David Bible Study
David Anointed by Samuel
Christianity Oasis provides this Samuel Anoints David Bible study on the David Anointed By Samuel story. We'll look into that and all aspects of the Bible seeking truth and understanding.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of Samuel
Chapter 16
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study
David Anointed by Samuel
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Samuel Anoints David Bible Study takes a look into the David Anointed By Samuel story and how the absolutely awesome Samuel Anoints David Bible Study message affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study Lesson
David Anointed by Samuel Explanation
Nice to have you back again to share more Daily Bread. This story is one of the great ones of Bible history. Let's see, where did we leave Samuel and Saul when we last shared?
Oh yes, the Lord told Samuel that the kingdom of Israel would be taken away from Saul because he had rejected the Word of the Lord by not utterly destroying the Amalekites, and that was just shortly after being reprimanded for disregarding Samuel (the Lord's Prophet) when he told Saul to wait for his arrival to make offerings before going to battle against the Philistines.
So, Samuel was sad ... Probably for several reasons, mainly because he was a man with a good heart, and though he disapproved of Saul's actions, he still grieved for him. But don't forget what led up to all of this in the first place.
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study Truth
David Anointed by Samuel Story
Samuel was getting very old and it was difficult for him to be sojourning through Israel judging the matters of the people, so he put his two sons in charge, who didn't have the best interests of Israel at heart, as Samuel did. The people recognized this and asked for a king. Think Samuel didn't feel guilty and frustrated, and probably a whole myriad of different emotions about all of that? Certainly, he must have.
Now, remember, the Lord told Samuel ... The people aren't rejecting you, they're rejecting Me. They don't want Me to rule over them, so I will choose a king for them. Well, now it looks as though this king isn't after the Lord's own heart, so Samuel ... Possibly still feeling a bit responsible for the whole ordeal ... Lamented for Saul.
So the Lord said to Samuel ... How long are you gonna pout about Saul? Fill your horn with oil and go to Jesse in Bethlehem. I've chosen me a king from his sons. But Samuel was afraid that Saul would kill him if he heard about it, so the Lord told Samuel to say that he had gone there to sacrifice to the Lord.
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study Teaching
David Anointed by Samuel Prophecy
When Samuel saw Jesse's eldest son, he presumed that surely this was the Lord's chosen, because of his appearance.
1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
So Jesse called five other of his sons to appear before Samuel, but Samuel told Jesse, the Lord has not chosen these ... Are these all your sons? Well, there's still David, the youngest ... He's out tending the sheep. So Samuel told Jesse they couldn't go to the sacrifice until David came in from the fields.
David had a beautiful countenance (appearance and manner), and the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study Research
David Anointed by Samuel to Be King
Can you just imagine the relief that Samuel felt? He took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of all his brothers (which must have caused some emotions of jealousy to be stirred within them), and the Spirit of the Lord was upon David from that day forward. So Samuel went home to Ramah ... And what do you think happened to Saul?
Well, the Spirit of the Lord was upon David now, so it departed from Saul, and instead, an evil spirit from God troubled him. Saul's servants suggested that he find someone who could play the harp, to soothe him and make him feel better, so Saul ordered that they find someone to sort of "charm" the evil spirit out of him.
One of the servants knew that David was skillful on the harp and smart and that the Lord was with him, so Saul sent to Jesse requesting to take David from the flocks because he had heard of his good character. So Jesse sent David with gifts to take to Saul, and David served Saul, and Saul loved David greatly and made him his armor-bearer.
Samuel Anoints David Bible Study Summary
David Anointed by Samuel Conclusion
So Saul sent to Jesse and requested that David stay with him because he was so delighted in him, and whenever the evil spirit was upon Saul, David played on the harp, the evil spirit departed and Saul was refreshed.
And that's just the beginning of David's story ... As you read through the history of king David, remember that it was through his bloodline that Jesus was born.
Wait 'till you see what's next, right here at Daily Bread!
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