February 4, 1962 Birthdays
Who was born on February 4, 1962
Christianity Oasis has provided the Prophet Nostradamus End Times quest into similarities and differences between the prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible including the February 4, 1962 prophecy. We look into all aspects of the End Times.
Christianity Oasis Ministry
Welcome to our End Times exhilarating exploration where we share many intriguing and oft times intense End Times Signs Studies designed to enLIGHTen the mind, enhance the faith and make you aware of various pitfalls and lurking lures which one may experience as the End Times rapidly approach, according to Bible prophecy.
If you are here seeking more information about February 4, 1962 birthdays, and those born on that date and/or are seeking the secret identity of the mysterious entity who has been prophesied to arrive in the near future and reign terror, we have another absolutely awe inspiring study on the Antichrist who was born on February 4, 1962, according to Nostradamus.
In addition, we have SON-derful selection of Christian Walk Studies studies which will bring forth the light of truth upon your path in these CON-cerning and CON-fusing times that we are living in.
In this particular excellent expedition we delve into the Prophet Nostradamus End Times searching for matching prophecies in the prophecies of Nostradamus and Bible prophecy and how the findings in our trek for truth, affect you today.
The powerful and prophetic message within this Nostradamus End Times journey comparing Nostradamus prophecy and Bible prophecy where we take a look into the prophetic events of both the Bible and the Prophecies of Nostradamus, will be thought provoking and eyebrow lifting.
Christianity Oasis Disclaimer:
We share the contents of this Nostradamus End Times study only because it is suggested by many that the Prophecies of Nostradamus are similar to the Bible in many aspects. However we do not suggest anyone adhere to anything except that which is written in God's Word (The Bible) and we only share this as to not be negligent in sharing something that is available, in the event that some of the prophet Nostradamus and the Bible prophecies are found to be in harmony and do possess truth, such as the February 4, 1962 prophecy which has many looking everywhere for a specific someone who was born on February 4, 1962 in Jerusalem because that is suggested to be the birthday of Antichrist. That being said, let us proceed carefully and wisely.
Nostradamus is a perfect example of a potential false prophet. This is why many research Nostradamus and the Bible to see if they can determine the validity of Nostradamus prophecies. Many of those who claim to have interpreted the prophecies of Nostradamus correctly suggested that the coming Time of Tribulation would begin on a specific date in 2012 and it did not happen on the specified date.
The question then becomes ... Who is wrong, the interpreters of the prophecies of Nostradamus or Nostradamus himself? At either rate, the Nostradamus End times prediction results had many stop believing Nostradamus was a true prophet and in truth ... Many stopped believing that the End Times were approaching which is a major concern and the purpose of this amazing adventure into the future.
As we touched on earlier, some who research the prophecies of Nostradamus believe that Nostradamus even predicted the day that Antichrist would be born (February 4, 1962) having many people explore February 4, 1962 birthdays. Search engines have been lighting up with inquiries to find out every popular person who was born on February 4, 1962.
We will discuss this in more detail in a bit. This is what we will be looking into in our Nostradamus End Times study seeking the treasure of Truth. Because truth sets you free from doubt and fear. Don't be scared. Be prepared. Let's check it out.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible
The Prophet Nostradamus End Times Warning
Again, we want to be certain that you understand as you proceed with our Nostradamus End Times journey that we do not regard the "Prophet Nostradamus" (Or any other self proclaimed prophet for that matter) as being a Biblical prophet. Nor do we support any Nostradamus End Times predictions. We are just bringing the prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible prophecy similarities to your attention for you to discern what you want to believe.
Now, many Christians lift an eyebrow at the prophet Nostradamus and the Nostradamus end times predictions because they say he was into astrology and many of the Nostradamus End Times prophecies are based on the sun, moon and stars. However ... The Bible does have us watch the Heavens as well:
Genesis 1:14
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the Heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.
