Christians Death
Biblical Death
Christianity Oasis provides this Christians Death Bible study on the Biblical Death Bible verse bringing forth truth, understanding and peace within.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
Chapter 4
Christians Death Bible Study
Biblical Death Bible Verse
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our thought provoking Christians Death Bible study taking an in depth look into the Biblical Death Bible verse. The very interesting Christians Death and Biblical Death message will truly bring a smile to the lips and heart and shine the LIGHT of Truth upon your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk path.
Christians Death Bible Study Quest
Biblical Death Bible Verse Meaning
Happy to have you back to share in a bit of Daily Bread today. This part of Paul's letter to the Thessalonians that we'll be studying today is very interesting. Paul has made his introduction, talked a bit about past events in Thessalonica, and expressed his deep emotions for the people there. Now let's read as he gives some words of urging to live righteously, and then he talks a little bit about the End Times.
In addition to the way we taught you to live, we urge you to do even more. You know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus ... God wants you to be holy and free from sexual immorality. Every one of you should know how to control his body, not in the lust of personal desires, like the Gentiles who don't know God.
Also, nobody should take advantage of his brother in any matter, because the Lord is the avenger of such behavior, as we already told you. God hath not called us to be unclean, but to be holy. So, whoever doesn't listen, doesn't disobey man, but God, who has also given to us His Holy Spirit.
Christians Death Bible Study Lesson
Biblical Death Bible Verse ExplainedBut speaking of brotherly love you don't need me to tell you, because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. And in fact you do it toward all the brethren in all of Macedonia: but we ask you, brethren, that you do more and more; and that you try to be meek, and to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we directed you, so that people outside the Faith see your righteousness, and that you depend on nobody.
I wish you not to be unknowing, brethren, about those who have died, so that you aren't sad, like others who have no hope. Because if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, likewise those believers in Jesus who have died, God will bring with Him. For this we tell you by the Word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall not leave behind them which are asleep.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
16 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God:
and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so
shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Christians Death Bible Summary
Biblical Death Bible Verse Conclusion
What Paul is talking about here is the second rapture. In order for you to thoroughly understand what Paul is talking about, there are a few pages that you'll want to study, and being as this was such a short chapter, I hope you'll include them in your study today. First of all, Paul says, you shouldn't be in the dark about your loved ones who have died, so to help you understand what happens when your earthly body dies, there is a little study called:
That study should be very comforting, and then, to clarify some things you've been wondering about concerning rapture, there is:
There are also several other studies that relate to Paul's writing today, and you'll find them in the Related Studies box below. You're sure to find answers to things that you've always wondered, and you may walk away with quite a different outlook on life ... And death. See you next time, right here at Daily Bread.
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