Christianity Oasis Forum
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One of those days
Well, its been a really yucky time work wise lately. They changed their systems and gave us an hours notice to pull everything down. Well, i came back and found out too late. I pulled everything onto the new templates only to find out they are changing the stupid things again AND that they are planning on having their own servers up and running for us to yet again waste time copying and pasting. Some good things happened tho in that a couple people actually thanked me for helping them with their issues so that helped me feel like i am doing good for people even if i am not the greatest at the puter stuff. My clinical director is edgy and critical of what i do and just been downright mean. I have decided that i am going to just try to bite my tongue be polite and start looking for other employment. I am learning sometimes u just gotta bite ur tongue before u do too much damage. So i am sitting here at work and have decided i am leaving early, taking stuff home to try and catch up some over the weekend and begin looking for another job. Sorry yall i just needed to get it outta my system

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