Christianity Oasis Forum
Love the one you marry.
My preacher shared this thought in church on Sunday. Thought I'd share it here...He said God doesn't necessarily say to marry the one you love...but He does say to love the one you marry...and I think this is where so many marriages sometimes fall short...they tend to not think they should love their spouse...because they weren't in love with their spouse when they married...but I think of all the arranged marriages in the Bible...and how God had plans for the arrangements...therefore they were His marriages...and He expects and wants love in marriage.
luv ya'll
luv ya'll
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mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
MMMMMMMM, this is a very interesting thought process, but you have to realize NOT all marriages are God ordained marriages. Unless God has given HIS stamp of approval, whatever marriage is made in just mans eyes will be plagued with difficulties, and yes we need to turn those things over to Him. However, it still remains, the only marriage that will work is one blessed by the LORD, with both partners operating wihtin His Will, and loving one another being one of the most important ingredients.
Last edited by VERT on Fri May 14, 2010 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hello Vert, welcome we are delighted you are here
I believe that God is love and a marriage surrounded in His what He wants.....a true marriage is not about a piece of paper...but about bonding together around the Love of Jesus...some marry and receive a piece of paper...but as you it a true marriage? Did they marry on paper only...or did they marry before the Lord and seek to be together...3 as one...God, husband and wife.
Thanx for sharing your thoughts Vert.
Hope to chat with you sometime in the chatroom.
Take care and God Bless

Thanx for sharing your thoughts Vert.
Hope to chat with you sometime in the chatroom.
Take care and God Bless
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Yes a "true" marriage is surrounded, encompassed and saturated with the love of God. I do not think I mentioned anything about a "piece of paper" though, that is another topic altogether. Are you referring to the legality of being married which is required in God's eyes to be a legal binding contract, that tends to be written on a piece of paper? After all anything less would be considered adultry in His eyes. But I was actually just talking about a marriage being ordained or lead into by God, for if it does not carry His blessings the union will be more struggle than needs to be, because it is a "man's" desire not God's, and tends not to go according to His plan. The sad part is one person alone loving another has a poor chance of success...until God becomes a part of that union as a whole. Until that happens there will be a lacking within the intimacy God desires for a blessed solid marriage ordained by Him.
I have been married 40 years, have been a Christian for almost as long. Blessings upon you.
I have been married 40 years, have been a Christian for almost as long. Blessings upon you.
Last edited by VERT on Fri May 14, 2010 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
40 years fantastic...almost as long as my parents...what a beautiful testimony they are to marriage and the Lord for I am sure you and your wife are.
God Bless you
God Bless you
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Vert welcome to the Oasis
You know you made a comment that ive been giving a lot of thought to:
I get that a piece of paper does not make a marriage... the commitment and love between two people does. But im kinda wondering... if two people are committed and in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together, what stops them from making it legal. I guess people have their own reasons... I just dunno what that might be...
Im kinda wondering if this can be used as an easy way out if one party wants to bail or cheat. In this day and age one has to be very careful, and its important to be on the same page as your partner on this issue because as we all know, people tend to put their own spin on things to suit their own agendas, while citing it as being the will of God. Not having that piece of paper makes it all the more easy to run when the going gets tough or when one party decides they are bored or something....
I personally dont know why someone who loved me and claims to want to spend their life with me wouldnt want to make it legally binding, just as much as they would want it spiritually binding. Not judging those who dont wanna get legally married, to each his own as God leads, but for me I would hope my future husband would be excited and proud to sign that piece of paper should I desire it, even if he doesnt care either way.

You know you made a comment that ive been giving a lot of thought to:
Are you referring to the legality of being married which is required in God's eyes to be a legal binding contract, that tends to be written on a piece of paper? After all anything less would be considered adultry in His eyes.
I get that a piece of paper does not make a marriage... the commitment and love between two people does. But im kinda wondering... if two people are committed and in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together, what stops them from making it legal. I guess people have their own reasons... I just dunno what that might be...
Im kinda wondering if this can be used as an easy way out if one party wants to bail or cheat. In this day and age one has to be very careful, and its important to be on the same page as your partner on this issue because as we all know, people tend to put their own spin on things to suit their own agendas, while citing it as being the will of God. Not having that piece of paper makes it all the more easy to run when the going gets tough or when one party decides they are bored or something....

I personally dont know why someone who loved me and claims to want to spend their life with me wouldnt want to make it legally binding, just as much as they would want it spiritually binding. Not judging those who dont wanna get legally married, to each his own as God leads, but for me I would hope my future husband would be excited and proud to sign that piece of paper should I desire it, even if he doesnt care either way.
Hello lizzie,
No a "piece of paper" surely does not make a marriage, but not having one as implied by someone earlier in these postiings is still the legality that God desires. It is not about the paper but as you stated very well, it is the willingness of both parties who will make the needed commitment to live within the laws of God, which is also to be legal so our lives are not filled with the sin of adultry. I pray one day dear Lizzie, that you are blessed with the one God has chosen for you. HUGS my dear young woman.
No a "piece of paper" surely does not make a marriage, but not having one as implied by someone earlier in these postiings is still the legality that God desires. It is not about the paper but as you stated very well, it is the willingness of both parties who will make the needed commitment to live within the laws of God, which is also to be legal so our lives are not filled with the sin of adultry. I pray one day dear Lizzie, that you are blessed with the one God has chosen for you. HUGS my dear young woman.
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