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This forum is for those who are 18 years of age or older. This forum is a sanctuary for those who are experiencing trials and tribulation and seek words of wisdom, comfort and TRUTH from fellow Christians who have experienced similar trials and tribulation and have overcome them. Never forget that we ALL fall down as we sojourn down this Christian Walk. The trick is to get up and carry on fighting the good fight of FAITH. One of the greatest gifts that our Father gave to Christians is ... Fellow Christians. James 5:16 ... Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much ...
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Postby comfy » Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:44 pm

Hi, Tiger Lily . . . beautiful name; I used to have a tiger puppet I called Tiger Lily :) > you wrote:I feel like im going crazy insdie my own head, in a world where theres to put their arm around me, someone to look after me and someone to protect me, someone who;ll always be there , ill get close to someone ive been chatting to for a while and they'll become that someone in my dreams but eventually they'll tire of me and have better things to do and move on with their lives leaving me behind trapped in some wierd place inside my head, it'll be like some kind of internal torture for me everytime a peron leaves becasue of what its costs me to get close to them in the first place, which doesn't make any sense becasue its always lies and pretence anyway, maybe its better if i runaway and remain distant peorple, For fear of been rejected becasue of who i am?
Well, if you're young with younger guys who are school age . . . you might yourself be one who doesn't want to stay all the time with the same subject, same thing to do, or same the person. A younger guy might not be able to stick with always the same person. And don't we all need to share with different people who are good for us? I mean, I am 62 years old, and I need my different Christian brothers and sisters to help me, show me how to love, pray for me, encourage me. One person is not enough. God means for us to be *Family* together . . . not to pick just some one favorite we hope to use for what we want.

Yes, there are guys who put on a pretense, though. This means they have not found out how to love. They need help, they are in trouble. It's not you, then. You need older people who know God, who can share with you about how to love.
Jesus says, "For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" in Matthew 5:46 of His Sermon on the Mount. Have you read the Sermon on the Mount, about how to love?

You also wrote:I dont even know who that person is anymore, I remember, her, being happy and carefree and running away everywhere lol, the only time i ever catch a glimpse of her is at summer camp and then its like a week out of someone elses life and back home it all feels like a dream, if anyone ever sees her catch her and tell her to come back :cry: what happened to me?
If you have lost that girl . . . that is a lost girl . . . we are saying you don't have to be how this world dictates, but also you do not want to be how *you* now might think you have to be . . . because that girl can so easily get lost. We all need to become how You, LORD our God and Father desire. Not to just be some way to stay that way we want, but also not to conform to how others of this world would want >

wjy do i now have to worry about how i look? what size i am? what im wearing? what im doing? why do i always hate what i see? Why does there have to be tv and magazines telling us we should do this, be like that, popstars and actors and fame, it doesn't just just affect the famous but everyone else as well as it seems to set standards of what people should be like, what people shouldwear? If anyone one is anything less it seems they're not good enough, we all seem to aspire to there people, to the relationships all the ooks and movies talk about, when in reality its nothing like that, anyone who doesn't meet with todays standards are as outcasts and picked on and bullied and i hate it .
So it is, in oppression > everybody has to look and act a certain way . . . so no one has to learn how to love. In Satan's kingdom, there is cloning because Satan does not have what it takes to love and care for each person as a unique individual. He is too *lazy* to deal with each person having different characteristics, interests, needs, problems, dreams . . . we need to not be lazy like him, by just wanting to find certain people we can *use* for things we want. We do not want to be piggy-backing on Satan's problem.

Our Father loves * a - l -l * . He wants us to be like Him > "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." (Ephesians 5:1)

But theres something in the back of my head thats saying Jesus is who we should aspire to be like but it doesnt seem o be any comfort to I still sit here and sob in the fear of having to face up to facing the battle along and being alone, because now ive learnt that no friend will be there for me when they say or that promises they make to me will be broken what ts the point of holding onto false hopes because there isn't any ... i guess cos where all human,

This is good, that you know "Jesus is who we should aspire to be like". But we are not comforted by this, while we are still busy with how we want people to be for us so we can use them. May be you yourself are still trying to conform people, somewhat, to be who you want. Instead of trying to find some young guy to be what you want, maybe discover who each person really is and what is really right and needed for each one, instead of looking for what you want in someone . . . what you can want, now, when God has more for you ;)

This is part of the challenge we have as Christians > can we find out the real truth about each person, and then still love that person and do what God has us do to love each one (o: To find out how to relate pesonally with God, in sumbission to Him and to keep finding how to love each person > no other challenge can keep us alive spiritually.

and im guessing now you all think im a little crazy :p

And by whose standards are we going to be judging if you are crazy? Whatever I think about you, it can be true about me, too ;)
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Postby tigerlily » Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:22 pm

I don't know what to say really but felt like posting someone, only that I can start something such as praying and reading the bible and carry it on for a while but eventually i'll give it up and forget about it, after a while, then i'll start again and give it up again until i eventually give it up completly, I don't know how to keep myself going when i so want to give up with everything usually im determined to do whatever it is that needs doing, but with this theres nothing in me that wants to get through this sometimes giving up seems the easy way out :cry:
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Postby Dora » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:30 pm

Hello tigerlily :)

Giving up is the easy way out. But the rewards of standing firm in the battle are so worth while.

Luke 6:35
But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

When I think of the Christian walk I sometimes think of a dance I learned long ago where we took two steps forward and one step back.

