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Postby cimi » Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:08 pm

August 5


Psalm 88

LORD, why do You cast
off my soul? Why do
You hide Your face
from me?
__Psalm 88:14

I once wrote a book titled Disappointment With God. My publishers worried that it seemed heretical to introduce a book with such a title into Christian bookstores. In the process of writing it, however, I found that the Bible includes detailed accounts of people sorely disappointed with God. Job and Moses had it out with God, as did Habakkuk, Jeremiah, and many of the unnamed psalmists.

It seems strange for sacred writings to include scenes of spiritual failure, but this reflects an important principle. A marriage therapist will warn couples, "Your relationship may get worse before it gets better." Misunderstandings must be exposed before true understanding can flourish. The psalmists do not rationalize anger or give abstract advice about pain; rather, they express emotions vividly and loudly, directing their feelings primarily at God. The anguished conclusion of Psalm 88 provides ample evidence (vv.13-18).

The psalms present a mosaic of spiritual therapy in process. Doubt, paranoia, giddiness, delight, hatred, joy, praise, vengefulness, betrayal__you find it all in the psalms. From them I learn to bring to God whatever I feel about Him. I need not paper over my failures; far better to bring my weaknesses to Him, who alone has the power to heal. __Philip Yancey

``````````````Do yo fear the gathering clouds of sorrow?````````````
````````````````````Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus;````````````````
```````````````Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?````````````
``````````````````Tell it to Jesus alone. __Rankin`````````````````

An honest talk with God is the first step
in finding peace of mid.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 88***************

1 O LORD, God of my
salvation, I have cried out
day and night before You.

2 Let my prayer come
before You; incline Your ear
to my cry. 3 For my soul is
full of troubles, and my life
draws near to the grave. 4 I
am counted with those who
go down to the pit; I am like
a man who has no strength,

5 adrift among the dead, like
the slain who lie in the
grave, whom You remember
no more, and who are cut
off from Your hand....

9 LORD, I have called daily
upon You; I have stretched
out my hands to You. 10 Will
You work wonders for the
dead? Shall the dead arise
and praise You? 11 Shall
Your lovingkindness be
declared in the grave? Or
Your faithfulness in the
place of destruction?
12 Shall Your wonders be
known in the dark? and
Your righteousness in the
land of forgetfulness?

13 But to You I have cried
out, O LORD, and in the
morning my prayer comes
before You. 14 LORD, why do
You cast off my soul? Why
do You hide Your face from
me? 15 I have been afflicted
and ready to die from my
youth; I suffer Your terrors;
I am distraught. 16 Your
fierce wrath has gone over
me; Your terrors have cut
me off. 17 They came around
me all day long like water;
they engulfed me altogether.

18 Loved one and friend you
have put far from me, and
my acquaintances into


The superscription for Psalm 88 reads, "A Song. A Psalm of the
sons of Korah. To the Chief Musician. Set to 'Mahalath Leannoth.' A
Contemplation of Heman the Ezrahite." A number of Bible scholars
understand the phrase "Mahalath Leannoth" to refer to a disease or
sickness intended to humble the proud heart. __Bill Crowder
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