Baby Doo Rag

Doo Rag Pattern

Christianity Oasis has provided you with this free Baby Doo Rag program with a baby doo rag pattern and a baby doo rag tutorial. Adult doo rag pattern available too. Enjoy !!!

A woman busy crafting

Proverbs 31:13
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Crafts projects, a branch of our scripture based Virtuous Woman program, which is an amazing adventure for every woman.

Baby Doo Rag Pattern Tutorial

How to Make a Baby Doo Rag Lesson

This is our absolutely free doo rag pattern download with a step by step doo rag tutorial which has easy to follow instructions on how to make a baby doo rag.

If you like this baby doo rag project, you will also like our adult doo rag pattern and tutorial. Click the link below to create a custom baby do-rag for yourself or a loved one:

Baby Doo Rag

A baby doo rag is a covering for the child's head. We also have Adult doo rags which are very popular among chemo-therapy patients, athletes, motorcycle riders and those with long hair who wish to keep it out of their face. Doo rags are also used many times in place of a hair net or to keep cornrows, waves or other hair styles from being disturbed during sleep.

Baby dew rag, front view

Baby Doo Rag Pattern Instructions

You will have the most success at your baby doo rag turning out to be a quality crafted project if you will carefully read through the baby doo rag pattern instructions before beginning your project. Make sure you understand each step, examining each picture as you go, so you know why each step is necessary. Be sure to use quality materials, because chances are, it will be washed often, and after all your labor of love, you want it to look good and last a long time as well.

Baby Doo rag materials you will need:

  • Sewing Machine
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • 40 inches of Fabric
  • Thread

Printing the Baby Doo Rag Pattern

Please read these directions before downloading.

The baby doo rag pattern fits on two pieces of standard or A4 copy paper.

Download the Baby Doo Rag pattern here.

Note: The sewing instructions for the baby doo rag are not included on the pattern itself, they are only on this web page.

Print out the baby doo rag pattern. Cut out the baby doo rag pattern on the solid lines and along the straight dotted lines. Tape the three pieces of the Top/Tail piece together matching the dotted lines. There is no overlapping, simply put the pattern pieces edge to edge on the straight dotted lines and tape, matching the solid outside lines and the straight grain of fabric guide line. You will notice that one corner of the pattern piece at point B did not print out completely. Simply pencil it in to match the opposite side point B.

Cutting the Fabric for the Baby Doo Rag Pattern

Tip: If you have a pattern that you use often, try making your pattern pieces out of a strong quality paper towel. The paper towel is easily pinned through onto your fabric and doesn't rip like paper does when pinned through repeatedly for multiple uses. You may also want to glue your paper pattern sheets onto lightweight cardboard, then cut out the pieces. Place the pattern pieces on your fabric and trace around them with a fabric marking pen.

This baby doo rag pattern allows for ¼ inch seams. The seam allowance is already figured into the pattern, so there is no need to adjust or add any seam allowance to it. Lay out your pattern with the arrows on the pattern pieces in line with the straight grain of fabric. You will be cutting one Top/Tail piece. You will be cutting two side pieces, and one should be the reverse of the other, so when you lay out your two layers of fabric for the side pieces, they should be with either the right sides of the fabric facing one another or the wrong sides of the fabric facing one another.

Cut out the pattern along the solid outside lines.

Baby dew rag pattern, cut out

Clip ½ inch along the dotted line from the edge of the fabric to the dot labeled C.

How to clip the fabric

Sewing the Baby Doo Rag

If you would like to add an applique to your baby doo rag, now is the best time. You can also cross stitch a design with waste canvas or machine embroider a design on the tail. Be sure that you leave ample room (½ inch all around) for hemming the tail. On the pattern download there is a cross and a dove which you can choose from or use your own design. A contrasting fabric will show off your applique nicely. The baby doo rag pictured doesn't have an applique since a teddy bear printed on the fabric landed nicely in the center of the tail.

