On Wings of Eagles
Inspirational Christian Testimonial
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On Wings of Eagles - Inspirational Christian Testimonial
Welcome to On Wings of Eagles - Inspirational Christian Testimonial. We hope you enjoy this study on one soul's Christian experience. With God all things are possible. Within is a message to enhance your Christian walk.
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On Wings of Eagles
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar like eagles; they will run but not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Welcome to the On Wings of Eagles - Inspirational Christian Testimonial
Uncle Bob's Testimony
I was born on May 6, 1951 in a small town Canton, Massachusetts. I grew up a normal life I think but was brought up attending many different churches. This was good and bad as you will see further on.
My father was an alcoholic and died at a young age (57 years old). My mother did everything for us and she was really the 1st Angel in my life. I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and 1 brother. My little sister (48) is the love of my life (2nd angel). We have been supportive to each other through all the trials and tribulations in our lives. My older sister and brother I very seldom see anymore. I love them because their family but hurt because they do not correspond much at all.
Worship started in a Congregational parish, and then I went to a Liberal Baptist Church, and then Presbyterian. When I served my country in the Navy from 1969-1989 I was exposed to non-denominational worship (seemed to work for me)!
I was married on September 22, 1973 to a wonderful woman (angel) we are still married today after 34 years and now are enjoying the best years of our lives. We have had our ups and downs over the years, been separated twice, went to divorce court once. I like to tell the true story that after going through divorce court couples usually go their separate ways. When my wife and I went to court, we walked out and decided to go to lunch (God was telling me this is not over). When we went to the restaurant and sat down I immediately said "What are we doing? We have been married for 12 years and have had a blast why are we throwing it away?" Neither one of us could say anything. (God was saying, this is not over). One week to the day later we went back to court and stopped the divorce from going through. THANK YOU GOD!
In my life I have been through the drugs, drinking and all kinds of bad things that I am certainly not proud about but my wife finally said "It's either me, or the partying," well I made the right decision and as I said we are still together today.
I got involved with the Stephen Ministry which is a lay ministry, of people that go an visit people in need, homeless, alcoholics, drug addicts, ill, homebound, loss of job, terminal illness, cancer. Etc. We sit there with them and basically show our presence. We also talk to them and pray with them. I enjoyed this so much that I requested to be a Leader and my Church, Disciples of Christ sent me to a week of Leader training so now I train new people that want to join the Stephen Ministry.
In my years, I have been diagnosed as a diabetic, insulin dependent; high blood pressure; I have had 2 heart attacks, had 2 stents placed and triple bypass surgery. This past March 30th I experienced a stroke. Thank GOD I do not have any residual effects at all.
I work at a Catholic Hospital in Springfield, Missouri now, St. Johns Medical Center. I work as Hospitality Coordinator this is where we rent rooms to people coming in to visit sick members of their family. I deal with people of all levels of stress and something (God) was telling me you need to become a Chaplain/Pastor and help people.
In January 07 I started to take a class on Clinical Pastoral Education through the hospital. I did my clinicals on the 7D Inpatient (Oncology) "Cancer" and the Outpatient Cancer Ctr. I was able to visit with patients and families, and pray, and learn from them, and see the Spirit of God exude from them.
So I decided to put in for college. So at the ripe age of 56 I will be going to school to obtain my Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies w/Emphasis in Pastoral Ministry. I start July 2, 2007.
Thank you God.
I am on my computer all the time and research everything. I decided that I would get some links that I could use while taking my classes. I found Christianity Oasis, had a catchy name, been here ever since this is my 5th day today (June 7, 2007). I am here for the long haul.
The Spirit of God is all around me and in me and through me I am going to spread the word, wherever I go!
God bless you.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want to talk, you can e-mail me.
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