I use to have a terrible temper. I was told one day my temper would end me in jail, it was just that bad. Thanks be to the Lord it hasn't. I rarely get angry now and when I do it's not at the magnitude it use to be. It took a lot of practice but like anything else that controls us, it's worth the effort it takes to break it. I hope sharing with you how I broke free helps you.
I began to break my temper by turning to God as soon as I realized I lost my temper and repenting. I would repent to those who my anger effected. That would be anyone who witnessed it or anyone who's name I brought up while in my fit of rage. Then slowly I began turning to God sooner. While angry and lashing out I'd remember Him and choose to turn to Him instead of continuing on.
God bless and keep you. Keep talking to Him about it.....He's faithful to continue to mold us into the person He wants us to be. And always He is patient with where we are at. He's really good like that.