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Postby mlg » Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:40 pm

Why does the sound of death for someone we love...often bring sadness instead of joy? Are we so selfish that we want people to stay with us forever instead of being joyful to allow them to go home to be with Jesus? So we look at what we are loosing..instead of looking forward to who will meet us when we too go home...
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Postby Tam » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:10 pm

Good question...I know for me the death of my grandmother would bring me saddness because I was being stingy. I wanted her here for me.
BUt once I realized that she was with Jesus and happy...
what could I say?
Love ya sis!
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Postby Dora » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:56 pm

Seems there's a spiritual battle at ever turn, stealing every ounce of peace and joy from with in us. One battle after another. If it's not one thing, it's another.
From our own falling to others falling and effecting us.

What you are saying reminds me of this step...
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Postby vahn » Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:44 pm

I don't know what it is . But , for the past 2 or 3 days I got this ... (lack of vocabulary) "leading" ? , to post , or at least let out somewhere , or to some one . In fact , I even did write it here somewhere but ended up coming back and delete it , then I went somewhere else , and did the same , thinking it doesn't fit here or there , or even got to the point where I was thinking whether it belonged here at all . But then again the "urge" is still there .
Until of course , I came here and read what you posted mlg , then I saw a bit of a connection to it . So , here it is . Now bear in mind that this might or might not apply to what you are saying . If it does , all the better , but if it doesn't , please accept my apology in advance to barge in , and let me know , I'll be be more than glad to delete it and/or move it elsewhere .
Or ... you can just shoot me !

Adam was placed in the Garden . Placed , being the operative word here . He was Created elsewhere . The Garden was a place where EVERYTHING was in harmony with everything else was around , i.e. , man , beast , plants and even the angels were all living as one and enjoying each others' company so to speak . Everything in that garden was about Harmony , one note complementing the other making perfect music . Then Adam did something that lowered his note a pitch or two if not a whole octave . He wasn't happy anymore , guilt , shame , remorse and fear constantly occupying his mind , he could no longer produce the note that would complete the concerto . He was off ! right ? In other words , he no longer belonged there , he was constantly being an odd-ball , and God saw that ! And He also saw that , if He were to keep him there , Adam would spend eternity being sad , in a sense , Adam would be living in his own hell IN the Garden of Eternal Harmony , Ouch ! Can you imagine ?
So what does God do . Being ALL-Merciful , He lets Adam go . In effect telling him , go out there and clean up your act and when ready , I'll look you up and decide whether to take you in again , and I'll give you this much time to do it .(for each I have dealt a measure of faith).

So , how about if we were to reverse that process . Like , we get placed in a place of complete inharmony , where everything is just noise and clamour , nothing fits with the other , a total chaos ! And in our search for harmony , we finally "find" the right "note" that Adam misused to complete the Harmony up there .
Now , Having found that "note" , all of a sudden we feel like Adam , odd ! out of place , our note don't fit nothing here , we're forever frustrated !
Then , once again , God sees that ! And says , you don't belong there , you're forever saddened with the sweetest note ! Something's not right , how about you come up here try it in my Orchestra , I need that note here and only you can produce it for ME .
Now that's not that bad of a deal , is it ? If we could only apply that to every aspect of our lives , as to whenever we find ourselves out of place , asking God to place us in the proper arena to both enjoy and have someone else enjoy the music , until we become good enough to join His own Orchestra . Hmm .

My two cents worth .

In Christ , our Lord
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Postby mlg » Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:36 am

Persecution....the enemy looks to tear down God any way he can...another church fire this morning in my area....makes 7 in a month :( I don't understand why someone would want to do this..but it's not the person it's the enemy using this person and that breaks my heart....

As time continues on...things will continue to get worse...the Bible says there will come a day when people will search for the Word but will not find it....what a sad time ahead...just know that time is short...and there is always one more soul to tell about Jesus.
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Postby mlg » Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:54 pm

Laughter in the most unexpected places...someone who just wants to make you laugh and cares enough to seek you out to do something hilarious so you will giggle til you cry...I love it!!!

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Postby vahn » Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:06 pm

That's it !! She lost it !!

Where's that jacket !
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Postby Dora » Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:32 pm

I hope you continue to share your thoughts here. I enjoy reading them. I don't always post back because I haven't any words to share.

btw what is that thing? A mouse?
Sorry to hear about the churches sis. It's just crazy. *Pray*
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Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:06 pm

Oh i love those belly laughs!!!

Once you get me started i cant stop.. just ask tam!!!

Love u sis!

May you enjoy much laughter!!!!

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Postby mlg » Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:57 pm

Always a rollercoaster ride it seems...people know I'm strong in my faith...therefore I'm expected to be able to withstand the worse of call this morning from security...another body being pulled from this lake...such a beautiful lake...but so full of death...then my boss...comes in my office because he is overwhelmed with so much going on here at work...he is an old man 81 years old...I look up to him cuz of how strong I feel he is in his faith...and instead he comes to me in tears and said I vented with you because I knew you'd understand...hard to watch an old man cry over the worries of nothing...letting this life get him down instead of knowing that this doesn't matter.... comes from the Lord...can't wait to see the time of when there is no more more more more the eyes of others.
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Postby deetu » Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:40 am

mlg, you may not feel it but when I read your post, the image of Mighty Warrior came to mind.
I also got that you have to remember to let go of other people's hurts and problems after they are shared with you. Pray for them, then let them go. They are not your burdens. That can make you overwhelmed.
Sometimes people who are sensitive to others will pick up those emotions and not realize it. Not realizing it is not their own.
Ask God for a cleansing of them every now and then.

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Postby vahn » Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:44 am

Absolutely right Deetu , we're only "obligated" to listen and emphatize and offer others alternatives to the way they may be feeling at the time , but to go further would sometime spell spiritual suicide , especially when met with resistance or reluctance on the other's part to accept what we giving them , and chose to stay in their own "world" .

In Christ our Lord
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