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Postby comfy » Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:49 pm

planning to see you some more, Angel ;)

I just got dumped about my problem, in church, and needed to just take it and humble myself. And care about others. It's not about me, but about submitting to God together.

"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful.
All things are lawful for me, but

. . . . . . .. . . .I will not be brought under the power of any." (1 Corinthians 6:12)

If I am struggling with something, then I'm somehow under the power of it, I consider. So, if you're thinking and worrying and struggling about booze . . . it doesn't matter what you call yourself > you're under the power of it . . . even if you don't drink it. And with You, LORD, we can get free. So, please make me more really with You in Your power and love and soundness of mind, and please have mercy on Angel and bless her and encourage her, and may we please have her back.
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Postby mlg » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:05 pm

Angel sis, we understand that you struggle, and we encourage you to reach out to God when you do struggle. Your decision to stop posting does not make me happy, nor does it make God happy. The thing is sis, that sometimes we are so used to the temptation that we don't see the whole picture of what the temptation is doing to us. But, God does and He wants you healed and whole again. Having a sip or two of alcohol does not make you an alcoholic sis...but if you are addicted to the need to have alcohol then that is a different issue totally. If you are struggling daily to fight the temptation of alcohol sis, then you may just have an addiction to it. But, every addiction has a way out...His name is Jesus.

Praying you will come back and share with us. I luv ya too much to see ya decide to stop after coming so far. Please come back and share soon.
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Postby momof3 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:46 pm

hi angel..God bless you, sis. i just wanted to say i hope you come back cuz i really believe this is where the Lord has called you. Sis, addiction is addiction. anything that controls us more than we control it is addiction. there are so many forms of addiction. that does not make you a horrible person. it does not make you unsaved. it means you need some help in an area of your life that has more control over you than you have of it. It just means you need healing from the Lord in that area of your life...and believe me, we are all in that postition. We all need His healing and deliverance from something.

Im praying for you and may His will be done in your life. Love you, girl..and know you are NOT alone in this struggle.

in Jesus,
love momo *Pray*
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Postby vahn » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:36 am

Hey Angel

I would like to share with you a bit of my "struggle" w/addiction in the hopes of letting you know of my understanding of the way you felt when confronted with this issue . But first let me clear the air a bit by saying two things , the reason it took me so long to come to grasps with my addiction(s) is that no one said anything to me about it for two reasons , one was fear , that I might get "offended" or "hurt" if they did , and two , they didn't know anything about addiction , and as a result my hurts ended up 100 times deeper than what they feared .

Here's the second part , the person who did say something and my reaction to it .

It was my childhood friend , me and this guy did everything together , we were born in a wartorn country we stuck together thru it all , partying smoking hash, drinking since age 11 or 12 just to escape from it all and get some courage to face the next day of the same thing , more fighting . At age 15 we decided this was for the birds and we didn't even pack , we just up and gonned it leaving everything behind , family , friends and all , with no destination except outa here in sight , we ended up in the America together , we joined the service ( another bright idea, duh ! ) here together , discharged together , went college , got government contracts started a business making aircraft instruments
together , made a lot of money , I was his best best man at his wedding and he was supposed to be my best man at mine (but that's a whole diff story in itself) , and thru these times I never drew a sober breath except when sleeping . One day he came into my office and handed me a 58.000 check and the month's past's report , it was 3 times the amount and he said "vahn , about your drinking brother " I didn't even let him finish , I just tossed the check in his face and said " You backstabber , trying to take away from me the only thing that works !!! " and stormed out never to return , coming home , told my girlfriend and she said "he'd been trying to help you for quite sometime now " in agreement with him . I packed everything I could in my VW bus and never looked back .
3 years later I was in front of the same judge 3 times in the same month for diff violations , all alcohol related , that's when I first heard the word alcoholic , "who? me ? cant be , wont be , refuse to be ....what in the world is an alcoholic anyway ?" , I didn't know .
6 years and a prison term later , another alcoholic found me in an alley , and he shared with me what I am now sharing with you , that was ten plus years ago and I haven't found it necessary for me to pick up a drink or a drug since , But for the Grace of God .

Angel , my words sometimes sound harsh , and they may offend or hurt you , but I'm not worried about that , you know why ? If I don't , your hurt may end up 100 times deeper , just like they did mine .

Turn your life and addictions over to the care of God and let Him tell you what it's all about . don't listen to yourself .
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Postby Angelbaby5460 » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:02 pm

Just wanted to quickly let everyone know I am ok... I have a lot going on right now and am having a hard time finding the light at the end of the tunnel so to say...
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Postby mlg » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:10 pm

Yes sis you may be having a hard time finding it but you know it's keep searching, keep feeling and reaching for God's face...He is waiting for you and wants to Light up the darkened pathway you are on. He loves you so very much sis. Thanks for letting us know you are ok.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:20 pm

Good to hear you are doing ok. *angelbounce*
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Postby comfy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:51 pm

Thank You . . . may we serve You the way You want . . .

thank You for the oneness we have with You and each other . . .

and bless Angel, please, how You will, now.
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Postby deetu » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:39 pm

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Postby Angelbaby5460 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:57 am

Just wanted to quick give everyone an update I am doing ok have been sick for a couple days now... Dont know if its from the weather or brought on by all the stress or both... Well hope you all are doing ok....
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Postby Dora » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:48 am

Love ya Angelbaby *hug*
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby mlg » Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:11 am

Hi Angel sis *angelbounce* Hope you are feeling better now. Have a delightful day in the Lord.

luv ya bunches
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