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Let the Power of Prayer be Revealed!

Postby Bristollayne » Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:03 am

Dear Christianity Oasis Prayer Warriors,
I am writing seeking more prayers. The judge hasn't entered a verdict on the child custody case as of yet. He stated at the close of July 5th that it may take until school begins before he notifies us. In the mean time I continue to pray. I am also seeking prayers for my husband's hours to return to normal, it is likely they won't, but needing his hours to return to normal regardless because if God grants us custody my husband will need to pick the kids up from school where my schedule won't allow me to do that on a daily basis. If his hours don't return then I will have to quit a job that has been extremely beneficial to my family and to others as well. Also, I am seeking prayers in my husband's court case on July 30. He will be sentenced to probation but in another state. We pray God makes the transition period short and sweet so my husband can return to his family and his job quickly!. Please continue praying for my family. I will up date everyone as soon as I have answers from above.

God Bless you all!!!
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Re: Let the Power of Prayer be Revealed!

Postby Timothy » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:08 am

Praying for wisdom for the Judge and for God's will in this situation.

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Re: Let the Power of Prayer be Revealed!

Postby redbandit » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:39 pm

Praying for you and your family hon! GBU
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