Christianity Oasis Forum

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June 28

Postby Sylvia » Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:10 am

Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
-- Luke 6:28

Outside the example of Jesus, this command makes no sense at
all. But, Jesus shows us the importance of leaving our destiny in
the hands of our Creator and Father. Suddenly, this makes perfect
sense. What is the best way to defeat an enemy? Certainly it's not
to beat or kill that person. No, the way we defeat our enemies is
by having Jesus' grace capture their hearts and having their
character conform to that of our King!

Loving and gracious God, please soften my heart and toughen my
resolve so that I can love as Jesus loved. Make my life redemptive,
even to those who oppose, abhor, ridicule, and hate me. Use me,
dear Father, to bring others to the grace of Jesus. In his name I
pray. Amen.
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