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Cant Shackle Me

Postby Praiseus_Maximus » Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:17 pm

Handcuffed by your religion
Shackled by useless tradition
Where's the spirit of praise and worship
Its quite a sad condition

You tell me I cant jump
You tell me I cant shout
Your're so caught up with order
You've forgotten what it's about

I know there must be order
But it has become bureaucracy
Feel free to keep your chains
But you can't put them on me

I'm gonna worship how I feel led
We have a savior who suffered and bled
Died to give us all a way out
All the more reason to dance and shout

There are some things that must be said
Christ said let the dead bury the dead
What you call order can't hold me down
You can stay there, but i refuse to be bound

So don't hate when you see my arms raised
Because you don't know the price of my praise
My worship might seem strange to you
But you don't know what I've been through

I'm gonna go ahead and do what I do
I'm here to please God, not to please you
So go ahead and say I'm out of line
Cause with me and God, It's all just fine
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way
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Re: Cant Shackle Me

Postby Diane » Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:29 pm

Hi, *Wave*
I was intrigued by your name so I thought I'd read your poetry. First I checked out your profile and listened to "When a Hymn Meets Heavy Metal." I like the songs by Red but I m old er so I couldnt listen to the rest of it. And my sons are playing x box and I couldnt take that noise and the metal. However, I must say I really like your poetry. I heard the voice of Eminem reading it. I hear your poem with kind of a rap beat and it sounds cool. I hope that doesn't offend you. A few of the rap artists have a beat that gets my attention. Makes me listen and makes me want to find out what is their message. Thats how I hear your poem "Can't Shackle Me." I really like it!! *AngelYellow*
Can't wait to read some more!
Please forgive me if I offend you with the rap comparison. *Doh* I meant it as complement
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Re: Cant Shackle Me

Postby Bugsy » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:47 pm

Max, loved it! Yet another one of your poems that "rang the bell."
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Re: Cant Shackle Me

Postby ciny » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:34 am

Hi, Praiseus_Maximus
love your poetry it always speaks to me in a positive way keep writing them you have an awsome talent *Cross*
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Re: Cant Shackle Me

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:24 am

Hey PM
I will be printing this if you don't mind and asking if it can be read at one of our services at my church *Clap*
So I don't think I have to tell you how much I like it, you have a knack for this and I cannot wait to hear more
you see our services are that type, we let the Holy Spirit move in what ever direction He wants, we have had services were the pastor never even got to his sermon *Clap* because of letting God take control and NOT following man's idea of what the service SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be, those are my favorite services, don't get me wrong I don't want every service like that because then you begin to feel the same with it, that it is man's idea not God's.
God bless you and KEEP writing, please let me know if you do not wish for me to use this and I will respect that.
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