End Time Scenarios
Apocalypse Scenarios
Christianity Oasis provides the End Time Scenarios Bible quiz sharing the coming Christian Apocalypse Scenarios from the Apocalypse Bible verses. How long until the end of the world and what are the end of the world scenarios? Let's find out.
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis End Times program presenting hundreds of enLIGHTening End Times studies. You will find that partnered with our vast selection of extremely interesting Christian Walk studies designed to enhance your Christian walk will make you aware of lures and traps as you sojourn along this blessed yet dangerous path. This is our thought provoking and very concerning ... The Coming Apocalypse Scenarios quest for facts from the various concerning Apocalypse Bible verses. We will be sojourning into the End Times while taking an in depth look into how long until the End of the World and asking various sources to explain to us exactly what are the end of the world scenarios?
The truth and very valuable message within this End Time Scenarios study and the coming Apocalypse Scenarios quiz is absolutely awesome and will truly enLIGHTen your path, if you so choose to delve into it.
Click the link below to begin this massive End Time Scenarios Bible Study Program from the beginning:
How Long Until The End of the World Scenarios Begin?
The End Time Scenarios Bible Study and Quiz
You are really going to enjoy this End Times Scenarios path to peace if you choose to actually partake of the many End Times studies that we have awaiting you and then perhaps take the many trivia tests that we have for you afterward to see what you have learned. When the End Times is upon you, the the End of the World scenarios may demand that you make choices which very well may be the difference between life and death and could even determine your eternal fate.
Therefore, we have created situations which may confront you within the Christian Apocalypse Bible verses trivia quiz. The various end of the world scenarios that we have presented for you are Biblical inspired and based upon events that will take place during the End Times, despite the answer to the often echoed question ... How long until the end of the world?
We have given you multiple choice reactions for you to choose from for each of the coming Apocalypse Scenarios that you will be asked to respond to. Just as it will be during the actual End Times, in this test ... There are results for each choice.
If you would like to prepare yourself before or after you take the End of the world scenarios trivia test on the Christian Apocalypse scenarios, as to better understand the answer to the infamous inquiry ... How long until the end of the world, you can do so at ...
This End Time Scenarios quiz is for educational and entertainment purposes only. God is full of Mercy and Grace and is the only judge. Therefore, it is He and He alone that will determine who enters Heaven and who does not.
The End of the world scenarios quiz nor anything or anyone else has the power to make that determination ... God alone has that power. The Coming Apocalypse Bible verses trivia program seeking to know how long until the end of the world as well as what are the End of the World scenarios is available to you, simply to help your prepare for the End Times.
Christian Apocalypse Scenarios - End of the World Scenarios Test
Click the answer you choose. Click the link to learn more.
What are the "End Times?"
- The end of the world because of a giant meteor that destroys all mankind.
- A 7 year period of time of tribulation divided into two 3½ year periods of time becoming worse as time passes until becoming a time worse than ever before.
- Aliens who have been lurking in the shadows come out of hiding and invade the earth destroying all types of life from plants to animals to humans.
- A very popular doomsday newspaper.
Why does a Christian need to know about the End Time Scenarios when all Christians will be Raptured?
- Not true, Some Christians are raptured and some Christians stay to be further refined and some Christians remain to rebuild the Earth after the End Times.
- True. All Christians will be Raptured and there is no need for a Christian to concern themselves with the various Christian Apocalypse scenarios.
- The word Rapture is not even in the Bible so it is not a real event.
- You don't know what a Rapture is so let's go to the next question.
Rapture and Left Behind Study
- The End of the World scenarios say that the mark of the beast is:
If you take the coming Apocalypse Bible verses suggestion of the mark of the beast in the End Times:
- You can change your mind later, have it removed and still go to heaven.
- You will go to the Lake of Fire forever.
- If you say 10 Our Fathers and 10 Hail Marys it will disappear.
- They will give you a pitchfork as a gift and you will grow horns.
- According to the End Time Scenarios ... Antichrist gets his power from where?
- The coming Apocalypse scenarios situation... People proclaim a miracle. A man was brought back from the dead. They make him the new world leader. Some say it is the long awaited messiah. What should you do?
- Antichrist just started his reign of terror. According to End Time Scenarios,how long will it last?
- What do you do if one the End of the World scenarios is that you haven't taken the mark? You and your children are starving. You have to have the mark in order to buy or sell anything.
