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state of war

Postby rain » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:00 pm

state of war

This road's been long and unpaved,
This mind's been pulled and strained,
Yet, the root of all that's within,
Is the guilt and shame of my sins.
I'm inadequate to my given purpose,
I've been tangled in what makes me worthless,
Yet, I yearn for that which I am unworthy,
And my feet are steadfast, but not sturdy.
This search in which I so struggle,
To break free from my self destructive bubble,
As my good and evil sides go to battle,
I'm stuck in between, hear my caged walls rattle?
I feel as though I'm barely above water,
Sinking with shame in my name of God's Daughter,
I am too ashamed to turn to my Father,
My mind is so bent, it tells me don't bother.
Still, I live each and every day,
Although I'm lost and know not the way,
I can stand strong because I believe,
That there is one God, who believes in me
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