Free Christian Counseling
Free Christian Therapy
Christianity Oasis provides this Free Christian Counseling online with free Christian therapy. Biblical therapy bringing forth truth, understanding and peace within. Come and experience our free Christian Counseling for genuine healing.
Christianity Oasis Healing Path
So, you have been led here by our Lord to our very popular, absolutely awe inspiring and extremely effective free Christian Counseling quest for Spiritual freedom providing you with our guest favorite and unusually unique free Christian therapy available using solely Biblical therapy. This free Christian counseling path to peace is intended for those precious people who are hurting and for those souls who feel lost in a horrible darkness which they just cannot escape.
This free Christian counseling online adventure will emit extremely effective Spiritual healing as you sojourn along the free Christian therapy journey. The thought provoking and intriguing free Christian counseling messages within are excellent, enticing, exhilarating and exciting. So, if you are seeking online Christian counseling and an authentic restoration and refreshing of your YOU-nique soul, you have been led to the right place for genuine and effective free Christian counseling.
Our Free Christian counseling online path will provide genuine 100% free Christian therapy healing from Biblical therapy secrets shared with us in the Bible as to restore the BE-YOU-tiful person who has been imprisoned within. Come and experience our online Christian counseling.
The Healing Path
Stepping Stone #1
The philosophy for this path to peace is very simple.
If our Lord can calm the raging sea ...
He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea,
Peace, be still.
And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
Imagine what He can do for your soul!
Free Christian Counseling Online
Free Christian Therapy and Biblical Therapy
One of the best features of this online Christian counseling joyous journey, is that it can be enjoyed at your own pace and this bears repeating many times as to remove any fear or doubt. Oh, and have I mentioned that it is absolutely 100% free? And speaking of free ...
The Truth Will Set You Free
Let us talk Truth. Ask yourself this question ... Why would these individuals want to help me? I mean, what is their gain? This is a very important question and I believe that we should delve into what we know thus far;
- It is free Christian counseling which I can partake of at no cost.
- I can do so in my own private safe space.
- It is Biblical therapy so I can confirm everything with my Bible.
- They ask for no private information from me.
- They do not want my credit card information.
- I need not join their Church.
- Most likely, they will never even meet me (at least on earth).
- They do not want me to sell flowers for them at the airport.
- So, why is it that they are willing to do this for me?
The true answer is that God asked me to and I owe Him everything as I too was once very lost in a miserable darkness that I was unable to escape from until God reached out to me and saved me. Come on, give me a chance. Besides, ponder on this Truth ...
What have you got to lose
except for your problem?
When you choose to walk down this free Christian counseling online entrance to enlightenment, it does not matter how many others have been unsuccessful at helping you. It does not matter how long the problem has existed. It does not matter what the problem is. What does matter is that you ready to overcome the problem and have peace restored in your life. If you have decided to take a leap of Faith ... Understand this Truth. Neither you or I can do this Christian therapy alone. But, according to the Bible ... We can do it together.
Matthew 18:19-20
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall
agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them.
Free Christian Counseling Online HavenFree Christian Therapy Gift
So, let us see if you and I understand this correctly as we seek the truth of this mysterious free Christian therapy. Jesus promised, if you and I agree, we can ask anything in His name, and it will be done. It sounds like a promised miracle, does it not? Let us look into this vow together, shall we?
The free Christian counseling online procedure is simple. To begin the adventurous Biblical therapy journey into the Spiritual world of God's healing you need to choose to enter with an open mind and heart. Put all of your troubles aside for a little bit while we become ... Friends.
The foundation of friendship is based upon truth which establishes trust. Therefore, our relationship requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations that we will encounter and endure together on this Spiritual journey.
Love is Blind
But, Friendship ... Is Clairvoyant
The first Truth that I will share with you, as your new potential friend as we walk and talk along the online Christian counseling path, is that you must choose to try to obtain and maintain actual Faith. What is genuine Faith? The Bible shares with us thatFaith is the hope in the unseen.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hope in what we can not see or at least not yet. Faith can also move mountains !!!
Matthew 17:20
Verily I say unto you, if ye have Faith as a grain of mustard seed, [a super small seed] ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Think for a second about what Jesus promised us! If we have Faith we can move mountains and NOTHING will be impossible. In this in your online Christian counseling adventure, we will seek to better comprehend this important ingredient to being truly healed, called Faith. Not just the definition of Faith, but rather the Spiritual essence of the act of Faith. After all, Faith is a verb as well as a noun. You will discover as we sojourn along in this free Christian counseling online oasis that Faith means to believe something with all your mind and heart, despite everything. Despite being unable to see it in your life or even in your dreams. Remember ... Faith is hope in the unseen.
