Christianity Oasis Forum
Old member. New Me!
Hey guys you may remember a depressed Crushed_Flames that wrote about wanting to cut and everything but that is not me anymore. Through the Lords Grace. I am a new Creation as I have been trying to learn more and more through example and one thing I learned is righteousness leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to patience. So noone on Earth actually has less patience than another they just choose not to use it. And they choose to make themselves comfortable using that as an excuse. Love ya all and please write back and tell me what you think!
God bless!


Never forgot you. And I've prayed for you often.
Glad to see the Lords good work he's been doing in you.

He will be faithful to complete it.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Welcome Back to Oasis Onfire. Love the name. Sorry i don't remember you as Crushed_Flames.
Sure is awesome though to hear what the lord is doing in your life. Can't wait to hear more.
Nice meeting you...Lord Bles you Onfire.

Sure is awesome though to hear what the lord is doing in your life. Can't wait to hear more.

Nice meeting you...Lord Bles you Onfire.
morningrain - Posts: 325
- Location: SC, United States
- Marital Status: Married

morningrain - Posts: 325
- Location: SC, United States
- Marital Status: Married
Dude!!! I remember you! Welcome backkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

When ur down to nothing, God is up to something
The task ahead of us is NEVER as great as the Power behind us. Can I hear an amen?
The task ahead of us is NEVER as great as the Power behind us. Can I hear an amen?

stargazer777 - Posts: 126
- Location: in His presence
- Marital Status: Not Interested
You guys.
I am back and its nice but God has led me back for a purpose and I will be faithful to that I may not always be the most likeable person I still am the same guy although transformed through Jesus Christ. I sometimes still mess up like anyone but praise be to God I get back up quickly and return to seeking him as soon as he leads!
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