Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.

Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby freerangeloon » Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:05 pm

I read through your heartfelt thoughts and was going to share my journey as a caregiver to my parents in their last years. (dad had a myriad of medical issues plus dementia and mum had asthmatic emphysema). Rather then go through that I'd like to share a poem I'm sure you are familiar with as I was reminded of it when you speak of sadness and sorrow in the present circumstances surrounding you. Pray it speaks to you as it did to me. I continue to keep you and your husband in prayer.

One night I dreamed I was walking
along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed that
during the low periods of my life, when I was
suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,”You promised me
Lord, that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods
of my life there have only been
one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you.”

- Mary Stevenson
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:35 pm

Thank you, yes it is a good one and a timely reminder.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:56 am

I did not go to the beach that day, but spent time outside in my yard. Then went to the beach a different day. Love the sound of the surf.
This week a friend from my care group died, of the nicest ladies..always wanting to pray for give to others..Last night a friend and mentor of mine, her husband died. My friend is Dottie. Someone I originally met online but have also spent time with in person, she lives a few hours from me. God used Dottie to teach me experientially trust, hope and faith in the midst of very difficult situations. Her husband (57 years) had parkinson's and was bed ridden I think for about 2 years in their home. She took great care of him and also listened to God and took care of herself during that time. Dottie is one of those people God places for a season for a reason. My husband is not doing well. Lately each day he is worse/weaker and more short of breath. I CANT do this in the flesh, I CANT, I can not... but I know full well that is the exact place where God can and will show up, so I just need to lean on Him. This month he said for me to daily in the morning sit/come and listen and write.. i have been. today he said:Beloved,
I call you,
I draw you,
I beckon you,
To enter My Rest.

I am ALWAYS with you,
There is no time,
No situation,
No season,
No circumstance,
Of your life,
That is or has been,
Outside of My Provision.

I offer what you need,
In every time OF need.

My love for you,
As well as My availability,
To you,
Is always present.

I desire to walk with you,
For you to walk with Me,
In every season and,
Circumstance of life.
You do this by turning to Me,
In trust and repentance.

Truly, I am close to the brokenhearted.
Would you like to come to Me afresh this day?
I am here.

Whatever and whenever your “here” entails.
Simply come and “see” with fresh eyes,
My love and provision for your heart.
Nov. 11, 2013
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Dora » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:28 pm

I love the way He speaks to you. I'm certain He loves the way you listen. :)

prayers are rising for you dear sister and friend.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:23 am

and on and on life goes...what did shakesphere say? on and on this petty pace and all our yesterdays have spawned tomorrows? but the truth is... we are not guaranteed tomorrow and all we really have is "this moment" BUT the GOOD news is GOd is WITH us in "this and every moment".
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:37 pm

It is New Year's Eve. I am alone in my house. All alone. Completely alone. Husband is in hospital. I have rarely been alone in my house at night. I have never lived alone. Not ever in all my 65+ years. Married at 21 fresh out of dorm life. First Child at 22. Last child left home 8 years ago. My husband is really really sick. He will get out yet again this time. But I have not ever once been alone on New Years. In a way it is not a big deal because we have have never celebrated New Years except a few times when a church we were members of had communion, worship and breakfast. That was cool. Sometimes he worked on New Years but the came on late. Usually I am asleep anyhow. But today I am so sad, a little nervous and lonely. I want to cry and lean on Abba but the tears are even stuck somewhere so deep. I don't like the firecrackers i can hear. I know I am not REALLY alone because God is here with me. But…. and I have friends who are widows…how lonely they must be, especially Wendy who is having her first new years as a widow and B is too. Too bad we all don't live closer. well I just needed to admit how I feel. So now maybe soon I can get connected in a tangible way with God. Besides all that, I simply do not feel well. Whine whine. all done…turning on the worship music again.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:09 am

Hello HisOwn (((hugs)))

God bless you this day, and Happy New Year!

Your post, like a Psalm, is a confession and a cry that The Lord hears. In the pause, Selah, His love strengthens you, and you are once again praising our Lord. Hallelujah!

Thank you for the sweet reminder and example.

Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus on behalf of you and your husband. God's blessed and perfect will be done.

God bless and keep you, HisOwn.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:51 am

Amen to Mackenaw's reply to you....God loves you HisOwn.....This too shall pass.

Take care
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:14 pm

They discovered he has a staph sort of pneumonia and changed the meds today. Also gout. He wants the gout pain to go away. God is good. God is on the throne. No matter what.
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby mlg » Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:40 pm

Praying for God's healing....and may you be strong through His strength during this time.

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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:50 pm

Today is Saturday. Husband is still in hospital, but seemed better when I visited today. I left because I need to exercise in the Y pool because of chronic pain and I had some errands that needed to be done. I am staying home the rest of the day. I am so emotionally exhausted. Just totally depleted. Listening to worship music right now. I have laundry to do and bathrooms to clean and vacumn, but other than that I am not going to do anything except connect with God. I am not sure when I have felt so emotionally depleted like this. The entire past year was a year of continual decline. I feel so sorry for him and there is really nothing I can do. I could go sit some more at hospital and know he wants me to but I just can't face the drive there and home after dark with the house stuff still needing doing. I still struggle with meeting my own needs, always feel guilty.
The GOOD news is… last night I was not one bit nervous in the house and did not go lock myself in my bedroom for the evening. Stayed out in the house all evening. Which may sound silly to be thanking God for, but I am. :)
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Re: Thank God for God (smile)

Postby HisOwn » Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:58 am

He is out and home again.
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