Simply stated, God said the Sun, Moon and Stars are to be used as signs ... Now, I agree wholeheartedly with the ideology of "checking the fruits" because it is always wise to prove all things as it is written in God's Word.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible Dispute
Prophet Nostradamus End Times Prophecies
But, our faith should never be so fragile that we fear even researching a matter (checking the fruits) in particular when it comes to prophecy and using God's Word and the disciplined discernment that one receives from the Comforter and Glorious Gift given to Christians, from the Lord, known as the Holy Spirit to confirm and to guide us.
Whether the prophet Nostradamus is a true prophet or false prophet and whether the Nostradamus prophecies are genuine or not ... Time will tell. With that being said, as you proceed, it is up to you to discern, determine and decide what you believe concerning the Nostradamus and the Bible comparison. Before we look at the February 4, 1962 Birthdays as to determine who was born on February 4, 1962 ... We will look into the Prophet Nostradamus Origins:
Nostradamus was Jewish but born in France on December 14, 1503. Nostradamus was very well known as a doctor and spiritual healer at and around the time of the Black Death Plague ... Nostradamus claimed to have visions and after some time, he began to share of these visions. The prophet Nostradamus wrote these visions in about 1000 "Quatrains" (a stanza of four lines, especially one having alternate rhymes) which Nostradamus organized into groups which he called Centuries, or groups of 100 quatrains, except for Century 7 which has only 42 Quatrains.
The Nostradamus End Times Source
Do Nostradamus and the Bible Agree?
The prophet Nostradamus made the writings very vague and even wrote them in different languages. Then a funny thing happened on way to sharing these written visions, which were all placed in perfect order of the prophetic events timing ... Nostradamus (in an effort to be even more provocative) throws the manuscript pages way up in the air and lets them fall where they will. He then gathers them together, stacked them as he found them and shared them in his book, obviously having the visions out of order ... Making it even more of a puzzle to solve.
This brings up a Nostradamus and the Bible question ... Most false prophets or wanna be seers would want people to discover what was shared as to be seen as something special when it came to pass. But you must remember ... Nostradamus knew he would be dead by the time most of what he shared would occur (if it is real prophecy) so why go to all this trouble to conceal the prophecy?
Nostradamus created the Quatrains difficult to interpret to make them almost impossible to discern as to avoid being deemed as a witch of sorts because they killed anyone who could do magic or foretell the future and burned them as a witch in those days. So, Nostradamus had to be careful and change names, add symbols and speak in almost parable style.
Nostradamus and the Bible both use parables and prophecy. The visions of Nostradamus end times prophecy appear to be predictions of future events. Many of the Nostradamus prophecies have come to pass or appear to have. This has scholars and the novice scratching their head and wondering ... Is this actual prophecy and if so should we not heed the rest of what is shared? Nostradamus even predicted the day he would die and the date someone would dig up his grave by having a plaque in his coffin with the date of 1700 AD. which was the day they dug him up. Can you imagine the surprise of the men that dug him up? They reburied Nostradamus quickly because of a Quatrain that he wrote:
Century 7
Quatrain 9
He who will open the tomb found,
And will come to close it promptly,
Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove,
If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King.
It is believed, that soldiers who desecrated his tomb, were ambushed on their way back to base because they never returned ... But, it cannot be proven.
Nostradamus claims to have seen things from the future which to us today is commonplace but were alien to him, so his descriptions are quite interesting.
February 4, 1962 Birthdays
Who Was Born On February 4, 1962.
Among all of the Prophecies of Nostradamus there are a few which stand out and one is where the so called Prophet Nostradamus supposedly predicted the birth of Antichrist and even gave a date of February 4, 1962. (Or at least that is some scholar's interpretation of the prediction) This has many who are curious about Nostradamus prophecies to research February 4, 1962 birthdays on the Internet and elsewhere to see if they can determine who Antichrist may be by looking up everyone who was born on February 4, 1962 in Jerusalem.
