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Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:51 pm
by ChildofPeace
I had to deal with physical & mental abuse starting as a very young teenager, and mental abuse all of my adult life. Abusers are sick, evil psychopaths that need to come before the Lord and repent. They can be schoolmates, non-immediate family or people of power that are the perpetrators. They are cruel malicious people who enjoy tormenting others. They are also stalkers, about a year ago I had one stalk me to the christian chat room. Its hard not to be bitter. Its hard not to hate. I have to talk to God many times a day to keep things in check. The pain from these things have damaged relationships and made me a very mistrusting individual. It makes for a lonely world. Losing my spouse recently only just adds to the pain. I try the best I can to persevere with the Lord but it is not easy. I hope who ever reads this will pray for me because I know God answers prayer. If you want to share anything with me that would be fine I would be more than happy to pray for you.


Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:11 pm
by Maverick_Reborn
Hello. I have dealt with being verbally abused by my peers at school ever since kindergarten. It is very hard to deal with the pain sometimes. But, hating them does not make it better. They may be malicious, perhaps even evil in some circumstances of abuse, but to remind yourself of the memories makes it worst. Forgiveness is hard, but it is the only thing that can ease the pain. Being close to God, and focusing on His plans make me feel better. Sometimes it is someone who is being abused that is the only one to help the abuser. I will not lie and say I have gotten over the words, but now I have solace from our Father. Don't worry about me though. I am not saying this for pity nor sadness, I just wanted to let you know, in all honesty, that the abusers are the ones you need to pray for. They are the ones farthest away from the light. Until next time *Wave*

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:45 pm
by ChildofPeace
Thanks Repentionofignorance for your reply! I realize that hating them does not make it better, but it is a battle not to. One has to stay close to the Lord. I have prayed for my enemies for he says that he wishes that now one should perish. Its not always the memories but also what they currently do. God bless you sister, and I hope you have a wonderful evening.

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:43 pm
by deetu
Hi Childs, I thought this link might be of some help to you.

Thank you Lord for your love and blessings for Child

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:20 pm
by ChildofPeace
Thanks so much for your response deetu! That was very helpful. God Bless you.

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:22 am
by redbandit
*hug* Hello ChildofPeace,
I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you. Although I have not technically been physically abused, I have been in multiple very emotionally abusive relationships. I've had several stalkers as well, so it's understandable to be untrusting of some people. I was engaged (about four years ago) to a very controlling, emotionally and verbally abusive man. I thank God that I didn't marry him! Incidents that followed our breaking up were NOT pleasant, but I was saved from the abuse, which could have turned very violent.
If you ever want to talk i'm here!

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:59 am
by ChildofPeace
redbandit I want to thank you very much for your prayers. Someone who can understand the the trials of others because of their own experiences goes a long way. I am sorry that you had to go through such things. Its good to know that our God is greater than any problem we may have. If we focus on Jesus he can give us the peace that passes all understanding. If we seek him he teaches us along the way. Thanks again for your prayers. As a brother in Christ I will also be glad to talk anytime.

Re: Abuse that should never be carried so long!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:43 pm
by ChildofPeace
What we must endure sometimes! Life carries a lot of scars.