I Once Was Lost
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found Meaning
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this I Once Was Lost trek for truth into the I once was lost but now am found meaning as we discuss the healing process. We will be looking into that and all aspects of the Christian Walk. This SON-derful discussion brings forth truth, understanding and then a genuine inner peace.
We share hundreds of deLIGHTful and insightful Christian Walk Studies designed to enLIGHTen your Christian path and uplift your soul. These intriguing and intense studies also make you aware of potential pitfalls and lures that you may encounter as you travel along during these ever-changing and oft times chaotic and CON-fusing times.
This specific journey is our extremely exhilarating and absolutely awe inspiring ... Lost Soul quest taking an in-depth look into the, I once was lost but now am found meaning. We also provide lost and found counseling where we share the blessing from being saved by the Grace of God and how the truth within the lyrics from the I once was lost but now am found song can truly change the direction of your You-nique Christian life. Let us begin our Lost and found adventure, shall we?
What is a Lost Soul?
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found Meaning
Pssssssssssssssssst ... Come walk and talk with me. I need to show you something that is so very important. I want to share with you the true Spiritual essence of the, I once was lost but now am found meaning. To be a lost soul is to be so very lost in the darkness and we can usually be found hiding within our own self induced Spiritual prison. We have experienced trials and tribulation which have brought forth pain, anguish and suffering. We are hurt. We are confused. We are angry.
We are ... Lost.
Yeah, I know you because you are just like I was. But, let me tell you something. You have no idea what lost truly is. You have no idea what pain and suffering truly are. But, hey ... It is us that is experiencing the discomfort within our soul. It is us that was hurt. So, you better believe that we believe that we are suffering beyond the imagination of anyone else.
And you know what we seek first don't you? We start looking for a scapegoat. Someone to blame ... Anyone. Most times it is easy to find someone to blame. After all, there is always someone who did do something to us. Sometimes, there are circumstances that sprung forth in our lives that we believed to be way beyond our control which were overwhelming. So, we are happy to blame that as well.
Lost Soul Crutch
I Once Was Lost Excuse Examples:
- Parents divorced.
- A loved one died.
- I was put up for adoption when I was little.
- I was raped by a family member.
- I was beat by my spouse.
- I was bullied at school.
- My spouse left me.
- My kid got caught breaking the law.
- My co workers and friends constantly gossip about me.
- My best friend started dating my ex.
- My boss hates me.
- We had a miscarriage.
- My friend committed suicide.
- I got in an another car crash.
- My friend is addicted to drugs.
- My parent is an alcoholic.
- Cancer has struck my family again.
- My teen daughter is pregnant.
- My family is being evicted.
- My friend was killed by a drunk driver.
- Our house got robbed. Everything is gone.
- I lost my job because of the economy and down sizing.
- My spouse is addicted to porn.
- I was robbed.
- I was raped.
- My spouse is having an affair.
Maybe it is something that we ourselves did instead of what someone else did. Maybe we created the circumstances that brought on the trials and tribulations that have us in such "anguish" ... For Example:
Lost Soul Reasons
I Once Was Lost Because ...
- I cheated on my spouse.
- I hit or even killed someone drinking and driving.
- I cut myself even though I know it will upset anyone I show.
- I flaked out on my job and got fired.
- I gossip about my friends ... Which is why I lost them all.
- I don't try to see the bright side of things. I would rather have the attention.
- I've closed everyone out of my life.
- I wear a mask everywhere I go so no one can really see how I feel.
- I dress provocatively just to get people to look at me.
- I know when I drink too much I do horrible things, but I just don't want to stop drinking.
- I cursed God and told Him I hated Him.
- I fantasize about someone else other than my spouse.
- I had an abortion.
- I broke the law.
- I am/was involved in witchcraft.
- I abused my child.
- I hit my spouse.
- I was involved in a gang ... And all the things they do.
- I robbed someone.
These are just a few of the ... I once was lost examples. Maybe something horrible that was committed against you that is not listed above, but you get the idea. But, what it is our own mistake that is to blame? At either rate, in the end, we truly believe that we are too far gone to be reached. We ponder on thoughts such as:
Lost Soul Therapy
I Once Was Lost Hopelessness
Is there really any hope? Or am I as washed up as I think I am?
It is too late to get help anyway ... With the way I am.
Most have no clue what I really am deep within.
I've tried to seek people before to help, and no one can seem to help me.
Besides, why would I want to look for help?
Nothing I have ever tried has helped.
Counselors, Shrinks, Self help books.
I'm just TOO screwed up ... I guess.
All the meds, doctor visits, time spent "accepting who I am" ... When I hardly even know who I am, or what the point of my life is supposed to be!
I do not like who I am !!!
So, why should I accept it?
Or maybe you are one of those, I once was a Lost soul who was not so far gone ... yet. We whisper to our self, My problems are not that big of a deal. I know people have it a lot worse than me. I know sometimes I feel like my problems are overwhelming ... But why would someone spend time with me and my problems when there are so many others that seem to have it worse. Even if I can't think of others right now ... I'm sure others are going through as much pain or more pain than I am. I don't want to burden anyone with my problems. I'll just live with em and deal with 'em myself. There is nobody to help anyway.
