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Postby mlg » Sun May 02, 2010 9:36 pm

Nothing God does happens by chance....Nothing...sometimes we think that God isn't moving...because we aren't seeing what we expect to happen...but in reality God is really moving all around us...and He has a plan...but first all the pieces of His plan have to be put into at a time...and sometimes that means what we thought was going to happen doesn't..but...what does happen is EXACTLY what He wants to happen...because He sees the bigger picture....and yes that often means we gotta be patient...but if we just give up before God is finished moving...then we will miss being a part of His plan...because God will finish His plan no matter what.

Now what is interesting...I've always been a tad low on waiting for God to bring about the rest of His plan...well it's like watching a pot of water waiting for it to boil....I've always heard the old saying a watched pot never boils rofl but what I do know is watching for the will see Him move if they wait long enough...

God is sooooo awesome in the way He completes His work. I just can't help but love Him so.
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Postby vahn » Mon May 03, 2010 6:45 pm

A remark I always made jokingly at my speaking engagements in AA was , "I know God so well I can make Him laugh at any time , ... Like the other day , I told Him I knew what His plan for me was ... and He LAUGHED !! "

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Postby mlg » Mon May 03, 2010 9:02 pm

Since my divorce...will be 7 years this August...I have found myself alone more times than not....most of the time when I feel myself to be alone...I'm not lonely...that is because Jesus sits with me continually....and I'm content with His presence...and thankful for Him being my best friend....

But then there is that occasional time every now and again where I just wish that I wasn't alone....that is when I hope for more...
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Postby mlg » Wed May 05, 2010 9:44 pm

Nene's having to learn a song in her voice's called O cessate di piagarmi and it's in Italian...but translated to's a dark song and when I listen to her sing it...I'm reminded of souls screaming out for mercy...but in the same way pushing mercy away...

O cessate di piagarmi,
o lasciatemi morir!
Luci ingrate,
Pi del gelo e pi de' marmi
fredde e sorde a' miei martir.

Pi d'un angue, pi d'un aspe
crudi e sordi a' miei sospir,
[occhi alteri,
ciechi e fieri,]1
voi potete risanarmi,
e godete al mio languir

Translated to English:

O stop wounding me,
o leave me to die!
eyes so ungrateful, merciless,
more than ice and more than marble
cold and deaf to my sufferings!

More than a snake, more than an asp,
cruel and unhearing to my sighs,
eyes so proud,
unseeing and ferocious,
you have power to make me well again,
and you enjoy my fainting.
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Postby mlg » Thu May 06, 2010 10:05 pm


Humility brings Strength whereas Pride brings weakness....yet often when we are being's because we are trying to save face or make ourselves feel like we are something...but in reality we are nothing...absolutely nothing without God...and being humble and submitting to Him...actually makes us something special to Him.
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Postby Dora » Fri May 07, 2010 8:39 am

Amen! Thank you for sharing. :)

God loves you and so do I!
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Postby xxJILLxx » Sat May 08, 2010 9:09 am


Love you both!!!

God bless

♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby mlg » Tue May 11, 2010 2:27 pm

Oh those practical joksters...I sit here :oops: cuz they got me good this time...not sure whether to fire them or to get them back rofl

So, like a week ago I ordered some stuff from our lifeguard supply company for the new lifeguards I just hired for the summer. I've been looking for the box, and I asked my secretary about it this morning...she said we haven't received it. This afternoon, the golf pro brings in a box and set it on my desk and says here's your order. I was like great. So he went away...and about an hour later, I decided to open the box to see if everything I ordered came in so I could send the bill to accounting for payment. When I ordered the box...I got contained a tape measure, a bottle of propane, lighter fluid, a can of scrubbing bubbles and a sucker. I freaked out...and called my secretary as I thought the box might be dangerous. I could not believe that someone would ship something like this. So I got on the phone and called the company and told the lady who answered the phone that we had placed an order and that it had come in and it was not what I ordered. And then I named off to her all the items in the box...all the lady said was...could you hold on a the meantime she comes back on the phone and says ma'am are you there...I'm like yes...and about this time here comes the golf pro into my office and you have my stuff...I was like what..and he looks in the box and says...this is my stuff...and there is now several employees in my office giggling....I'm like alright...and had to apologize to the lady on the phone and tell her it was a joke...she said well I'm glad to hear it was your employees cuz she said I know our shipping guys like to play jokes on one another...but she said I was trying to figure out how I was going to explain this...I was like...well don't worry it was my then I hung up the phone...and of course I fuss at everyone for playing such mean jokes...and told them I'd get them back when they least expect it....sorta like I did our golf course superintendent a year ago...he doesn't play jokes on me now time to patiently and when to get them back rofl
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Postby mlg » Thu May 13, 2010 12:30 pm

What is life...if we aren't thankful for it?

Spending time in praise is important to me...God needs to know that I love Him...He needs to know that I am thankful for everything He does for me...both big and small...He is worthy of my Praise. Pleasing God should be higher than anything on one's list of's nice to have friends and family that we this is a blessing from God...but pleasing them before God should never happen...God first always....

So speaking of friendships...what is a friendship? someone asked me once...if a friendship ends on bad terms and is never restored...are you wronging God? ...and the answer I believe is that God knows the hearts of those involved.....They may have forgiven one another...but it may not be in God's will for the friendship to be as it was that does not mean that they can't be "friendly" to one another in passing...saying hi and how are this is Godly...and being rude to one another is not true forgiveness....

And with that said...if a friendship is to be restored...then it takes someone taking a step and saying...can we start over? But with starting over...that means both must be willing...and if one refuses...then it makes one wonder...why are they refusing to try.....which means maybe there is still some unforgivenes...

And's another thought...if someone has wronged a friend so badly that they aren't trustworthy...then even if they are forgiven...then one must maintain a sense of caution around this soul...because forgiving someone does not change their ways....and trust has to be order for the friendship to be restored to it's original condition....

So what is true friendship? Aww it's love, it's patience, it's forgiveness, it's kindness, it's giving, it's accepting, it's time, it's feeling, it's so very much...and the Best Friend one can ever have is Jesus.
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Postby xxJILLxx » Fri May 14, 2010 9:57 am

Amen sista!

Gotta love all the wonderful friends He has place in my life.

So glad you are one of mine

God bless
♥♥I strive to love others as Christ loves me... Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love...♥♥
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Postby mlg » Fri May 14, 2010 4:20 pm

So what's in a day? Can you imagine if every day were the same? It's impossible to replicate a day...every day is different...different thoughts...different colors...different sounds...different smells...different why are people so afraid of change...if everyday is changing? I love waking up in the morning...knowing it's a new day....cuz God's grace is new each morning...the Word shares that Truth...and when I lay down at night...I look forward to the next day...whether I awake to another day in this world...or I awake to being Home on High...I can rest in peace knowing my Lord created the day to come.

Psalms 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
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Postby mlg » Sat May 15, 2010 8:09 pm

So many mismatched thoughts run through my head...beginning to see a pattern...compassion for the one who hurts....hope that God will come to their side quickly...seeing the disappointment so obvious on everyone's face because plans changed in an instant...learning to be patient in waiting upon the's getting easier...I am still not as patient as I want to be...but I can see myself growing....this makes me smile....trusting in God to provide the things He knows that are needed....Faith that God is in control of all things...bringing peace to what others don't understand or don't know...accepting the flag that's being offered....I know I'm not making any sense here rofl but these are the thoughts I'm pondering on...
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