Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

up, down, everywhere in between

Postby goldieluvs » Sun May 25, 2008 5:59 pm

Usually I am able to see the light shining thru even the haziest of days, but not today. I woke up, no hope. I came to oasis which usually refreshes me and nothing. My moods are all over the place. I wanna cry i wanna hide. I am just totally miserable. I know God is there for me. And while in my mind I know He is very close to me right now.. somehow I just cant feel it and even that frustrates me. I have been trying very hard to do the right thing.. i dont even know what the right thing is anymore. I went to chat and then got the blue bleep cuz i talked about a situation at home and while i didnt use any curse words, i guess it was inappropriate cuz teens were in the room. So, where is the safe place when u r full of conflicting emotions and u just wanna scream? Where is it in here? Mostly i love this place,, today i just feel overwhelming sadness and misery. As they say misery loves company. Was planning on going to the sermon tonight. I dunno if i am even gonna do that. Am scared i will say something am not supposed to... am just screaming.. God please help me.
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Postby lizzie » Mon May 26, 2008 6:13 am

My singing sister *hug*

I think most of us have those days. But thank the Lord they are few and far between for the most part. I think as the bad days fade with the sunset, they make us appreciate the many good ones in between :)

I love this scripture

Ps 30: 5 weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

It reminds me of God's Grace towards His children. By His Grace each new day is another chance to do better, be better, live better, love better. It is filled with new opportunities and new blessings. No matter how bad this one may seem, a new one is right around the corner.

And yes sis. We have a lot of younger members that visit the Oasis chat rooms and forums each day. And to protect these little ones, and fulfil our responsibility to their parents, who have entrusted us here to keep them safe, we may not allow certain topics to be discussed in the main chat room.This is when a broadcast is put up on the chat screen. It does not mean one cannot share their problems with others, as this is main reason for the Oasis chatroom... to give members a place for fellowship and support from other Christians. This is why we have the Private Message feature, as well as the ability for members to create their own rooms, and even password protect it if they choose to.

God bless u goldie
I luv ya to bits

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Postby sweetlittleangel » Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:47 am

hii goldie sister *hug* i would like u to know u are not alone.. i completely understand what u felt..cuz i ve been exactly there..all those feeling u mentioned there..i ve felt them too..but i decided to get up and not wallowing in it..i learned to hand it all to Him..and get busy to do His work and help others..may be He wants to show something through the uneasiness..and sometimes we can make an impact in others through ya sis..
walk the Faith..

walk the Love..
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