- According to another of the Christian Apocalypse scenarios ... What does the cloning process have to do with the End Times?
- During the End Times, what countries should we watch out for as being Antichrist empire?
- According to the End Time Scenarios ... When you see wars and hear of rumors of wars, what else should you expect to see next?
- When the time of the Rapture arrives, How do you prepare for your departure according to the End of the World scenarios shared in the Bible?
- According to possible End Time Scenarios ... When you hear about the temple in Jerusalem being defiled, an abomination of desolation being set up and the daily sacrifice being taken away, what do you do?
- Being a Christian in the End Times, you see the sun get dark, the moon turn to blood and the stars fall ... What should you prepare for?
Your best friend tells you that they heard Jesus has returned and knows the secret place where He is what should you do according to the coming Apocalypse scenarios?
- You grab your keys and hurry away with them to see the Messiah, without looking back!
- You gather the family together, and all go together to meet Jesus.
- You don't believe it. He will not be in a secret place or in the desert.
- It must be true, because you just read your horoscope which said a secret will be revealed to you today.
- The End of the World scenarios question ... You will know if it is really Jesus or not when He returns:
- According to the Christian Apocalypse Bible verses, during times of war, scattered world wide, what should you do:
- The End Time Scenarios question ... You hear that a worldwide famine is coming. What should you do?
- New diseases are in the news constantly. How do you protect your family and yourself?
- People don't agree with your beliefs about Christ. You should:
- According to the End of the World scenarios Scripture ... You were not taken up in the first rapture. You should:
- Another "disaster" ... One third of the earth has been hit by a strange storm of hail and fire mixed with blood! The trees and grass are burnt up, ⅓ of the sea turned to blood, the sea life died and the ships are destroyed.
During the End Times, you're having lunch at the river near your camp when you hear a report on the radio that a meteor has hit the earth and they say that the oceans have turned to blood. What should you do?
- You gather your usual amount of water from the clear river and take it back to camp for the others.
- Do not drink freshwater or use it for any other purpose until you confirm that it is safe to drink.
- The impact was so far away, you couldn't even feel it, so it's not your problem.
- Wait until the kids are done swimming, then go back to camp to tell the others about the report.
- The sun, moon and stars have become darkened for one third of the day and night. According to the End Time Scenarios, how long until the end of the world from that point?
The Coming Apocalypse Scenarios question ... A new chip becomes available that is to be implanted in your right hand or in your forehead. Computers are able to automatically scan it when you walk in the door at the grocery store and each time you put something in your basket, it adds the amount of the item to your account. They send you a bill at the end of the month. You don't even have to stand in a check out line anymore!
- Don't get the chip. If it isn't the mark itself, it is satan's trick to get people used to things like this.
- Check out the company that makes the chips with the Better Business Bureau.
- If it doesn't look like the number 666, there must not be anything wrong with it.
- Tell all your friends and family about it, so they can join in.
- Someone grabs your children and says they will kill them if you do not take the mark of the beast.
Satan, antichrist and the false prophet have instructed their followers to kill Christians. You are in a camp with fellow Christians and you're in charge of the campfire.
- You burn only dry wood that does not cause much smoke so that the camp will not be discovered.
- You make the biggest fire you can because there are a lot of people who need to warm up.
- Once the fire is burning well, you can leave it unattended and visit with the other Christians.
- Carefully stack your firewood, douse it with gasoline and light it up!
- During the End Times Scenarios, someone threatens to kill you because you are a Christian. You have a gun. What do you do?
Another The Christian Apocalypse Bible verses question ... You've been in the wilderness for 3½ years. It looks like things in the world have settled down.
- A)You come out of hiding in the wilderness and head for home.
- You don't come out until 1335 days after the abomination of desolation was set up.
- You don't need to come out you are preparing for Armageddon with everyone else.
- Hop in your S.U.V. a few days early and get a head start on the rush back to civilization.
The horrors of the world are getting so bad these days, you can hardly believe it. What do you think?
- You wish the End Times would happen soon so the New Heaven and the New Earth can be here.
- You try and accept the ways of the world and "adapt" to this day and age.
- You resist the devil, pray for those who have stumbled and lead as many as you can to follow Christ.
- Sell everything you own and donate the money to the Worldwide Disaster Fund.
