Hello Aimee,
Sorry to hear of your loss. This is truly a hard thing to bear, but Jesus gives us hope in our loss. He says, "Death is swallowed up in Victory. Oh death, where is your Victory, Oh death, where is your sting?" (1 Cor. 15:54-55). Jesus gives us hope for today and hope for tomorrow. Hold onto that as you are grieving this loss.
One thing you have to realize in this loss. It can be something that will draw you Closer to God... or Closer to Satan. It is YOUR CHOICE. That may sound harsh but that is exactly how satan is with us. He is out to destroy anything you have with the Lord. He is willing to cause you to doubt everything you stand for, and he will do it, especially at our weakest point. He knows you are weak because you are in pain, due to the loss of a loved one. So, stand strong! Trust in the LORD in all things!
It's okay to grieve, Jesus was grieved when Lazarus died. Even though He knew the outcome of Lazarus' death! He knew that Lazarus was going to come back to life but still grieved. So there is no sin in grieving. But, even though the Lord was grieved, He still kept on going and doing the work He was called to do. This is where you will get your healing of this loss. Is to keep on going and serving the Lord. Find someone who needs your help and help them. The Lord will strengthen you through your helping others while your hurting.
YES, it is hard... but, what is better? To stay in the state of mind you are in now, or to keep your Spirit strong in doing for others who need your help? I'm sure you know the answer to that. It's dusting yourself off and getting up and going forward that is hard, but the Lord gives us all the strength we need everyday. PRAYER!!!
Keep praying and keep serving, and the rest will all fall in place. The Lord promises to 'Never leave us or forsake us,' and He means NEVER!!! He knows your PAIN and your SORROW. He is the only one that can take them both away for you and make you know everything will be okay!!!
All of us here on this site are with you too. I have found out that there is no one here that has a condemning heart. They all are of one mind and one body... to help those who need comfort in times of troubles and sorrows. I hope this has helped you in some way to understand, not only does GOD LOVE YOU, but we love you too. We understand your pain & loss of losing one so dear. But, we have made it through and are full of HOPE of seeing them again.
About feeling like your losing it... we have all been there at one time or another, and never know the next time satan will throw his thoughts of doubt our way again. But, keep the FAITH, that is the true answer through all of this. FAITH DESTROYS SATAN'S DOUBTS! Put your shield of FAITH UP and his darts can't touch you. He WILL keep throwing, believe me! But, he will keep missing as long as you KEEP THE FAITH!
I will be praying for you always, and I'm here to help in anyway I can. We are all soldiers in GOD'S ARMY... we must help our bros & sisters when they are fallen, to help pick them up and keep on fighting in the battle.
May the Lord give you GRACE & COMFORT in this time, but most of all give you PEACE that will lead you forward to a new day.
Love in Christ,