So, Jesus is saying that if we believe, we receive. No matter what it is. According to the Lord, we can make anything happen with belief. Did you know that you have been performing this Spiritual Biblical therapy "technique" which Jesus is speaking of, in your life all along? Think about it.
You believe something bad is going to happen, though it is unseen at the time, and boom ... It happens. Things just appear to keep getting worse and worse. That is because you believe it will. So, in reality, the power of the promise of Jesus of moving mountains is working in your life even now. You are unknowingly moving mounds of nonsense into your world by way of bad thoughts and believing them. Sooooooo, we need only add a little direction control to this powerful tool.
At this time, you are just believing in what you do not want instead of believing in what you do want. You see, belief (Faith) is like a great flowing river and it does not matter what you throw into this raging river of belief ... It will flow! This flowing river called Faith is bringing your beliefs to life. Whether your beliefs are good, bad, happy or sad. It matters not what thoughts you ponder upon, they will come to life with belief. So, we only need to change our beliefs. To change what we believe, we must choose to change what we ponder upon and how we think, as to receive the promise.
Online Christian Counseling Trivia Time ... But, how do we change our thoughts thereby changing our beliefs when we are caught up in a worldly whirlwind? You know ... When we are knee deep in trials or tribulation that we just cannot seem to overcome. The answer will be shared within this Free Christian Counseling online voyage. One must start afresh and become spiritually reborn, if you will.
One must become as a child.
Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life.
So, if you are truly ready to begin this absolutely amazing free Christian Counseling 14 day miraculous Christian healing program, let's begin. The Biblical therapy found in God's Word (the Bible) that we are about to explore will reach within you and bring forth the faith that is hidden within and yet is required to come forth as to bring forth healing. Think about this ... When you were a child, your imagination was limitless and you possessed this awesome gift known as Faith.
This faith is yours. It can not just take off and leave you. Nobody can take it from you. It can, however, be hidden deep within by you and only you, due to past experiences which resulted in anger, doubt, fear, pride, pain, etc; These negative emotions cause us to create our own spiritual walls. A castle if you will, which we create around us. We dig a moat around this Spiritual castle and fill it with things that man dares not even look upon, much less touch. We lift the drawbridge and run to the highest window in our castle and grant audience to those who we encounter from this highest window as to protect ourselves from ever feeling the pain from those experiences ever again.
This self defense mechanism within us, causes us to feel as if it is, us against the world. Over time, all of the negative beliefs begin to create our environment and even establish negative habits within and our lives begin to change by our own choice to think and act. In short ... We imprison our own souls. This habit must be changed.
Now, the intent of this free Christian counseling online Christian therapy is not to tear down the walls of your spiritual castle, thereby leaving you vulnerable to attack, but rather to find a more effective way of dealing with the problems within and to better cope with those thoughts which confront you, by exposing them to the Light of Truth and then ...
The truth will set you free as you travel along this online Christian counseling voyage.
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Freedom ... Here we come !!!
Within this free Christian therapy program there are fourteen adventurous steps ... One step each day for the promised miracle to work.
During the 14 days of awe inspiring free Christian Counseling, you will begin to feel the change within and as the days pass. You will begin to overcome the problem with directed steps of Faith and the help of our Lord. As you sojourn along in our Christian counseling trek for truth, you will begin to sense your spirit soaring within you like you never knew it could. You will learn how to obtain and maintain Faith in the Lord. You will establish a connection with our Lord like you have never imagined possible You will then understand that you can and will overcome.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
And this will establish hope gradually as you take each online Christian counseling step! This hope will become an anchor of your soul in the stormy seas you are in.
Hebrews 6:19
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul.
And this hope ... In that which is not here yet and may not be seen ...
Hebrews 11:1
Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Now, I realize that it is difficult and may even seem impossible to obtain and maintain Faith in Him at this time, but I promise you that if you will choose to follow the free Christian Counseling online path, you will obtain and maintain the Faith necessary to overcome your problem.
We will do this together.
Matthew 18:19-20
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall
agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them.
Free Christian Counseling Online VowFree Christian Therapy Blessing
Problems have a way of keeping us from being ourselves. The Lord wants the real you back again, because when you are not yourself, you drift away from family, friends and even God.
Ponder on this for a minute. Our Lord died on the Cross for you ... So, why is it so hard to believe that He would do anything to have His child back? In most cases, it really is not that hard for Christians to imagine God forgiving us. The hard part is forgiving ourselves. This Spiritual Path of Truth will lead you back to your Heavenly Father. It does not matter if you have a tiny little problem that a spiritual band aid could fix, or a huge, colossal problem that only God could understand the complexity of.
