A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:52 am

I have started the many called, few chosen. I've been searching for my calling, and I think I've found it. Sometimes, some more often then others, I doubt if that was truly my calling. The Lord has revealed to me who I am, and who others will see me as, a Child of God who speaks to those who have closed themselves off to God, and be a messenger to the Church.
I have researched, and found who I am, and it unsettles me. Jesus has called me His Anointed One and told me that my path will be great. Later, when I was searching for my calling He put in my spirit that I was to be a Prophet. Since then, I've been searching for a confirmation, when a member in my church gave a message to my youth group. He was dying of cancer and he still believed the Lord was the Lord who could move mountains and heal him completely. I was moved completely in heart and in spirit and I felt Jesus weep in me as I heard his testimony. He told me that this man would be healed the day they declared he would die.
Do I have any doubt about my calling now? Nope. I recently released a friend from church from bondage and have uplifted and may have prophesied over other people too. In all I have done, I trust the Lord completely to lead me and guide me in ALL my ways. I have found my calling and have chosen to use it, no matter how unsettling and unlikely it seems to be. Yes, this is Day One for me on this program, but I feel like I started this a long time ago.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby popples » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:06 pm

wow that is an amazing story *Clap*
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:21 am

I definitely think that God is doing a wonderful working in my life, and as I walk through this program, I hope to know more of what he's doing. The reason why I doubt if I am a profit is because you must watch out for any who claims to be a profit. Their words will be held at a higher accountability because it has more power to lead others astray. How do I know I am a profit? I don't. I know God is with me and that often times he speaks through me. I will not know if I am truly a profit until the given time.
On Day Two, I studied "Who Am I". I wasn't sure who I was, because I wasn't sure who I was supposed to be. As I have said in my last entry, God has revealed to me that others will see me as a child of God because that is who I will become. I should have known who I was, a child of God. Every christian is meant to be a child of God, but not every one of us will except that is being us. What is it that makes us different from the rest of us who were called? We chose to follow. Because we chose, we were faithful, and we produced fruits from our faith. What makes us different from the others who chose to follow? It is our calling, our gifts and talents. It is the purpose God as called you to do, to be. Why is it hard to know who we are? We are God's light, instruments of his Glory. "Who am I?" is a difficult question, but I have an answer. I am God's chosen servant and I will serve my God unto the end of my days. I am his child and I will grow in his spirit until the day He calls me to return to the place where I belong: to the right side of my father and always in the joy of the Lord.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:47 am

I just finished Day Two after a very long night reading. I wrote most of this already, but accidently deleted it ALL. Anyways, this one was about Worldly Ways, and how Satan can seep into your mind and plant sinful desires in your holy garden known as the sub-conscience mind. Their are so many intoxicating lies the enemy has, but its most binding one is sexual sin. Sexual sin has the power to destroy you spiritually. I myself struggled with it for a while, and I though there was no way free. I found a way to shine a bright light in very dark corners and the chains grew brittle and could no longer hold me. When I shined a light in dark corners, the Lord gave me a spiritual power to break the chains of Satan. Not only was i able to break my own chains now, but I am able to influence people around me and destroy their chains as well.
A friend at church was struggling with the same sin I was, but in a different form. This form is common with teenagers and little did I know it was believed to be a practice of almost every teen (supposedly). I myself was never drawn to this practice, but Satan found a different one for me. Anyways, way after I broke my chains, a friend approached me and confessed he had a problem with the stuff he watched on the internet. I told him that the power of confession will destroy his chains and that the power of the Lord will overshadow the strongest of my friends mistakes. He told me that he could literally feel the spiritual chains fall right off his shoulders and he believed he was no longer bound to pornography. Still to this day, he says he's not had a problem since. This is evidence of my calling, what ever it may be, to be able to break the chains of Satan. This ability is planted so deep in my soul that it even has combated the Devil subconsciencely. I am not drawn to sins that most other teens cannot escape, and I believe that Satan cannot no longer cross the threshold of my spirit. Even though this might be the case, Satan has found something stronger. Because it is not rooted in my mind, it cannot be rooted out. He installs curses in my head that I uproot from my garden continuously. These are not voluntary thoughts and I fear they may be of demonic source. My mind is powerful and has mastered the ability of controlling my thoughts, but it's a whole new ball game when the thoughts may not even be my own. Well, keep praying for me that I find a solution, and keep commenting while I continue this program.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:34 am

