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Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:23 pm
by popples
mAY gOD bless you simon throughout your day you are such a blessing all the way from australia

Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:40 am
by popples
Im still walking with Jesus, and what a wonderful walk. Today I saw the physio and the doctor, mmmm I will not allow satan to detroy me because as it states with GOD anything is possible.

Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:37 am
by popples
Its still Friday but 7pm

Today I read Luke 15 you know Ive always been a strong woman but the closer we get to God the more tears that flow. Wow I actually read some of the bible. Isnt it amazing how God knew then what we would need now. The story of the prodical son really touched me

Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:30 pm
by popples
Saturday 14/4 730am

Today I reread my journal because I dont wanna loose sight of what this is all about. First I reallized I need to do the COOL christian councelloring again but without cheating. I didnt read any of the scriptures. Allso Im grateful its been 11 days clean again. Im grateful for the people here and thankyou to the Lord for making my life possible.
Lord I pray today that I can shine through you, I pray that my husband will come to church tomorrow. I pray and give you all the thanks, in your name Jesus AMEN


Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:00 pm
by Christnundrconstruxn
YEAH!!!!! *band* *bravo*
I am so happy and proud of you!!!
I must say this is the first I have saw of any post of eric, I am glad you both are working on things
I was afraid to ask about him
You spoke of the closer you get to God the tears flow, I can relate to this as with me it is worship songs, 2 of my favorite's are Amazing Grace, and through the fire I ask if you have not heard the 2nd one you should do a search and listen ( I say the 2nd because I'm sure you have heard amazing grace)
God bless

Re: You have no place here!!Today I am holding hands with JE

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:22 pm
by Upward
Tears of joy. I never cried those before salvation.It flows from a grateful heart. Those that are forgiven much loveth much...

Re: You have no place here!!HE IS COMING TO CHURCH

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:36 am
by popples
eric said he tried to find a reason today not to come to church tomorrow but he said he couldnt find one.


Re: You have no place here!!HE IS COMING TO CHURCH

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:43 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
I'm so glad to hear this, may the Holy spirit be pour upon you both in Dad's house tomorrow *Pray*
Have a blessed day

Re: You have no place here!!HE IS COMING TO CHURCH

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:18 pm
by popples
yes he came to church and what a wonderful day it was

Re: You have no place here!!HE IS COMING TO CHURCH

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:48 am
by HelloMyNameIsSimon
YAY!!! Sooooooooooooooo glad to hear!
May God bless you all!

Re: You have no place here!!HE IS COMING TO CHURCH

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:51 pm
by 1st Timothy 4:12
Okay, i haven't had a chance or the time to read all of this, so when I do i will leave a better reply. Everything you might see is always guided by God. We never see anything He doesn't want us to see, cause He is always in control. And some people don't believe this, but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. and i did skim this, and go job with leaving the drugs alone. every white lie you say is a lie, and a sin, but I only tell you this cause i love you. i wont go around telling you that even a little lie is okay. but i willl tell you this, you are forgiven. Give it to God and He says what sin, your book is clean... for the thoughts, i used to have horrible thoughts about hurting myself and my sister. i wanted to tie myself to the bed. that may have ben because of some weird medication i was taking at the time, but every now and then, yeah, i have those thoughts. they are overwhelming half of the time, but i have gotten stronger there. I realized just now, Satan did that, not me. He placed them in my head, i DONT want to even hurt a fly. so now when it happens, i say NO i will not give in and let you ruin my night Satan. The fact that I didnt want to move out of my bed that first night proved to me that God decided that He would never let me break. He might let me bend, but He will never let me break. He told Satan if you dare push her any further, there will be consequences. Satan has to listen to God. So i stood up, and walked to my mom's room (this happened years ago when I was 8 or 9) and told her what i was thinking. i was crying but she didnt see me as a monster as i saw myself as. she calmed me down. eventually i went back to my room and snuck candy into my room to share with my sister lol. so we can be your mom and you can be ours. I just realised today why i went thrugh that. to help you and realize that even when i was little, Satan went after me and God cared. He has always loved you and me. He will never stop loving us. Wow i typed a lot. I tend t type a lot when God takes control. Hope this helps a bit. PM me if I can do anything for you. GBU

Re: You have no place here!! My days with the Lord

PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:42 am
by popples
Its great to be back talking with you all, I have missed being here but I had to start some treatment, Radiation yuk its not nice I havnt been in any state to type, but here I am praise God. I had some very close times with God so I am grateful for that. I reallised at the loneliest time when no one else was there, when I thought I wouldnt pull through, there was God, God was always there holding me, loving me. Day in day out God held me. I realised alot about me and God. I realised the amount of times I walk away from my Lord but his hand is always open to take me back. Ive had some hard times going back to using, stopping and starting, Im off it right now am thinking about getting an implant, dunno if I have mentioned it before, but I will maybe explain it later. So the dotors say my pancres has cancer in it. There are two parts to your pancres one is that makes your insulin, thats the part that has cancer so some radiation will definitly help. Thats when I reallised God had a bigger plan.
I reallised that what I suffer here on earth is only a tiny part to what my Saviour went through. Lord you are all the glory Lord without you I am nothing, Lord we will never know the full extent of what you suffered, because our part is only very little in what we suffer. In your name Jesus AMEN