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persecuted church

Postby totallylovedbygod4 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:01 pm

Thursday, June 27, 2013

"God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world,
the better the world will be -- the mightier the forces against evil...."
- E.M. Bounds

NIGERIA: Killing Spree Spurs Manhunt for Terrorists
Sources: Assist News, Nigeria's Daily Post

On Friday, June 7th, Boko Haram terrorists stormed into a neighbourhood in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri, killing at least 11 innocent people (including one child) with weapons that were hidden in a coffin, local residents testify.

Since then, more than 60 alleged Boko Haram terrorists have been killed in the same city by local militiamen who are trying to rid the area of this violent Islamic group that has allegedly killed thousands of people, many of them Christians, since their vicious campaign began in 2009. (For more about the situation, go to A military spokesperson explained that the troops responded the following Saturday morning, raiding insurgent "hideouts" in the targeted neighbourhoods.

A former director of the Ministry of Information, who asked for anonymity, told Nigeria's "Daily Post" that 300 youths had been selected as informants. Another media report further explained that "...the youth vigilante groups, who now act as whistle blowers and informants to the security operatives, go from street to street and house to house with machetes, iron bars and wooden batons in their bid to smoke out the remnants of the insurgents from their hiding places and, thereafter, handing them over to the military Joint Task Force in Borno, Operation Restore Order." Justifying their actions, the youths, whose ages range from 15 to 30 years, said they were left with no choice than to join the manhunt of the insurgents for bringing untold hardship to residents of the town, thus putting their own future in jeopardy.

Pray that God's peace and love will fill the hearts of all Nigeria's citizens so they will live in harmony with one another. While justice does need to prevail...halting the destructive actions of terrorists who have caused the painful loss of many innocent lives, may it be done with great wisdom and in a manner that is pleasing to Him. According to His Word, true change takes place in the heart through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. May this indeed be the case for all who are caught up in the crossfire between the forces of good and evil.

TAJIKISTAN: Young Convert Suffers Severe Persecution
Source: The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Nadia, a recent Christian convert in Tajikistan, is experiencing severe persecution at the hands of her Muslim family members. Nadia converted from Islam to Christianity in 2011 and was then baptized. After her mother found out, she beat Nadia, burned her Bible, and tore her clothing. Nadia tried to run away, but her brothers found her. They shaved her head, gave her a public beating, and then locked her in the house. When she ran away a second time, they unfortunately caught her again.

Nadia called a Voice of the Martyrs contact on June 9th, sobbing, saying that her family had beaten her again, this time for hours, and forced her to say the Muslim statement of faith. The VOM contact has since been unable to reach Nadia by phone as her family most likely had it disconnected. (For other reports on persecution in Tajikistan, check

Pray for the Lord's protection upon Nadia, asking Him to direct her to a safe place of refuge and provision so she can receive necessary help and healing (2 Corinthians 1:10). May Nadia sense His loving presence with her wherever she goes, encouraging her to remain strong in the Christian faith. Please also intercede for her family members who clearly need to be delivered from spiritual darkness...and brought into the light of God's truth and salvation.

Source: The Voice of the Martyrs Australia

As Islam gains influence in this country, militant Muslim groups continue in their aggressive pursuit for greater political hold. Traditional African religions are also growing in number with members claiming that Jesus is a "God of white people." The following are two prayer requests that have been brought to our attention by VOM Australia's ministry representatives.

Nadine, 27, became a believer three years ago. Her parents, who worship the gods of water, tried to convince her to leave Christianity. When Nadine refused, she was rejected by them and forced from the family home. Thankfully, she is now living with a Christian family.

Mbuta, 43, converted to Christianity 11 years ago. While working at a business owned by a Muslim man, it was discovered that Mbuta was a Christian. He was then asked to forsake his faith. When Mbuta didn't comply, his boss forced him to resign. To date, this uncompromising Christian husband and father of five has been without work for three years. Despite the fact that he and his family are suffering, Mbuta has remained steadfast in the Lord.

Praise God for the faithfulness of Nadine and Mbuta who have chosen to follow Him rather than succumb to compromise in the midst of persecution. Pray that His miraculous provision will be made known to these suffering believers, proving to them His sustaining grace and His ability to provide for their every need. Please also pray for the VOM workers who are serving as instruments of the Lord by giving necessary support, encouragement and practical help. May He continue to strengthen the faith of all His people in the DRC so the church there can grow in both faithfulness and number.

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of:
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, P.O. Box 608, Streetsville, Ontario, L5M 2C1
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website:
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Re: persecuted church

Postby ServeGod » Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:31 am

Praying in agreement. May the Holy Spirit rain down on this dry country. Praying that the devil will be disarmed, through our Lord Jesus. Praying the a multitude of heavenly and earthly hosts be sent to give these children protection and shelter...

In our Lord and saviour Jesus we pray
To shine in one light.
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