In our walk with God we tend to want to give up when we take a step backwards, getting discouraged that we let ourselves down. Now if you just give up you'll never finish the dance will ya. :)

He's got your hand dancing with you through this life, even during the down times. Even when you loose your vigor to seek him, he's there. Because God is just good like that.
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Postby vahn » Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:33 am

Hello Tigerlily

Forum-surfing I just happened by your post and something you said caught my attention . Funny how things work in God's world huh ? One person goes thru something and another one goes "How they do that ? Are they listening to my head ? " . But that's the beauty of the whole thing , All being God's children , we all learn from each other's experiences , and , each one sees the situation from a different point of view , and when you put them all together we get a good Idea of the whole picture rather than just bits and pieces of it .

When I read ;
ill get close to someone ive been chatting to for a while and they'll become that someone in my dreams but eventually they'll tire of me and have better things to do and move on with their lives leaving me behind trapped in some wierd place inside my head, it'll be like some kind of internal torture for me everytime a peron leaves becasue of what its costs me to get close to them in the first place, which doesn't make any sense becasue its always lies and pretence anyway, maybe its better if i runaway and remain distant peorple, For fear of been rejected becasue of who i am?

I said ah ! hmm !

I am not into one-upmanship much , neither am I into "out-do" the other , but my experience(s) I must share in order for me to get some release and hoping, in the process have someone benefit from it , so the whole thing won't end up as a total loss .

Within a one year period I went thru 3 similar situations but God had 3
different "lessons" for me to learn from . One was my daughter , 2) was a person who had been doing that for the past 10-15 yrs now and 3) If I were to write about it (in fact I did,but not in so "kind" of words) your words would've fit it to a tee .
Without having to dwell on the particulars , at the same time looking beyond it , this is what was learnt .
Everytime I end up being treated as such - and reality is that I will again -
my immediate response to it had been , " I must of done something wrong or I wouldn't had been 'rejected' like that " and /or " Oh man , this hurts , I will never want to go thru that again , and I wont , I'll show them ! I will never let anyone get that close to me again " and on and on it goes , and soon I find out the best way to do that is run ! Here's the bad part , no matter how far or how fast I run my self always beats me to it , it'll always be there waiting for me (hate it when they do that !)

The way I handle(d) it ? , in the case of #1 , she didn't leave me , I didn't leave her either ! , #2 , they didn't leave me , I didn't leave them either ! #3 , they didn't leave me , I didn't leave them either !
It was God's way of making me realize how much I loved them and teach me how much more I appreciate their part in my life and how much more I should love them , and appreciate and respect their wishes because you see , "their wish" is God's will . They probably have as much clue of why they're doing that as I do . But my job is to obey God's will and love them more so that when they come back from their learning expeditions I'll be here for them with open and loving arms , and at the same time if they don't , and the real McCoy shows up they wont get the clenched fist treatment either .

The Big Picture ? I just found out that I am able to love after all because God Loved me (and them) first ! So its a win-win situation isn't it ?

May God Bless you with the realization (make real) His Love for you in order for you to show it to them .

Luv ya
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Postby momof3 » Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:41 pm

tigerlily wrote:I don't know what to say really but felt like posting someone, only that I can start something such as praying and reading the bible and carry it on for a while but eventually i'll give it up and forget about it, after a while, then i'll start again and give it up again until i eventually give it up completly, I don't know how to keep myself going when i so want to give up with everything usually im determined to do whatever it is that needs doing, but with this theres nothing in me that wants to get through this sometimes giving up seems the easy way out :cry:

hey Lily *hug*

lil sis, ive been where you are. I can tell you comes down to a decision. It is a choice. If you choose to keep going, if you choose to follow through you will. When the voices tell you to stop and do nothing, dont give in to nothing. Nothing will keep you in the same place. God has given us the will and freedom to choose. Push through this. You dont have to be strong, just decide to keep going no matter what you feel like. You do have the choice.

I love you, girl and am here for you. Let Him lead you through this. He hasnt given up on you, dont give up on Him.

in Jesus,
love momo *Pray*
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Postby mlg » Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:54 pm

Tiger sis, are you doing the charts? They will help you stay on track and bring support in your walk with the Lord. I know it's not easy to try and do this by yourself, but with help you can. Come on sis...let's finish the race.

luv ya
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Postby tigerlily » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:20 pm

I started doing the charts and then gave up on them like everything else why am i so rubbish at this ?
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Postby momof3 » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:34 pm

cuz you are listenin to the enemy tell you what you are instead. Get up now, sis...pick up where you left off and see that your strength is in Jesus. His strength in you. Keep going. You will get there if you dont give up. One step at a time. Love you, girl. Get back up now. He is your rock.

in Jesus,
love momo
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Postby Dora » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:35 pm

Hey ya sis. I confess I'm not so good at the charts either. I tried them a few years ago, then quit within a month. I have my chart for August taped to my kitchen closet. I have one day marked. I feel like I failed it, but I keep it there as a reminder to just try harder. I think sometimes we put to high of goals.

Just keep trying sis. Keep it simple. God doesn't ask miracles out of you. As a matter of fact he'd rather you relax and trust him to preform the miracles. Give your best and allow him to make up what's lacking. :)

Improvement comes in small steps. God loves you and so do I. *angelbounce*
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Postby tigerlily » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:50 pm

maybe if i just start with one thing in my chart it might be easier ? and then build it up ?
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Postby mlg » Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:40 pm

Now that sounds like a GREAT! idea :) Go for can do this.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:49 am

I think that's a good idea sis. :)


Prayers for you. *Pray*
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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