Hello Praiseus_Maximus,
Cool name by the way.

About people not understanding you, I believe that most people have a problem with that sometime or another in their lives. Some people just don't like to admit it...

You have taken a step in the right direction already, you are letting others know you need help with your loneliness by calling out. How else can we expect to be helped with anything unless we tell someone?
That's where the HOLY SPIRIT comes in too. I don't know if you have tried the 14 day Christian Counseling Program on here or not, but if you haven't, you really need too! It will help you not only through the problem of loneliness but many others that you will be facing in your daily Christian walk.
Loneliness is a very DEEP pain in your heart. How it got there, well everyone has their own story that's for sure. But, it's still the same pain and it feels like you are truly ALL ALONE! Here how I was helped with fighting that GIANT in my life. And believe me that is ONE BIG GIANT!!!
First you have to say 'what is causing me to feel such loneliness when I am surrounded by people that love me?' In most cases that is a true statement... and from looking at your profile I see you love hanging out with friends. So, how could you be lonely and yet have friends??? SIMPLE! SATAN IS A LIAR! He feeds on our weaknesses and trust me, he knows everyone of them! And I'll tell you another thing... I'm sure you already know.... HE WON'T STOP LYING TO US UNTIL OUR LAST BREATH!
I'm telling you this because I myself went through a period of loneliness and tried to do some DEEP THINKING on all the reasons why I was that way and how will I ever get out? UNTIL one day the HOLY SPIRIT asked me... "Does it really matter how you got here? Don't you just want to have the loneliness gone?" Well... I don't say DUH to the HOLY SPIRIT, but... I sure did to myself!

It was like a light from heaven shone down on me and just released all my feelings of loneliness & despair!!! HOW? By BELIEVING that it can be done! By seeing that satan had me tied in this web wanting to destroy me! He convinced me that no one cared about me or understood me. And I believed HIM instead of GOD'S WORD! It's all there for us.. all we have to do is read it and believe it! SIMPLE... even though satan will have you believe otherwise. He will try to tell you that your different than anyone else... well... you are... but not when it comes to dealing with all the tricks of the devil! You have got to learn to SEE his ways and then you will be able to DEFEAT HIM EVERYTIME! And boy does that make him MAD!!! PTL!!!
There are lots of helps in all the programs you will find on this site. You can even look up about LONELINESS and it will really help you instantly. I really hope you do check all this out. And just PRAY to the HOLY SPIRIT that HE take the LONELINESS AND GIVE YOU PEACE INSTEAD! It really is that simple.. it is US who try and make things sooo complicated!
If you want you can add me as a friend. I am usually on here off and on all day & night!

Ever since I found this site my life has changed drastically! It's AWESOME!!! I have so much PEACE it's like unreal!!! I have been a Christian for 30 yrs and finding this site has opened my eyes to things I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!!
So... get going on helping yourself to be filled with PEACE!!! I'm praying for you and KNOW if you follow the HOLY SPIRITS leading... you will have it in no time!!! Then you will wonder why you didn't see it before??? Well... we can't be perfect...
I'm always here if you need me... hope to talk to you soon... NEVER FORGET... GOD LOVES YOU ALWAYS!!! UNCONDITIONALLY!!! So your NEVER really alone!
Love in Christ,