Donations Disclaimer

Christianity Oasis provides this donations disclaimer to help answer your questions about how your donations are put to righteous use.

Donations Disclaimer for the Christianity Oasis Ministry

Christianity Oasis Love Offerings Disclaimer

Christianity Oasis is a faith-based ministry and depends on the generosity of donations from those who choose to support this Ministry.

By providing a Love Offering, you take an active part in sharing the Gospel, teaching others the knowledge contained in the Holy Bible, and giving spiritual support to those in need. Without such financial gifts donated by our fellow Christians, this ministry could not operate.

We are deemed as a Non-Charitable Organization such as is the Salvation Army buckets you see around, the poor man on the corner and most small Churches.

Therefore any contributions that you give are not tax deductible.

Just as we all give a few dollars to those Salvation Army buckets, the poor man on the corner and the small Churches ...

One would pray that you would find it more fulfilling to know that your contribution is going to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ through this Ministry and deem it as your storing up Treasures in Heaven.

If you have found this Ministry worthy and would like to make a contribution to be used for the growth of Christianity Oasis as to assure it remains a serene and safe place for fellow Christians to enjoy and an opportunity to encourage the lost souls to pursue the path of Christianity, to become and remain a Christian ...

To make a Love Offering please use one of the easy and convenient payment methods provided below.

We thank you for your contribution to this cause and pray that God will truly bless you.