His calling...my journey to walk worthy

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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:18 pm

Thank you for understanding CUC *hug*
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:34 pm

Fire, fire and more fire...today it came within 10 miles of my job...the dense smoke advisories...the smell...gag..gasp...and then I began to think...this is what God is going to use to destroy the earth in the end...Fire! And it's so devestating...and there is virtually no escaping it....a lady and her small child found this to be true and lost their life...I think of all the lives that will be lost in the end...awww I pray the Lord reaches many souls...so few perish.

Your prayers are appreciated for all of us in Texas who suffer from all these fires. Pray for rain...Pray for the fires to be contained...pray for those who are loosing their homes...pray for the families of those who are loosing their life...pray for those who are fighting these fires...pray for God's mercy...and His will to be done.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby Timothy » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:03 am

We have prayed for all you asked, and a bit more.
In the name of Jesus, hear our prayers.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:11 pm

Satan just never stops....guess I must be doing something right for the Lord...cuz the trials just pile on more and more...I keep praying and standing strong in Him though...I keep telling Him, I know you will get me through...I even told Him this afternoon...we just got to make it through the rest of the day Lord...and then there is tomorrow...of course things have continued to pile on....and I sit here struggling....but it's ok...I'm still hanging on to God...together He and I can do anything...even getting through all the things being thrown my direction at this time.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:13 am

Wow, I came here to just let off a bit of steam...and I see my last post here was over a month ago...and the enemy was throwing trials my direction...well unfortunately for me...he hasn't stopped...my own health was effected 3 weeks ago....and I'm on the mend praise God...feeling better this past week...still a bit low in stamina and strength...but healing well...

Sadly, it's my daughter now who is hurting...our precious pet..a beloved dog...we've had for almost 6 years...bit my daughter in the face last night. They were just playing...but all the same...my daughter got our dog a bit too riled up and she snapped and bit my daughter. I had to take my daughter for 8 stitches to her face and inside of her lip. If you could say a prayer for healing it would be appreciated.

The enemy has hit me hard financially with all the illness I've been through and my daughter as well. Medicines these days are very expensive...and I have spent a fortune just on perscriptions as well as the deductible on my insurance and the out of pocket copays I owe. I just stand in knowing that God will provide...one way or another I trust Him to do this.

Things aren't easy in my life...but my daughter and I actually laughed tonight...we said we've got to be making Satan really mad with what we are doing...for him to keep messing with us so...but we know that no matter how much Satan throws at us...and how hard he tries to push us down...God has us...and we are strong in Him...God will never place more on us than we are able to endure. Just sure gets tiring at times.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:15 am

Hi sis
I just wanted you to know that I know what you are feeling as far as satan is concerned, He keeps reaching out and sticking his claws into me but then I turn and reach for Jesus and man does satan ever get upset *NehneenehNeeBooBoo*

I said a prayer for you and your daughter to find healing and blessings on the money issues but most importantly for our Lord to stand in satans face and tell him ENOUGH!!
I try to picture God standing as our father did many years ago when we done wrong looking at satan and telling him THAT'S ENOUGH NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM!! (hell) and it just reminds me how POWERFUL our Lord is, satan may attack us everyday BUT the Lord saved us from his eternal grasp many years ago so now he is like that little tiny dog nipping at our heals....you know at first it scares you but then you look and laugh and tell him GO AWAY!!!
picture this all in your mind and I promise the Lord will once again ease your heart and at the same time put a smile *BigGrin* on your face.
Much love and may God bless you
Cuc *hug*
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:40 pm

ugggghhh...everytime I turn around it is something....more trials...more troubles...I was thinking on my way home...that God never puts more on us that He can handle....just got to keep trusting Him.....just seems like something else every single day...where are the good days?...seems I don't remember what they even feel like anymore.....I know He will provide for all our needs......I have to believe that...it's the only thing that keeps me going anymore.

Sure could use a hug and a prayer.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:31 am

awwww sis I'm sorry,
But as for your request Yes to both I said a prayer for God to take your burdens if not all at least most for a time and allow you rest.
and as for the hug....
*hug* *ThisMuch* *hug5* *hug* *hug5* *ThisMuch* *Buddy* *Hug9* *LotsofLuv* *Glomp2* *Glomp3* *hug*

Hope that will make you feel better........................................................................one more thing....................................................................I just wanted to tell you 2 things actually

*Crazy2*.......... SMILE
God loves you and so do I!!!
Cuc *BigGrin*
****Sis please know I am in NO way trying to make light of what you are going through I just wanted to try to lift your spirits if only for the time of reading this, I did pray the Lord will ease your troubles, I hope you have a better weekend *hug* *Wave*
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:28 am

cuc, I can't say today is any better as far as trials...already had something else dropped in my lap less than an hour ago(family problem)...it's just that I wake up asking God for a good day....and I know they say the day is what you make of it...but it's hard to make a good day out of troubling stuff....I am just holding on to hope now...that a good day will be tomorrow.

With all that being said...I smiled over this guy *Crazy2* when I saw him in your post. So thank you.

luv ya
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby Mackenaw » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:21 pm

*hug* Mlg *hug*

God bless you this day.

Mlg, you continue in my prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus. May God's blessed will be done.

I'm sorry you are hurting *hug* and yet, I so admire your expressions of faith in our Lord during your trials. Thank you for the inspiration and the example, Mlg. *hug*

God bless and keep you.
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:48 pm

God gave me a much needed blessing today...in the form of some friends....and the help has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders....my hope has turned into what I have so been waiting for....a good day....they are so few...and so cherished.

Mackenaw...may you know how much I love ya....you are so very special in your own way.

God is good...and He brings us what we need most when we need it.

Still have a few problems I'm working through...but right now I don't feel like they are eating me alive...I have peace in the time of trouble :)
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Re: His calling...my journey to walk worthy

Postby mlg » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:11 pm

Things have been looking a bit better this past week or so. Have my troubles completely disappeared? No way...but they aren't feeling like a weight on my shoulders...and I have peace.

Sometimes people seem to confuse me. They say and act one way, yet do another...or even they surprise me with their actions. Makes it difficult to really ever figure out where you stand with them....but oh well...I know God understands them.

Not too much going on...just quiet...quiet is good. :)

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
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