- How long until the end of the world situation ... A group of people who claimed to be Christians and also claimed to be your friends suddenly broke out in sores, just like all the people who had the mark.
- According to End Time Scenarios from the Bible ... When Antichrist is reigning terror, where do you hide for the 3½ years?
- How many nations will Antichrist empire consist of according to the coming Apocalypse scenarios?
- What countries are not mentioned in the End Times scenarios?
- You hear of two men doing miracles and preaching Jesus, during the last 3½ years. Who are they?
- Violence and terrorism are running rampant throughout the world. A Great depression is on and many are starving, without employment and many are homeless. A leader stands up and promises to bring back prosperity and to provide you with all you need by placing a mark of identification on everyone. This mark on the hand or head holds all personal information. This leader says that those that do not take the mark must be one of those terrorists and should be removed from society by putting them to death. Being a good law biding citizen, what do you do?
- How long until the end of the world scenarios ... Very frightening events have been occurring around you and it seems the whole world has gone mad. A close friend tells you that they have found the savior of the world and everyone they know is following him to be safe. what do you do?
- According to the Christian Apocalypse Bible verses ... The new leader of a nation is impressing millions of people. He seems to even do miracles like making fire come down from Heaven.
- You may have a condition that could be fatal if you don't take medication for it. You should:
- The End Time Scenarios situation ... When you see the abomination of desolation set up in the holy place, you should:
- If there is a new peace agreement made during times when there is very much turmoil between nations, you should:
- How long until the end of the world scenario ... If you are a Christian hiding in the wilderness during the End Times and an aircraft flies overhead, you should:
- During the End Times Scenarios it would be best to have:
- During the End Times in the wilderness, it would be best to wear:
- During the End time Scenarios:
- According to the end of the world scenarios Scripture ... When the End Times are over?
There are so many strange events occurring around you. Suddenly millions of people vanish. You believe that this must be the "Rapture" you heard so much about. Does this mean you are going to Hell?
- No, you still have a chance to believe in Jesus and save yourself.
- Yes, you are destined to hell so you might as well live it up.
- No. Just because millions of people disappear, doesn't mean I need to believe in Jesus.
- It depends on how much money you have, because you may be able to buy another ticket up.
- After ⅓ of the world's freshwater has been poisoned, what should we expect next?
- The the end of the world scenarios say ... 144,000 will be sealed with God's seal. Will it be you? We do know they will be:
- During the sixth Trumpet ... How many men will die, will it be Christians according to End Times Scenarios?
- During the 5th Trumpet when the locusts are released from the bottomless pit, how long are they allowed to torment unbelievers?
- A great burning star (this could be an asteroid, comet, meteor, etc.) falls from the sky and ⅓ of the rivers and fresh water of the earth become poisonous, and many people die from the water. What's happening?
- How will you know how to get to the place God has prepared in the wilderness for Christians during the End Times?
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Excellent Christian Apocalypse Scenarios Bible Verses Resources
Bible Hub ... Revelation 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell except for he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Bible Portal ... 48 Bible Verses about The Apocalypse? · Matthew 24:36 NIV. "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father ..."
Bible Reasons ... 10 Important Bible Verses About Zombies (Apocalypse) Revelation 1:17-18 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid."
Christianity.com ... Is the Apocalypse Mentioned in the Bible? "And so, we will be with the Lord forever." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Christians, living at this time, will join with those who died in Christ.
Got Questions ... Does the warning in Revelation 22:18-19 apply to the entire Bible? ... The question is whether these verses refer to the whole Bible or just the Book of Revelation.
Holy Spirit ... End Time Scenarios - Are you prepared for the Christian Apocalypse Scenarios? This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share to help you prepare for the extremely frightening End of the World Scenarios from the Bible. Get to know the Holy Spirit.
Life, Hope & Truth ... Who Are the Woman, Child and Dragon in Revelation 12? A few verses later, this dragon is clearly identified as Satan: "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan ..."
OpenBible.info ... What Does the Bible Say About The Apocalypse? "And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood ..."
If you are finished with the End Time Scenarios forum and Christian Apocalypse Scenarios quiz answers taken from Christian Apocalypse Bible verses study looking at the coming Apocalypse Scenarios debate as to exactly how long until the end of the world focusing primarily on the popular question of what are the end of the world scenarios, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: