Who's the judge to say if someone has earned it?
Such as we have a mom at church with six children all dressed in white (I kid you not!) From age 14 to a baby. Walk in straight lines with out saying a word and sit through church with their hands in their laps, not one even requesting a bathroom break. Not a hair out of place and all of them smile and say the appropriate things at the appropriate time. I seriously am not exaggerating.
Then there's my crew in the back row, holes in their jeans, arguing he touched me, she touched me, he touched me, she touched me, while the third bops the guy in front of us over the head with a hymnal and so on and so forth until church is over then I slink out quickly while dragging my kids behind me before we receive any more attention than we already have. This was when they were little mind you. I allow them to make all the ruckus they want now that they are teens.
To mom #1 I stink as a mom.
But I can look down to the mom that feeds her child junk food, screams and yells profanities, spanks over something small but lets him get away with something huge, and lets him stay up watching terrible movies till 2am. To me I could say, Bad Mom! Cause she's a step lower in her training than I am.
She in turn can look down at the mom who neglects her children. Beats instead of spanks, and so on. And say, that mom doesn't deserve to be mom.
What about women who abort? They are still a mother of that child. Just cause they choose to not be right now. One day they may want to be and be filled with grief over their decision. Do they get their title back then?
It is difficult when we are close to a mom who is not trained in how to be a good mom or is so self centered she doesn't care to be mom. We might even get angry cause we hate to see kids hurt.
With being so closely involved with many mother (and fathers) who need training on good parenting, I find it hard at times to not get upset and angry, but I find it best to just live and let live instead of playing judge of who deserves. I can easily get caught up in emotions and trying to literally play judge as I try to decide if the parent deserves to have her child after what they did to him. For me I have to let the courts, CPS and Child and Family services do their job. I try to train the kids and the parents with the limited time I have.
Ok that's my 2 cents.
Not sure it's worth 1/2 that.
Love ya gals!