On Wings of Eagles
Behind Bars
Letters From Prisoners
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On Wings of Eagles - Behind Bars - Letters From Prisoners
Welcome to On Wings of Eagles. We hope you enjoy this - Behind Bars - Letters From Prisoners page. With God all things are possible. Within is a message to enhance your Christian walk.
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On Wings of Eagles
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar like eagles; they will run but not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Behind Bars - Letters From Prisoners
June 4, 2007
Dear Bob,
Hello my friend, how are you doing? I hope this letter finds you doing well.
Once again I apologize for my response, taking so long, to get back to you. Since I am in the hole for another 30 days, I am only allowed to spend $10.00 a month, on hygiene items & stamps.
So in order to write all my letters, I put a letter inside another and have that person send it to the next person after they put a stamp on it.
So this letter will take another detour once Grandma puts a stamp on it, in Wichita, KS.
Plus I wanted to send you some Information on what I have been lobbying for since I have been in prison, this time.
I have written the Director, Mr. Don Raymond several times, I have not received a response. Maybe you could help me get their attention & get placed into the program.
You see my friend, I am 31 years old & will be 34 when I get out. Since I was 18, I have been in prison 3 times w/no help. So I go back to crime & the devils wicked life style.
I am tired of that Life style & am scared to even get out in 2009 without Gods Salvation. I knew Christ well once and I want that again.
This program is 16 hours a day of worship & study. Plus they allow me to go to work release and save $ before I get out. I have a personal mentor.
Bob, this is what I need. I want to live right & do right. I ask that you write
Mr. Don Raymond
Lansing Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 2
Lansing, KS 67043
I have wrote him 6 times, in the Last Year. Will you please write him & help me get into the IFI program.
I hope I can become part of your ministry projects. I am not a bad person at all. I just have made some real poor choices. I hope this is a long lasting relationship.
I don't mind you saying a prayer at all.
I would love being spiritual again, I also believe very strongly in God. I am very excited about our friendship. Thank you for the Chance.
George Thompson #6007498
HCF P.O. Box 1568
Hutchinson, KS 67504
June 14, 2007
Hey Bob,
A Grand Day to your family, friends, and the brothers & sisters at the website. I didn't remember Id I told you or not how long sometimes it gets to get our mail. Most times it takes usually 2-3 or sometimes 4 weeks just to get it passed to us.
At times it hurts a lot with our relationships, some replies are need so much sooner.
But that is another pitfall about being here, and things seem to get more unsettled each passing year. I thought it best to let you know because say you send me a letter on the 1st, I normally will not get until the 30th. I feel it a discouragement device; but God is good and what was done for bad, he turns to good.
Things are changing in a way for me, that I can see our Fathers hand in many things. I have a son in Nevada, and his mother died some years back. He has been placed in a home with (2) woman dancers. That's the way it all fell when all of the dust cleared, and I try to keep positive influence by letters.
I have been proud of the courage of heart he's shown, and write that in all my letters to him.
I know there is a God who hears & answers prayer; and that's why I pray no matter what.
And that is good enough to me.
One day we will meet each other and he'll know that it has always been God's Grace that kept us, and we need to carry that with love, thankfully, joyfully, prayerfully. I hope to hear from you soon brother, and my blessings to you & your family in His Name!
Your Brother in Christ,
June 16th, 2007
Dear Pops,
What inspires me about receiving mail from outside of prison is the fact that here I am, inside a world within a world and yet somewhere out there, someone hasn't forgotten about me. I feel blessed for I see many people in this place that don't receive any mail. I feel fortunate to be able to correspond with anyone. And it's especially great to have Christian friends who constantly remind me of the wonderful love that our God provides for us. Although I am one man, one number, I am never alone and even when I fall, when I'm at my lowest place, God is there to pick me up and lend me a hand.
The Spirit of God, lies within us all, we just have to believe. Through or faith and constant beliefs, we can accomplish exactly what the Lord wants for us. To maintain faith in prison is very difficult at times. We face many obstacles in here and live around many ungodly people, people who don't know the Lord. I pray for these lost souls for I know that they know not what they do. The Devil has blinded them from the Lord and I pray someday they'll see the truth of their actions before it's too late. To keep the Spirit of God is simple, to live by the Spirit is the rewarding part of our faith. I share with all who wishes to listen. I don't force my beliefs on anyone, but if they should ask about it, I'll tell them. It's a positive energy that keeps my heart beating for God.
Chris is a 26 year old young man who has been sentenced to life.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or just want to talk, you can e-mail me.
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