Qualities of a Woman
Christian Qualities
Christianity Oasis provides this Christian Quality Bible study on the Christian Qualities of a Woman bringing forth truth, understanding and peace within.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy
Chapter 2
Christian Quality Bible Study
Christian Qualities of a Woman
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our thought provoking Christian Quality Bible study taking an in depth look into the Christian Qualities of a Woman. The absolutely intriguing message will truly bring a smile to the lips and heart and shine the LIGHT of Truth upon your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk path.
Christian Quality Bible Meaning
What Are Christian Qualities of a Woman
Happy to have you back again for yet another slice of Daily Bread. As Paul continues his letter to Timothy, he tells him the things he would like to see accomplished in Ephesus. His letter continues like this:
First of all, I encourage that supplications (to ask humbly and earnestly of), prayers, intercessions (prayer on behalf of another), and giving of thanks be made for all men, kings, and all in authority, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Here's a good question. How often do we pray for the officials from our country, state, city, village, etc?
This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to learn the Truth. For there is one God and one mediator (peacemaker) between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, and the glory He deserves will arrive (in the End Times and thereafter), to which I am appointed a preacher, and an Apostle, (I speak the Truth in Christ, and I am not lying) a teacher of the Gentiles in Faith and Truth. So I wish that men everywhere pray, lifting up holy hands without anger and doubting.
Christian Quality Bible Truth
Christian Qualities of a Woman Today
Now, a little advance warning to the women that are partaking of this study today. Only if the shoe fits, should you slap that rascal on. But if it does apply to you ... Ponder on the Truth. We've all read many times about the role of women according to the Bible. Genesis 3:16 and Proverbs 31 just to name a couple and Paul confirms all the things that you've read in 1 Timothy 2:9-15. So, with an understanding heart, let's read what is expected of Christian women. Yes, it's a touchy subject but we all want to please God so let's look into it now together.
Paul writes ...
In the same way, women should clothe themselves in decent apparel, with shamefacedness (showing modesty, bashful) and sobriety (restrained), not with broided (embellished or elaborate) hair or gold or pearls, or costly array, but with good works, which is proper for women claiming godliness.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to have authority over the man, Genesis 3:16 but to be in silence. For Adam was first created, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression (wrong). Nevertheless, she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in Faith and Love and holiness with sobriety (control).
Christian Quality Bible Facts
Christian Qualities of a Woman Gift
I want to take this time to stress the Truth that God said in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy. (Acts 2:17) So obviously when God's Spirit (Holy Spirit) is speaking through a woman, this is not what Paul's words are directed at as it is not the woman speaking and teaching, but rather ... God. You can learn more about women preaching in the study found in the Related Studies below.
I couldn't help but notice in my sojourning over the years that most women of today strive for the exact opposite of what Paul says is good and acceptable in the eyes of the Lord.
Christian Quality Bible Research
Christian Qualities of a Woman Quest
Let's take what Paul wrote a little at a time, and see how the modern day woman matches up shall we?
Women should wear modest clothing, with shamefacedness and sobriety.
Let's be honest, what percentage of the women that you know, wear modest clothing? Now, moving on to the next few things:
Women should wear their hair plain, and they shouldn't wear gold, pearls, or costly array.
... Uh oh, the percentage just went down substantially, did it not? What's that old cliché that is drilled in every little girl's head? ... "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" ... Maybe they need to trade up friends, and seek one a little less temporal. Okay, let's look at the last part:
Women should live in a godly manner, learn quietly and never teach or try and rule or have power over the man, but be in silence.
Oh my ... We have a problem Houston. How many godly women do you know that adhere to these qualities (God's idea of a righteous woman)? Where did the idea come from that women are supposed to be the opposite of what God intended? We have all heard all the cute little clichés over the years leading up to the path that most women are on ... "You've come a long way baby" ... "I am woman hear me roar" ... Etc. Just because the world is following this new trend where the woman seeks independence and to "wear the pants" don't you believe it. Inside every woman is the God given natural desire to be loved and nurtured and womanly. She wants to be treated ... Like a lady. But the world teaches not to act like one.
Christian Quality Bible Blessing
Christian Qualities of a Woman Adventure
If you're a woman, and know not Truth, you're probably sitting there with a lifted eyebrow, shaking that head of yours with pride just boiling in your blood, but stick with me here for just a minute and try and see this from a different point of view. Then throw your tantrum if you still feel the need, but open your mind for a minute and give truth a chance.
Men and women inherited their roles from the judgment that God placed on Adam and Eve waaaaaaay back in Genesis 3:16-19. Paul points this out, saying, Look, the very first time woman had the opportunity, she did the wrong thing. So, God said, Woman is under man's authority. Every woman since then, like it or not, inherited this. (I'm sure that snakes the world over are complaining too, about running around on their belly (Genesis 3:14).
Let's check the spiritual fruits on this shall we? If a woman and her husband are watching television and the front door is kicked in and there stands two thugs, can you fathom the woman looking over at her husband and saying ... Finish your show hun, I'll take care of this. The answer is, No. It is natural for the man to be the man and for the woman to be ... The woman.
Christian Quality Bible Conclusion
Christian Qualities of a Woman Summary
If you want to live the life of a Christian woman, acceptable in the sight of God, ask yourself, how can I do that if I don't obey Him. The answer is ... You can't. What are you afraid of losing? Power? Well, God says that power doesn't belong to a woman to begin with. How can one lose something they don't have? If you spend your life trying to change God's plan, where will it get you? Won't you be much closer to God if you follow the path that He laid out?
You can recognize a Christian woman when you see her.
Next, Paul tells us the qualities that a bishop should have. Come on back and join once again, and we'll find out together, you know where, right here at Daily Bread!
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