David Hides From Saul
David Hiding From Saul
Christianity Oasis provides this David Hides from Saul study on David Hiding from Saul. We'll looking into that and all aspects of the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of Samuel
Chapter 23
Why David Hides From Saul
When Was David Hiding From Saul
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our David Hides from Saul Bible study taking a look into the David Hiding from Saul Bible Story and how the absolutely awesome David Hides from Saul message affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
David Hides From Saul Lesson
David Hiding From Saul Event
Great to have you back to share more Daily Bread together! Have you ever gone through a really rough time in your life, when you felt like nothing else could possibly go wrong because one person's life couldn't possibly include any more turmoil? Probably that's the way David was feeling at this point in his life.
Don't miss out on Psalm 63 that David wrote while he was hiding in the wilderness of Judah, which is where he was when we left off in our story.
Just imagine the faith that it took to believe that being king was worth all he was going through ... Can you imagine ... An entire city of priests and their families were massacred because the reigning king Saul was jealous of David.
Get ready now ... What else could happen to add to the chaos in David's life at this point? Well, don't forget, David is a man of war, and he's good at it too.
David Hides From Saul Truth
David Hiding From Saul Reason
He has a passion for defending Israel and he learns right about now that the Philistines are attacking the town of Keilah and stealing their grain.
Now, remember, David and his band of men are out in the forest somewhere hiding from Saul, but David's loyalty to his country ... God's people ... Is so great, that he prays ...
1 Samuel 23:2
... Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the LORD said unto David, Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah.
David's men, however aren't as brave as David, and they confess, "We're afraid here in Judah, won't we be even more afraid fighting against the Philistines?" So David calls on God again for confirmation, and the Lord assures him that He will give them the power to defeat the Philistines, and they were indeed victorious, even acquiring their cattle.
David Hides From Saul Teaching
How Was David Hiding From Saul
In the meanwhile, Saul got wind of where David was, and because Keilah was a fenced in city, Saul believed that the Lord had delivered David into his hand, cornering him in.
Now, of course David knew that Saul planned to do him harm, so he told Abiathar the priest to bring him the ephod which he brought with him when he sought refuge with David in Keilah. Time for a little Daily Bread Stick! What is an ephod exactly?
Well, it was a linen apron worn by the Hebrew high priest which was used for divination ... That is, gaining insight from God. (Don't get this kind of divination mixed up with divination done by sorcerers and witches and palm readers and fortune tellers and necromancers, etc.)
So David asked the Lord if the people of Keilah would turn him and his men over to Saul, and the Lord said they would. At that, David and his company left Keilah and hid in the wilderness of Ziph, which was about a dozen miles southeast of Keilah.
David Hides From Saul Study
David Hiding From Saul Saga
David had about six hundred soldiers now, that's two hundred more than he had when he was hiding in the cave at Adullam. Saul searched for David every day, but the Lord protected him.
While David was in a forest in Ziph, Jonathan, Saul's son and David's best friend, found him and encouraged him that God would be with him and not to be afraid.
1 Samuel 23:17
And he said unto him, Fear not: for the hand of Saul my father shall not find thee; and thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee; and that also Saul my father knoweth.
They made an agreement about this and Jonathan returned home while David remained in the woods.
David Hides From Saul in the Bible
David Hiding From Saul in the Wilderness
Then, the people of Ziph went to Saul in Gibeah and told him that David was hiding in the forest, and to come down and they would turn David over to him.
Saul blessed them because they had pity on him and told them to go find out exactly where David's hangout was, and make sure that someone had actually seen him there because Saul knew David was very clever.
Saul told them that when they found out all David's secret hiding places, to return again to him in Gibeah and then he would go find him.
Be sure to check out Psalm 54, which David wrote after the Ziphites told Saul where he was hiding.
David Hides From Saul Concern
David Hiding From Saul Warning
So the Ziphites went back to Ziph, but David had already moved on to the wilderness of Maon, which is only about 5 miles south of Ziph. When Saul and his men went to look for David, he was hiding in a mountain, and Saul and his men were on one side, David and his men on the other.
And just as Saul and his men surrounded David and his men, ready to capture them, a messenger of Saul's came crying out, "Hurry, the Philistines are invading the land!"
So Saul left off chasing David and went after the Philistines, so they call that place Selahammahlekoth, which means rock of divisions. After that, David and his men left Maon and hid in strong holds at Engedi, which is at the west bank of the Salt Sea.
David Hides From Saul Summary
David Hiding From Saul Conclusion
Now, bookmark the city of Maon in your mind because in Chapter 25, you're going to be reading about something that went on in Maon.
What's next for David? You'll have to come on back soon and see for yourself ... I can't wait either, I so enjoy our time here together with you at Daily Bread! Good day and God bless.
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