After looking into this as well, researching the February 4, 1962 Birthdays online does not bring up any serious potential candidates at least at this time. Perhaps he is not well known at this time. Perhaps Antichrist is in hiding and we will know when he arrives if he was born On February 4, 1962. Or maybe the interpretation is incorrect. Or maybe it is not genuine prophecy. Time will tell.
One interesting tidbit is that the Wikipedia says that Gnostic Philosopher Samael Weor declared February 4, 1962, to be the beginning of the "Age of Aquarius", heralded by the alignment of the first six planets, the Sun, the Moon, and the constellation Aquarius. Some astrologers suggest that the Age of Aquarius will bring about a shift in consciousness and a focus on collective well-being. It's important to note that the concept of the Age of Aquarius is not universally accepted, and its impact is a matter of interpretation within the astrological community. Just threw that in for you to ponder and pray upon.
We share the contents of this Nostradamus and the Bible study only because it is suggested by many to be similar to the Bible in many aspects. However we do not suggest anyone adhere to anything but that which is written in God's Word and we only share this as to not be negligent in sharing something that is available in the event that it does possess truth.
Let us look at some of the clues (According to some Nostradamus Quatrain sleuths) shared within the Nostradamus End Times prophecies and predictions and compare the prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible prophecy, shall we?
- There will be peace between great powers.
- A Dominating country will be at height of power until peace fails and a war occurs.
- Within 13 years, they will surrender to Barbarian and Persian (Iran) leaders.
- They will be undermined by Middle East/North African source.
- Many people do not agree with the great world leader and riots occur. World leaders will bring war upon them.
- Mongolian/Chinese (China and others in the region, perhaps Russia) invade the West (USA and/or Europe) and Persia (Iran) joins the invasion.
- When plans and weapons are enclosed in a fish (submarine), out of it comes a man of war. His fleet will have come from far across sea to Italian shores.
- A plague destroys ⅔ of mankind (world) even the decimation of clergy, mother church.
- At height of World War III, a disastrous attack.
- Experimental weaponry and the creation of war machines will occur.
- Cloning of armies, by manipulating the chromosomes to create murderers without morals.
- Great terror from sky creates Genghis Khan, before and after war rules.
- Famine increases.
- Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes abound.
- Great shift of globe over a six month period.
- Peter the Roman was the first Pope and is also to be the name of the last Pope. He will see Rome (city on 7 hills) destroyed. (This matches what St. Malachy prophesied concerning the End Times.)
Many who study the prophecies of Nostradamus believe that Nostradamus gives many clues to the identity of the coming Biblical Antichrist including a code name. This mysterious code name for Antichrist or perhaps a predecessor just before Antichrist's arrival is ... MABUS. They come to this conclusion due to this Quatrain by Nostradamus:
Century 2
Quatrain 62
Mabus then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.
Of course many have tried to discover who this Mabus character is by looking at modern day entities. Some found that if you wrote down the name "mabus" in lower case letters and look at it with a mirror, it will say "sudam" ... So, for a while, many thought that it was Saddam Hussein. Then he died and they needed other candidates.
Ray Mabus was an American politician who served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Navy from 2009 to 2017 was obviously on the radar of the Mabus searchers. Some even consider the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama as a potential suspect. The latest target is: Mabus = Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud (the Saudi crown prince).
Many of these Nostradamus Quatrain decoders believe that according to Nostradamus, Antichrist's date of birth is 2-4-1962 and that Nostradamus is/was born in Jerusalem, but he is not Jewish. (I wonder if they mean He does not share the Jewish Religion or that he is not of the Hebrew nationality?)
They suggest that the interpretation of a combination of Nostradamus quatrains reveal that the coming Antichrist is/was raised by an uncle and that this uncle supposedly brings together a group of rich backers who actually finance the Antichrist's early political rise. Research of politicians being financed by a rich group provides many potential candidates.