Lost Soul Pity Party
I Once Was Lost Damage
Oh Yeah, I remember those early days well. We slowly start to believe that we should not even try to be healed or that we are unworthy of being cured. So why hold hope? Just hoping that I can make it through another day? I know some people think that you can't get better until you believe you can get better ... But, most days I really don't believe I'm ever going to get better. How can things change if deep down I know they just can't?
I'm too damaged to do anyone any good so why try?
A Lost Soul usually just passes time every day awaiting the time when they can go back to sleep again. Some days they don't even get up. They are just existing. They are not even living. Sometimes they don't want to be around other people because they don't want them to get the negative vibes given off. Who wants to be around someone that feels depressed, or hopeless, or shameful, or miserable most of the time?
A Lost soul may think to themselves ... I have pushed God aside for too long, He will never take me back now. I know people say in the Bible that God has never left ... But I really do feel sometimes like it's just too late. I already told God I hated Him. I can't take that back as much as I want to sometimes. Isn't that the unforgivable sin that keeps me out of heaven anyway?
I've hardened my heart too much, now I can't even feel God. I know God allows me to choose what I wanted ... Now, it's too late to turn back. I know we each have free will and I spent too long of my life living for myself. God just can't ... Forgive and forget that. Oh, the memories of the chaotic and con-fusing lost soul mindset. I remember those thoughts and emotions well, because I said and did the same things. That negative mentality was like my security blanket.
Lost Soul Manual
I Once Was Lost Blame Game
I remember wondering where God was during all my days of suffering. Many days I blamed God for how I felt. I mean seriously ... If He would have just snapped His fingers, I could have been better. God could have prevented all of the trauma and drama in my life from ever happening if He wanted to.
Some days I thought He just doesn't care enough about me to fix it all. Some days ... I questioned His existence. And once we take God out of the equation, then the sorrow within evolves at a more rapid rate as there is now truly no hope. Then, here came more whispers echoing within, as the horrible thought process became commonplace. I subconsciously became addicted to the depressive state of mind and heart.
Then comes the denial stage ...
Yes, I once was lost. I did not think I needed any help or I just did not want the help, might be a better way to put it. God was not in the picture because I did not think He cared. I believed that God did not have time for me and I do not have time for Him. Besides, you have no idea what I did in my past. I could not even forgive myself. I remember the doubt growing within me too.
So, how would God ever be able to forgive me?
Lost Soul Con-viction
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found Meaning To Me
You know ... I almost felt more powerful or stronger when I just tried to CON-vince myself that I didn't need God or counseling or help of any kind. I'm not sure why really ... It just made me feel better thinking that bad things just happen and that is the way it is and no far off deity could come and make it all better. Maybe, I liked the independence.
Yet, at the same time I depended on others to pity my misery. Complaining about our problems is so much easier than getting help is it not? I suppose that part of me likes the attention I get. People don't really pay attention if you aren't in pain or they can't pity you and even if they do, it only lasts a while and you have to find others to pity you because the ones that were listening, start disappearing. Like they thought it would never end so they bailed.
Does it ever end though?
Lost Soul Woe
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found Here
I never tried to help myself. I mean, sure, I went to therapy and stuff sometimes, but I was wanting them to fix me without me putting much effort into it. I didn't really want anyone's help anyway. I was sick of the hurt ... But accepting it became easier than fighting it.
No one would ever really understand what I was going through anyway.
So, why bother?
Yes, that's right ... I fed the fire with the choice to harbor those thoughts too creating so much more pain, because of my choices. I was too stubborn to reach for God and too prideful to ask for help. I did not want people to bother me with the nonsense like the ... I once was lost but now am found song or bother me with the foolishness that I would "go to hell" if I did not choose to believe in Jesus. I just wanted to be left alone !!!
Oh yeah, how rude of me ... Before we continue I suppose this would be as good a time as any to introduce myself ... I once was lost but now am found in a new place that I want to show you.
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Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found Meaning Resources
Biblical Counseling ... From lost to found. A Lost Soul often times seeks help with overcoming the darkness that one experiences when they are lost. Find some peace here.
Christianity Oasis Counseling ... Christian therapy and counseling for the Lost Soul dealing with feeling completely lost and afraid in this strange world. Find the Lost and found cure within to better understand the depths of the I once was lost but now am found meaning.
Focus on the Family ... Winning the War Against Negative emotions such as feeling lost and scared. A Christian site for Young Adults.
Free Christian Counseling Online ... Professional Counselors with confidential counseling from trained counselors in the area of loneliness.
Loving Gospel ... Prayer for the Lost Soul. Praying for lost souls must be a priority for every Christian. By focusing on others, instead of on "me me me" in our prayers. Check this site out for the I once was lost but now am found meaning.
Open Bible ... What Does the Bible Say About a Lost Soul? Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and Grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus? He is still seeking you.
Tacoma Christian Counseling ... When you work with a Christian Counselor for feeling lost, therapy often involves a number of modalities along with a Biblical perspective. How to Deal with lost Love God's Way.
Worship 24/7 ... All Worship Music, Christian songs 24 hours a day to help the lost soul become found. Godly music made an evil spirit that was tormenting King Saul. Imagine what it can do for you.
After you finish with the Lost Soul counseling based on the the I once was lost but now am found meaning sharing lost and found tips, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: