Mother's Day in July

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Mother's Day in July

Postby Sylvia » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:17 pm

For me, today was Mother's Day.
For the first time in many years I had my two sons sitting on each side of me at church. Years ago they were little sitting with their two sisters and my husband and I in church. We would be giving them "the look" that they knew to mean they better knock off whatever it was they were doing.
But today both sons wanted to be there.
My oldest son met with our Pastor a week ago and accepted Christ into his life. He had done it as a child but because of his drug and alcohol problem he gave his life over anew to the one who has the power to change lives. Jesus Christ.
He has been clean now a month. He has been sober for over a week.
He came this morning to church because he wanted to be there.
The day after he met with our pastor, I have to admit to you all that I had my doubts he was sincere. I told the Lord this and God gave me a verse.
Psalms 51:17 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise."
God knows our hearts. He knows my sons heart. I need to leave my son in His capable hands.
I have prayed so much for this to happen that when it did I doubted it was real. Why do we do that? Why do we pray for things over and over again only to doubt God's work in the matter?
My son is telling everyone that he has given his life and his problems over to God. Even calling his ex-wife and telling her. He has dumped his junkie friends and is hanging out with different people. One person is a new Christian at our church who has been clean and sober for 19 years. (no his name is not Realtmg but I do think about the coincidence!)
this guy works with people who have a drug and alcohol problem. God is working.
So what I want to say to all of you is when you pray- expect an answer.
it might not be today or next week that you get an answer but it will come.
God is in control
Sylvia *Pray*
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Postby lizzie » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:53 pm

aww sylvia *hug*

How blessed I am to read your Praise report today.

Oh how awesome God is. Even when we cannot make sense of it or imagine how it could happen, He brings it to pass. You trust in Him dear sis. Jesus changes hearts :) and He heals them so beautifully.

May God continue to bless and touch the lives of you and the people around you.

yay im so happy *run*

luv u sylvia !!
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