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My First Journal To The Start Of A New Life

Postby Chasingcars4life » Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:54 am

Day one of my journal and I am feeling lifted. Last night I found this website as I am desperate need for faitb, love, honor, and forgiveness. I am knew at walking the life of a Christian woman. I have lived a very dark sinful life and up until recently I had no desire for tryin to fix my life through the hands of the Lord. I am married to the love of my life and have a beautiful son with him but my husband has had it with my sinful life and has recently asked for a divorce and is now dating the girl he was dating before him and I. My husband is a great man and has endured a lot of pain that I have placed on him. 4 years ago I became highly addicted to pain meds and then after coming clean with him I then left and became a user of much more... As I continued to cheat on him. After 2 and half years of that I moved to a different town to better my life for me, my son and my husband. I failed completely... Adultery has not been apart of my life for 2 years but I continued to do drugs and hiding it from my husband... I thought that me keeping a job would have been proof that I am changing and that it was okay to be a fully functional drug user because no one new I was even on drugs. I have been woken to the truth in that all being false. Last night after coming onto this website and reading the words writen before the first step I had a sense of reality come over me... The hand of The Lord himself reach down to me and say its time... I kept repeating to myself over and over again "IM done, IM done" I then prayed and got up off my bed and went to the spot where I kept all my drug usage wrapped them up, but it in a bag and through them out. I know its a long road ahead but I have faith for the first time that if I walk with the Lord and not against him everything will b okay. I will continue my step program... Continue to pray... And continue to fight for my marriage but this time in the hands of the Lord.

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Re: My First Journal To The Start Of A New Life

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:15 am

First let me welcome you home, to the Oasis.
Next let me tell you what has ALWAYS been the case, we are NOT here to judge your past, we are here to lift you up to what God will lead you to in your future, we ALL have our problems issues and mistakes but we all tend to try to carry the burdens of them ourselves and wonder why we fail, dear sis He IS a Gentleman He will not go where He is not asked BUT He is standing RIGHT behind you waiting for you to call out and say catch me Lord I cannot do this alone anymore
I can say you seem to be at the point you are ready to do just that, let Him carry you and your burden and release you from them.
We have MANY pages of counseling and forum pages that if you will give them a look I promise He will lead you to the ones you need, please consider starting the 14 day challenge to start.
there are also many open chats here if you go to the site map you should find links to everything
BUT the most important thing you have found here is...God and His love through some AWESOME people....I promise!
keep coming and allow Him to work in your life to change you to the child He created you to be.
God bless and we are always open so come anytime and someone will help you :)
this is the first step to new
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Re: My First Journal To The Start Of A New Life

Postby bh12312 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:42 pm

Your message spoke to me and I just want you to know you are not along. I have cheated on my wife before and she forgave me, but recently I did it again and confessed to her just a few days ago. That is how I found this place and I am only on the second day of my journey. We are all sinners and all fall short. It is looking like a long hard road for my wife to forgive me and for me to forgive myself. We just have to know that God will not give us anything we cannot handle. Despite how it seems, keep your hope. Use your faith and your hope as fuel to move forward no matter how long it takes. I will pray for you, and I want to offer any support as someone who is just starting their journey.
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Re: My First Journal To The Start Of A New Life

Postby Ruthk34 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:25 pm

Welcome to Oasis!

I am happy to hear that you chose to seek the Lord for help. He is strong when we are week and He will always be there for you. People here will be here also to give you support and encouragment while you are on your journey. This site has been a blessing to me and I know it will be for you too.

Praying for you.
God Bless You.
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Re: My First Journal To The Start Of A New Life

Postby Dora » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:38 pm

Good to have you here sister!

You took the hardest step! Admitting, then you threw them out. Wow that must of been difficult. You are ready. And God is ready to help you. Longing to help you. I believe He is and will! Proud of you! *hug* Praying for you.
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