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Emotion Management.....being full of it
JOY. Not a word you hear a lot of people say, is it? You hear if they are 'happy' or not, glad or not, excited or not, .....but, Joy? What is it to be 'joyful', or- full of joy?
In this world, there is much talk about depression, sorrow, unhappiness. There are many explanations, expressions and medications. There are therapists, counselors, and physicians just for these things.
I know. I have been involved with them all. Thrown into an emotional funk and deep depression in my teens, I was not a stranger to any of the above. Doctors to do tests and give diagnoses. Psychiatrists to medicate you and ask you strange questions.
Psych wards where people yelled, ate weird stuff and cried all day. Emotional therapy, Occupational therapy, Shock therapy. People who cared, people who didn't, and people who just gave up.
I can honestly say, all of it was like sticking a band-aid on a broken leg. It all addressed the symptoms, but not the underlying problem. The 'why' was never looked at. All that was done was attempting to change my feelings with things that didn't reach the problem of 'why'.
Never did anyone mention a way to get to 'happy', or 'glad', and definitely not....'joy'. No light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. No change, or improvement. One doctor told my mom, "She'll either go off the deep end, or turn out happier than 90% of the people she'll ever meet."
I'd like to tell you of some immediate miracle cure or happening that kept me from the deep end (where I did not go!), but the rest of the story took several years. Looking back, I see God's hand in it, and where I could have chosen Him earlier.
As a result of lagging behind Jesus, I spent several years traveling from happy to miserable, back and forth. Finally, I arrived at the destination God had for me all along, and received Him as my Lord and Savior.
A friend encouraged me to buy a bible and begin reading the gospels. I was amazed. How did people believe this stuff??? It didn't make a lick of sense to my logical mind. I had been saved, but my mind hadn't caught up yet!
I had to make a decision, I have never been a good fence rider. I don't like living in I jumped in and decided to take God at His Word. All of them. It was the single most dramatic choice I have ever made.
I caught the desire to be 'joyful' early on. I had had enough of being sad, unhappy and depressed. I wanted that abundant life Jesus talked about....I wanted JOY. I went to the source of God's Joy.....Jesus.
"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." {John 15:11}
"I want THAT!", I thought. Jesus's joy in me.....full joy. I ate up scripture about joy....studied it for months, it seemed. We all know this one...
...."the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Did you ever wonder about the rest of that scripture? Scripture is like Paul Harvey........there's always "the rest of the story."
{Nehemiah 8:10}
Then he said to them, Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
In this world, there is much talk about depression, sorrow, unhappiness. There are many explanations, expressions and medications. There are therapists, counselors, and physicians just for these things.
I know. I have been involved with them all. Thrown into an emotional funk and deep depression in my teens, I was not a stranger to any of the above. Doctors to do tests and give diagnoses. Psychiatrists to medicate you and ask you strange questions.
Psych wards where people yelled, ate weird stuff and cried all day. Emotional therapy, Occupational therapy, Shock therapy. People who cared, people who didn't, and people who just gave up.
I can honestly say, all of it was like sticking a band-aid on a broken leg. It all addressed the symptoms, but not the underlying problem. The 'why' was never looked at. All that was done was attempting to change my feelings with things that didn't reach the problem of 'why'.
Never did anyone mention a way to get to 'happy', or 'glad', and definitely not....'joy'. No light at the end of a long, dark tunnel. No change, or improvement. One doctor told my mom, "She'll either go off the deep end, or turn out happier than 90% of the people she'll ever meet."
I'd like to tell you of some immediate miracle cure or happening that kept me from the deep end (where I did not go!), but the rest of the story took several years. Looking back, I see God's hand in it, and where I could have chosen Him earlier.
As a result of lagging behind Jesus, I spent several years traveling from happy to miserable, back and forth. Finally, I arrived at the destination God had for me all along, and received Him as my Lord and Savior.
A friend encouraged me to buy a bible and begin reading the gospels. I was amazed. How did people believe this stuff??? It didn't make a lick of sense to my logical mind. I had been saved, but my mind hadn't caught up yet!
I had to make a decision, I have never been a good fence rider. I don't like living in I jumped in and decided to take God at His Word. All of them. It was the single most dramatic choice I have ever made.
I caught the desire to be 'joyful' early on. I had had enough of being sad, unhappy and depressed. I wanted that abundant life Jesus talked about....I wanted JOY. I went to the source of God's Joy.....Jesus.
"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." {John 15:11}
"I want THAT!", I thought. Jesus's joy in me.....full joy. I ate up scripture about joy....studied it for months, it seemed. We all know this one...
...."the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Did you ever wonder about the rest of that scripture? Scripture is like Paul Harvey........there's always "the rest of the story."
{Nehemiah 8:10}
Then he said to them, Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
"My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." (Timbuk 3)
1 Peter 1:3-5
Check out my web site at: ... /forum.htm
1 Peter 1:3-5
Check out my web site at: ... /forum.htm
kimberly - Posts: 341
- Location: Missouri
- Marital Status: Not Interested
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