Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is the place to have hundreds of fellow Christians pray with and for you and yours. Post your prayer requests for yourself, your family and friends, those you encounter or anything else you feel needs prayer.

Prayer for change

Postby hopenconfidence » Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:12 pm

Hello all, I normally don't ask for prayer for I am skittish when asking but here goes. I'm in desperate need for a job especially in finances or accounting for if I don't keep up with my mortgage payments (which I'm a few months behind) then I could end up losing my home. The bank messed up the first time and the second time around, I've been denied any help. I'm single and have purchased this home two years ago and thanks to the layoff at the last place I worked, I'm in trouble. I've been out of work for over a year and since completed college for my bachelors degree in accounting. I know that God has something for me but I don't know what so pray that He reveals to me what to do and to stay focused on it. This is a big deal so please pray for me for I've lost sleep and is depressed more than ever. Thanks my brothers and sisters in Christ!

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Postby susidivah » Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:05 pm

Hi Hope *hug*

Long time no type sis... good to "see" you... will be lifting you and your situation up in prayer, His Will be done... *Pray*

Luv ya,
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Postby Mackenaw » Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:52 pm

Hello Hopenconfidence,

I join in lifting up prayers to our Lord. God's blessed will be done.

Hope, a friend of mine -- who also is in accounting -- she picks up extra money working for H&R Block from January - April. Might be something to look into to.

God bless you.
Sister Mack
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