Journal Day Three: Day Three was about whispers of the Evil One. We hear these whispers almost every day from friends and family, really anyone you come in contact with an speak to. It can even come from inside you. How, then, do we know Satan? We know him by his fruits, for he is in every way hatred and pride. We are not to mistreat those in which the whispers may manifest, but we are to make them aware and share with them the truth, for they are breaking the Lord's law. What then are we to do with such whisperings? We are to discern their fruits. If it is trying to encourage, uplift, strengthen, brighten, humble, and empower you and those around you, it is the voice of God in either of His three forms, or His angels. Also, there is another voice in us that breeds hate an malice. You may know it when it makes you angry, frustrated, upset, mischievous, and overall just ungodly. It will fill you with lust, hate, envy, revenge, deceit, unfaithfulness, brokenness, loneliness, loveless, and pride. Remember also that the Lord will visit you in times of brokenness because His specialty is repairing for what is righteous in those who are broken. Therefore I tell you, discern the fruits of everything for then the world of the physical and the spiritual will become known to you.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:56 pm

I've not posted for a long time. I am on step ten now, and I am growing busy. I do not feel called to post a long report. On the recent steps, I am feeling convicted for judging others, for I too contain a boasting spirit. When I turn around, I find the same problems for which I have judge others with me. I hate judging people! I wish I could love like Christ did and treat everyone compassionately. Well, that's my recently, I'll stay on God's path.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby realtmg » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:19 am

As the woman that was brought to Him to be judged for committing adultery, He leaned down and wrote something and told her to go and sin no more.
Be careful having a haughty spirit as I have had. "Be careful lest ye fall"
When one is called, satan works overtime on them.
Could it be why this is why you have not been around and followed through in this MCFC Program?
Pride is a dangerous thing to have.
I say all this from my own experience.

People who have been following your thread wondered where you went I assume.
We need to stay humble to be effective in our work for Him. It is Him that works VIA us.
Just trying to share a little, not wanting you to fall.
The good part is you have admitted and recognized this issue

In Christ Love,

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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:20 pm

Well, I do not feel up to strength recently, and I fear that Satan may be trying to lay siege to me. Nothing bad is happening in my life, and everything is going as it should go. Though nothing may be going wrong in my life, I fear there may be something going in in my mind. I will not fall by Satan's hands, and I will not let him influence the way I think. Satan fears what I might become, and he fights me earnestly. He may not be able to get me in some areas in my life, but he is trying to battle me on the inside. The Lord is with me, and I will not fail. I will do as Christ did and love all. I refuse to judge those who do wrong by me, and will bless my enemies. I will not strike at myself for my mistakes and belittle my own faith. Step 11 talks about unity in Christ and among His church. I will stand strong with the Christians around me and we will deny Satan power together in Christ's name. I will remember that there are others following this thread, and thank you Realtmg for your concern, I am glad to have as many uplifting people around as I can.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:04 am

By chance, I happened to spot something on the first page. A "My Brother's Keeper" bible study for teens. I missed this the first time, but when I looked at this, I thought, wow, this is amazing. I took the test to see where I would score on the being called scale. Well, I tried to answer as truthfully as I could, but I couldn't help but feel as though I would have done differently on many of the options that I chose. Needless to say, I got a C. Well, I knew I was called, and I know I need to work and helping others a LOT more. This week, I hope to uplift and help everyone I meet. I think if I can do this regularly, I'll develop a servant's heart and better spread the Word of God. I think it will be awesome to see what happens.
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:12 am

I have completed my 14 day, though it took me way longer than that, Many Called but Few Chosen path. I have discovered that many things revealed to me on this path were already made known to me through God. I don't need some magic potion or some collection of words to increase my faith. I only need to trust in my God that He will provide in every way. He will test my strength, and surely I will fall, but the Lord will carry me through. I didn't need a forum to show me my father's love, I needed the forum to show me what I already had, and what I truly wanted. Step 14, use my gifts for others. Now, the previous step was about recording those who I help, but I will be able to help any and all at all times. I pray that the Lord grows my gifts and that I may glorify Him everyday!
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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby realtmg » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:22 am

Sow the seed with the fruits of the spirit. Allow God work in their lives and draw them.
I have enjoyed your sharing and may God give you the courage and strength to carry His will forward.


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Re: A calling of Power, Journal of One After God's Own Heart

Postby ByTheSword96 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:49 am

Thank you! Since I finished my Many Called Few Chosen, I've been studying the end times. A lot of the stuff in revelations is really confusing and exciting. Also, I don't quite agree with everything the study says, but then again, it's just an educated person's interpretation in the end. I'll be posting more once I get into a study!
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