Side Seam (Seam AB): Note: You may find it easiest to stitch with the concave edge (top/tail piece) on top so plan ahead when pinning so that your pins are easier to remove when stitching. With right sides together, pin one side piece to the top/tail piece from point A to point B easing in the fullness around the curve.

Top/tail piece of baby dew rag pinned to side piece

Stitch together with a ¼ inch seam, locking the stitching at both ends. Repeat with the other side.

Zig-zag or overcast the edges of the seams.

Overcast edges of baby dew rag seams

~~~ A day hemmed in prayer, seldom unravels. ~~~

Side/Back Hem: Turn the fabric under ¼ inch from C to D turning seam AB toward the side piece and finger press (crease the fold with your fingernail).

Step 1 of the hem from point C to D

Turn under ¼ inch again and pin.

Second fold of hem from point C to D

Notice that the seam line doesn't line up perfectly on the wrong side when you turn it under.

Close up of creating hem

Stitch from C to D on each side of the tail, locking the stitching at the beginning and end.

Stitched hem

Tail Hem: Fold fabric under and press along fold line at the tip of the tail.

Folded tip of tail hem

Fold under ¼ inch from tip of tail to point E on each side and press. Fold under ¼ inch again from tip of tail to point E on each side and press.

Folding of tail hem angles

~~~ Lord, grant me that I may see to stitch until my dying day. And when my last short thread is clipped and scissors tucked away - The work that I have done live on, that other folks may see - The pleasure that I have known, Lord, in the skill you gave to me. ~~~

This creates a nice finished tip on the tail of the baby doo rag. Turn the fabric under ¼ inch from point E on one side of the tail to point C and press. Notice that the entire side of the hat is flipped over.

Folding of tail hem sides

Turn under again and press.

Pressing tail hem sides

Now flip the side of the hat back over and pin.

Pinning tail/back hem

Note: This will create a pleat on each side of the tail and will also enclose any raw edges of material where you clipped from the edge of the fabric to point C. Repeat on the other side. Do yourself a huge favor now and hand baste the hem.

Basting the tail hem

This will save your hands from getting stabbed with pins while you're trying to maneuver the turns under your sewing machine needle. Stitch your hem close to the edge from point C on one side of the tail all the way around to point C on the other side, locking the stitching on both ends. The photo below shows the stitching line is indicated in red.

Tail stitching line detail

The photo below shows the right side of the fabric after the tail hem is stitched.

Completed dew rag tail

~~~ While stitching threads with gentle care, I pray this humble little prayer, that with this work the world may see, the beauty in simplicity. ~~~

Band and Ties: Turn under ¼ inch on the two short ends of the band and ties piece and press. Turn under ¼ inch on one long edge of the band and ties piece and press.

Preparation of band/ties

Fold the band and ties piece of fabric in half (long ways) to find the center and mark it.

Marking the band center

Pin right side of band and ties piece to wrong side of hat, matching the center of the band and ties piece to point F on the top/tail piece and turning seams AB to the side piece.

Band/ties pinned to hat

Stitch a¼ inch seam from point D on one side to point D on the other side, locking the stitching at both ends.

Turn under ¼ inch on the remaining edges of the band and ties piece and press.

Pressing remaining folded tie edges

Fold the band and ties piece over the seam and pin.

Pinned band/ties

Top stitch from one end of the band and ties to the other, close to the edge.

Top stitching the band/ties

~~~ A stitch in time, saves nine. ~~~

The completed baby doo rag.

Finished baby dew rag

If you like this Baby Doo Rag pattern project or know someone who would, please pass on a link to this page or feel free to include a link on your website.

God Bless.

If you like this baby doo rag project, you will also like our adult doo rag pattern and tutorial. Click the link below to create a custom baby do-rag for yourself or a loved one:

Another one of our most popular craft patterns and tutorials is our Peanut Pillow. A great gift for kids! Click on the link below to begin stitching this fun and easy project.

Thank you for visiting our Baby Doo Rag pattern and tutorial project.

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