Solomon Son of David

The Story of Solomon

Christianity Oasis has provided you with this King Solomon Son of David journey into the story of Solomon in the Bible. We look into that and all aspects of the Christian Walk.

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Bible Characters

Welcome to our Bible Characters excellent expeditions where we share Bible studies on individuals from the Bible as well as present you with some awe inspiring Christian Walk Studies which will truly bring a smile to the lips and heart.

This particular teaching is our King Solomon Son of David trek for truth. You will soon discover that he truth within this SON-sational study on the story of Solomon in the will truly enhance your understanding and enhance your Christian walk.

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King Solomon

Who is King Solomon Son of David

The Story of Solomon in the Bible Quest

Solomon aka Jedidiah was born in Jerusalem. He was the second child of David and his wife Bathsheba, who was the widow of Uriah whom David had a hand in having him killed in order to hide the fact that David had an adulterous relationship Bathsheba. David and Bathsheba had a child and a son which died seven days after birth as punishment for David's sin.

Note that God had forgiven King David and after punishing him by taking his firstborn, God allowed Bathsheba to have a second child who would one day become the next king of Israel. This means that King Solomon Son of David is within the spiritual Lineage to Jesus.

King David experienced God's unconditional love and forgiveness and expressed it in praise to God ...

Psalm 103:8-13

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide: neither will he keep His anger for ever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the Heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.

Back to the story of Solomon in the Bible ... Solomon became the king of Israel when David died. When God asked Solomon, "What shall I give thee," Solomon responded that he desired to possess "An understanding heart to judge (rule fairly) thy people, that I may discern (understand the difference) between good and bad."

God was so pleased that Solomon asked for something that would be good for God's people, as compared to King Solomon asking for something for himself, that God made King Solomon Son of David the wisest man to ever live. Solomon built a house for the Lord in Jerusalem. There was peace on the earth through the years that Solomon was king. God also gave Solomon riches and honor. Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs (wise, true sayings) and wrote 1005 songs.

King Solomon Son of David Wisdom

The Story of Solomon in the Bible Proverbs

If you have ever read the Book of Psalms and enjoyed it, you are definitely going to adore the Book of Proverbs. As you may know, the Psalms were written by king David, but did you know that the Proverbs were written by the wisest man to ever live? King David's son, named Solomon wrote the Proverbs. You can read all about the life of Solomon in the first half of the First Book of Kings.

Let's share a little Bible trivia, shall we? What is a proverb? In Latin, two words are combined, the words pro or "for" and verba or "words." In the Proverbs of Solomon, many words are concentrated into few, and these easily remembered phrases are called Proverbs.

The key element of Proverbs is how to obtain and maintain Wisdom. King Solomon Son of David, being the wisest man ever, shares his wisdom (which originated from God) to us in many short adages. You will want to partake of them slowly, and pause after each line to allow the seeds of Wisdom to sink in before you continue on, because in most of the Proverbs, King Solomon switches from one subject to another with no apparent connection.

King Solomon Son of David Blessings

The Story of Solomon in the Bible Fortune Cookies

Consider the Proverbs as being God's fortune cookies. As a matter of fact, you could write them on little pieces of paper, fold them up and put them in a box, then select one each morning to read and to try and apply to your life.

There are thirty one chapters in the Book of Proverbs. This makes it rather easy to keep track of if you read one chapter each day, for a month. When you do something over and over again, it becomes a habit, and the Proverbs and Psalms will become a part of your soul. Wisdom is something that nobody can have enough of.

There are a variety of topics that are taught by King Solomon son of David in the Book of Proverbs and some are repeated frequently with slightly different wording. Some people can go from being completely lost, to understanding something perfectly with the change of a single word. You are gonna love the Truth found in each and every one of the promising Proverbs.

King Solomon Son of David Summary

The Story of Solomon in the Bible Message

Let's recap ... Solomon also called Jedidiah. Solomon is best known for Proverbs and his gift of Wisdom from God. Consider them as Spiritual guidelines of ways to live a righteous life in these CON-fusing and chaotic times.

Ever wonder how to relate better with God, your parents, your children, your friends, neighbors, teachers, co-workers, government? Solomon has answers for you, some in parables, some in short stories, but most in single lines of common sense that were meant to help you through ... Life!

Solomon is also well known for building the first Temple of God in Jerusalem. King David wanted to build the first Temple, but had too much blood on his hands due to the many wars he was in. So God chose Solomon to do so. He was also the last king of Israel after it's unification which was at the height of its power during the King Solomon reign.

Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (mistresses) from various nations. Wow! Can you imagine? One is usually plenty for most fellas. God had warned the Jewish people about marrying foreigners, because they would try to sway the Israelite into idolizing their false gods, thereby angering God.

Well, ole King Solomon did not hear or adhere to God's warning so these 1000 women led him astray and he allowed the worship of false gods into Israel, to please his women. Tsk Tsk. But, always remember ... God forgives. Thank God for Grace which is available to YOU as well.