BlueBirds Journal
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:54 pm
Well, to start of I want everyone who reads this to know that none of us are ever going to be perfect. We will, in time, fall now and then, but we must get back up and try again. Not to long ago I wrote how I was going on month one without porn, cigs and beer. Well, I fell two weeks after I wrote that. It seems like every time I try to give a progress report I end up falling. Now, I am not balmeing the progress report I am just saying. I am how ever blaming myself for not haveing more self control. I did repent after falling and I still go to church. I am not giving up that easy. I always give up and when I do it seems things get worse and I end up adding more guilt and regret to myself. Porn and sexual abuse can be a hard thing to get rid because of how acepted is today. It is always around maybe on a billboard or tv or magizine like Time mag. It dose not have to always be naked people but it could be half dressed people. Sometimes I don't even want to leave the house because of all the beuties out there. I am weak in areas of my life but I am doing my best to strengthen these areas by daily communication with God reading my bible as much as posible and going to church. It seems that as soon as I stop doing any of these things and let the wrong thoughts come into my head I fall.
I believe that God has my back and that know matter what I go through He still loves me. I vow to keep on keeping on and to keep my eyes focused on Jesus.
I believe that God has my back and that know matter what I go through He still loves me. I vow to keep on keeping on and to keep my eyes focused on Jesus.