Our Lord said clearly: anything that they shall ask ... It shall be done for them. Why would He lie?
Again, I must remind you that you must choose to follow each Christian counseling step of the path for the miracle to work. Each Step only takes about 15-30 minutes a day, but do not allow the brevity of the procedure to deceive you. Within this free Counseling program is the power of Truth shared with us from our Lord and those who have walked the Christian path before us.
As we sojourn along this Biblical Healing Path, there will be times when you feel so spirited and energized that you will become very enthusiastic and believe that you are ready to move on to the next step before it is time, but you must choose to perform this procedure as it has been presented for the entire 14 days of free Christian therapy.
Online Christian Counseling Caution ... Please don't rob yourself of this awesome opportunity to see a true eternal miracle, by cheating yourself and going on ahead of schedule. To do so would only bring temporal comfort. I know it will be hard to resist going on to the next free Counseling step once you begin, but you should only digest so much at a time, and that way, nothing is wasted and you get the benefits of every ounce of Truth.
If you choose to take it slow, all that you will be learning will have a chance to absorb into your mind and your spirit will react when you take all 14 days to complete the Biblical therapy steps.
Taking in too much at one time, you run the risk of forgetting some of it and not allowing the natural instincts and habits to be established. Another benefit of the full 14 days is that it naturally creates passion and anticipation to return each day, because it truly is a very exciting and healing path. In short my new potential friend, It is like medicine for the soul that should be taken only as prescribed, this spiritual medicine needs to be taken in the prescribed doses as to heal your soul.
If you choose to do so ... This Christianity Oasis free Christian counseling online healing path will change you from within forever.
Prepare to experience the powerful Grace of God!
God's Grace
Free Christian Counseling Tidbit of Truth ... We all make mistakes. We fall. Sin gets in our way. Temptation surrounds us and we don't always resist. But that is exactly why God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and to give us the free gift of Grace!
He wants you to ask forgiveness and keep fighting the good fight of Faith. When you find yourself struggling with feelings of failure, unworthiness, fear, weakness or shame, just remember that God loves you so very much and He wants you to get back up when you stumble.
Persevere! Never Give Up!
If you have a bad day as you are experiencing the faith and hope building change that comes from our online Christian counseling, the Grace study below will help you understand more about the liberating Grace that our Father wants each and every one of us to enjoy.
Each day you will find a free Christian therapy path filled with awesome little tidbits of truth and at the end of each free Christian counseling page you will find a Biblical therapy step to perform, such as the one below.
You will need to choose to return to this free Christian Counseling Path every day for the next 14 days so please bookmark this page.
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Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Free Christian Counseling Online Resources
Crisis Family Care ... Free Marriage Counseling Help | A marriage counseling agency designed to give you Free Marriage Help. If your marriage is in trouble we are your life saver. Online Christian counseling available.
Breaking Free Christian Counseling ... Christian Counselor Directory. Breaking Free Christian Counseling, PLLC, located in Wickenburg, Arizona, provides Christian counseling and Christian therapy services.
Focus on the Family ... Free Christian Counseling Session. Focus on the Family (Free Christian Counseling Session and Hope Line ... Focus on the Family, recognized nationally as the premier family-oriented ministry, offers a network of Christian counselors. Focus on the Family, recognized nationally as the premier family-oriented ministry, offers a network of Christian counselors. Experience true online Christian counseling.
Free Christian Counseling Online ... Free Christian Counseling Online | Professional Counselors. Free Christian Counseling Online is a service of MyCounselor.Online providing free and reduced-fee online counseling from trained counselors.
Free Christian Counseling Training ... Training for Christian counseling certifications and degrees. Training for Christian counseling provides free videos, low-cost biblical counseling and life coaching certifications and degrees. ... Looking after your emotional well-being is just as important as caring for your physical health. By actively nurturing wellness, you're better able to handle life's challenges and bounce back when bad things happen.
Holy Spirit ... The Holy Spirit is the best free Christian counseling you can receive. Get to know the Holy Spirit who is the promised Comforter from the Lord for free Christian therapy for the soul. This is excellent online Christian counseling.
Liberating Grace Christian Counseling ... Christian Counseling. Releasing ... I specialize in counseling from a grace-based perspective. Call for a free phone consultation.
Very Well Mind ... Best Online Therapy for Christians of 2023 - Chatnow provides free peer support through a 24-hour chatline and also offers articles and other resources related to Christian spirituality.
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