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Just some thoughts

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:02 pm
by Katniss
I used to be real active here years ago, in fact, it was when i was doing the best in my life. I think Im one of the sheep that got lost. Wow, the site has really changed dramatically. Place used to ALWAYS have people in it active in forums and chat and shout box. I miss those times. I specifically came back to try to reconnect with an active fellowship of brothers and sisters to increase support. I changed my name though my story will be the same. I think i just needed a fresh start. So. Now I am trying to decide where to start now that im back. I was hopeful for chats. Are there any times when there's people in chat or a chat schedule? SO, if anyone is out there, would love a reply and lets see where this ride goes. *HippiePeace*

BTW O thanks for not getting rid of the hippie girl smilie u made for me so many years ago. *hug*

Re: Just some thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:03 am
by notforgotten
I've been gone for about two weeks. mlg used to run an Oasis Park meeting in chat every Mon, Wed, and Friday at 6pm PST. It consisted of Bible trivia, fun and games. I don"t know whether she is still doing this or not?

Re: Just some thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:00 pm
by Katniss
that would be cool i missed the time i used to spend here. I know God's not dead and i have seen LOTS of guests looking not lots of members course its only been a couple days so maybe they just got busy in RL. go figure ty for the response

Re: Just some thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:09 pm
by mlg
Hi katniss, I must admit I've been a bit negligent here as of late, but I will try to be here more often. I too used to really enjoy the chat room. It's good to see you back here. May God Bless you.