Nostradamus End Times point of Interest ... It is amazing how the prophet Nostradamus, a man born over 500 years ago could predict and share the Nostradamus End Times and even stranger how the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible compare with things that are actually happening around us today. Things like submarines, the Muslim terrorist uprising, the Iran nuke problem, China taking their side, the cloning process and the extreme weather conditions ... To name a few.
Let's Compare Nostradamus End Times Prophecy
With Biblical End Times Prophecy:
If you would like to view all of the Nostradamus Quatrains ... Just click on the links below.
It does appear that the Prophet Nostradamus End Times prophecies are matching up pretty well with the Biblical End Times prophecy. In other words, Nostradamus and the Bible prophecy seem to be in agreement in many areas. Nostradamus did seem to describe things that we have now that did not exist then and did foretell of things which seem to be occurring now, just as he predicted. However ... Nostradamus and the Bible also have differences that lift the eyebrow.
That being said ... The fact that some of the prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible are similar in areas, does not mean that the February 4, 1962 Birthdays prophecy is real and in truth, it may even be a form of deception to CON-vince us that Antichrist is to be born on February 4, 1962 so that we would be looking for the wrong person. Researching this topic can be interesting and even of value IF you remember that Bible prophecy should always be your primary source of seeking signs of the Antichrist or any other prophetic truth.
In addition, the Bible was accessible back in the days of Nostradamus. So, Nostradamus could have come up with much of this from the Bible and just added a few extra changes because some of the Nostradamus End Times prophecy shared is not in the Bible and this is the reason we want to be careful when believing some of that which Nostradamus (Or any other "prophet") shared as to determine if it is genuine prophecy.
Here is the Nostradamus End Times trivia question ... Is Nostradamus a prophet or a phony? Only time will tell as we continue to keep an eye out for the February 4, 1962 birthdays of world leaders or others born on February 4, 1962 in Jerusalem as well as other prophecies of Nostradamus.
Once again:
We provide you with the predictions within this intriguing but concerning Prophet Nostradamus End Times study of the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Bible comparison only because it is suggested by many to be similar to the Bible. An example is the mysterious prophecy regarding the birth of Antichrist having many souls researching the February 4, 1962 birthdays seeking that one significant person who was born on February 4, 1962 who could be the coming Antichrist. Remember that we do not suggest any of the prophecies of Nostradamus are true prophecy and we only share this to present you with something that is available in case it is true. You can read the Nostradamus Quatrains to determine this for yourself.
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Nostradamus End Times
February 4, 1962 Birthdays Resources
Better World Books ... Nostradamus: The New Revelations - Buy a used copy of Nostradamus: The New Revelations book by John Hogue. A must book for followers of Nostradamus' prophecies.
Biography ... Nostradamus - Predictions, Life & Facts - Nostradamus studied medicine and became a physician, treating plague victims throughout France and Italy.
Britannica ... Nostradamus and his prophecies—revered by some, ridiculed by others—are still well known today, centuries after he lived, and continue to be the subject of debate.
Christian Courier ... Nostradamus-Prophet or Pretender? Predictive prophecy is one of the strongest evidences in support of the biblical claim that the Scriptures are inspired of God—only God knows the future.
Christian Post ... Revelation 6: A shattered universe and a time of terror - The prophet of God always gets it right. His prophecies always come to pass because he's getting his information straight from the Lord.
Holy Spirit ... Do Nostradamus and the Bible prophecy have any similarities? Get to know the Holy Spirit as to discern properly and not be deceived.
Life, Hope & Truth ... Did Nostradamus, the 16th-century French physician-turned-seer, predict the attack on the World Trade Center and the coronavirus? Was he a true prophet?
Verse-by-Verse Commentary ... Are Nostradamus' Prophecies Valid? Nostradamus leaned heavily on occult divination and horoscopes. · God has never had an afterthought.
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