof? God uses me-- from a wheelchair. Even with my many health issues, He has things for me to do. He accommodates my needs and overcomes any obstacle to getting the job done. He'll do the same for you.
Oh yeah, one more thing ... recently I had a mini-stroke. But God has made me new, no lasting effects from it, as if it never happened. I am convinced that He is able to do all things.
So, no holding back. Trust Him with all that is in you. Give up yourself to Him, all the things that hold you back--you know what they are-- and dive into the Water of Life. He'll never let you down.
Blessings and peace that passes understanding.
In Christ's love,
If you have any questions comments or just want someone to talk to
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