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Postby mlg » Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:14 pm

Arken *hug* I've missed you! Please stay in touch. It's great to hear you are still fighting the good fight...looking forward to hearing from you again soon.

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Postby Guest » Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:23 pm

dude i totally knw what ur goin through im bisexual well more lesbo then straight but i've been tryin to get it under controle and me goin to church has helped a lot i'll pray for you :-)
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Postby sweetlittleangel » Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:52 am

hello arken :)

i know too tired sometimes preventing one to focus on the study well and absorbing it well.

remember the source of our strength is from God.

i wud like to share the story of eagle to u.

sometimes eagle can get crashed too.. at that time..the eagle is weak and depleted..nothing left to give.. he goes off to a place where he can be alone, often atop high cliff..and he lies out in the sun..face up..spread eagled..totally collapsed. God has actually outfitted the eagle with eyes that can look at the sun without damage..that is what powerless eagle does.

he focuses his eyes on the sun..and lies there until his strength comes back..

yes..the eagle crashes, but he knows how to come back to soar again!

he totally gives up in order to gain strength.. that s what i learned have to surrender to get strong.

it make me says..give up, Lord. I can't fix it. I can't figure it out. I can't contribute anything to a solution. I'm wiped out and I'm totally releasing all of me and all of my issues to You." At that moment, God miraculously begins to replace your weakness with His unlimited strength and your confusion with His infinite wisdom.

i learned that..surrender cant be only one time thingy..i understand that..just like Paul said "...renewed day by day..

i need to come to Him each new day, confessing powerlessness..surrendering control, and downloading His strength and power.

When you keep your eyes on the son of God...when you totally surrender to Him, you'll become a candidate for His strength and His power. And you are ready again to "soar on eagles' wings"!
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Postby arken1 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:51 pm

2 months have passed with no pornography. However, I have learned that pornography was only half the battle. That was probably the easy part, yet the part I thought I would never overcome. Porn is easy: just don't look at it (I say that a little sarcastically; it's not THAT easy, but it has a simple solution). The real problem is cleaning all the junk memories out of my mind. Think about it, over a decade's worth of porn and their memories don't just up-and-leave your brain. Also, this has taught me to lust, and not only that, to lust after the wrong thing. Two big problems there.

I guess it will take some serious time and talking to God to really clear this up. I don't know how I will ever be attracted to women, but I have to believe God will do that part.
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Postby mlg » Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:54 pm

arken *hug* I've sure missed you. So good to hear from you. I hope you will stop by more often and share.

Arken I am blessed to hear that you are two months porn free. God is smiling.

So those thoughts are still plaguing you huh? Might need to work on doing some more weeding. And renew your mind continually...especially when the thoughts and memories try and take over. Once you are able to take control of your mind...things will get easier.

Praying for you.

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Postby vahn » Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:48 pm

Glad to hear from you again .

Yes , I do agree , there is a big difference between abstinence and recovery , but the thing is , you can't have one without the other , however , first things first right ? , first we abstain , then we work on a recovery program to keep us that way , cause if we don't we are sure to relapse again and start the whole thing all over again .

But , no matter what , we don't look at it , we don't have to KEEP looking at it right ? ;)

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Postby Dora » Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:43 am

Thinking of you.

How have you been?

Saying a prayer for you. *Pray*

Jesus loves you and so do I.
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Postby arken1 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:59 pm

Well, I'm ok. But this has been difficult. I can't claim a perfect record anymore, although the habit is gone, and I feel some kind of strength against the urges now.

I think the best thing I have read outside the Bible that has helped me release the idea that I really can't be a heterosexual from a site called Exodus International. I believe someone here gave me search criteria which lead me to this site.

Basically, it's ok to find men attractive, to acknowledge the beauty. After all, God created man, of course, so we shouldn't be disgusted at the site of someone of the same sex. The careful difference is not to let your mind go wild with fantasy and desire. Basically, the Bible boils this down to the word "lust."

Before, when I saw a good looking person of the same gender, I thought, welp I'm gay, and there's no way I will ever not be. The problem was I associated someone's good looks with sex, lust, etc in my mind. I am now able to understand that the attraction is not the issue, it's what I allow my mind to do with it. The goal now is to find the other beauty that God has created: women.
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Postby Dora » Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:11 pm

Hello Arken *Wave* It's good to see you back. And to hear of your progress. Yes Progress not perfection. We won't and can't be perfect in anything at least on this earth.

Take it 24 hours at a time. And rest in his grace. :)

I don't know the steps for you to get out of this problem but I do know God does. :) And he is willing to help guide you through it. Sounds like he already is. Keep listening to him bro.

God bless and keep you. *hug*
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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