Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

what if.....

Postby HabibiJesus » Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:02 am

It is christmas eve and u find out u mom had got u this card that put mins on ur cell phone and it cost 100$ .... it was suppose to be a suprise to u. but when u finally find out it truns into a hunt.. your mom thinks the casher forgot to give back the card. u have this family memeber u dont get a long with so much and has sticky fingers. on christmas u soon find out the money u had to send that speical person their christmas gift is gone right out of your jackey pocket! what do u think. who else would take it. u know by now ur sis would of told u by now if she had taken. the reicet to the card for the phone comes up missing too along with ur money.. then u start thinking ?????? could that family member use it to get that 100$ or another phone card ?????. two of ur christmas gift u get from ur mom also comes up missing knowing they never left the room but search the room top to bottom. one person in the house u can only think can take it.............. dvd's and money can't just say.. "hey i dont want to be here" and grow legs and walk away from u.......having so many things go threw ur head and it leads up to one person that family member who u dont get a long with ..... i want to get back at her/him ...... but i know god would want me to brush it off...... and forgive that person. how can you ?????? would it be best to just stay away from that person forever ????? can i just stay in bed crying all my life ............ this world has fallen so deep to where family member dont even see each other they dont even trust them. would u let that person get away with taken ur things ????? given in to their sins just gives them more faith in doing it more next time it could be.

this happen to me but i have told the story a lil shortyer than what had happen! most people know i really dont get a long with my cousin. being nice to her is only making her stronger and the more storonger she gets the more she knows she can upset me! she is going to end up pushing me to my hill and i will fall off and blow up in the air and i dont want to fall for i know it wont be what god would want me to do! i really need help! i keep telling my mom that mayeb it is best for her not to come back here but she keeps telling me she is family! just thinking about this brings tears in my eyes i understand the big D has gotton over her but still i dont get it! with my love and kindness the D should go away but he alwayd seems to find away to get in my head! i pray every night for god to light a path for me to help her!

Grr i just can't stand this!!!!!!!!! how can mom just let her get away with this????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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